Mar 16 Malenkov offered to settle all issues with the West by peaceful means. His speech - to the Supreme Soviet was received with cautious optimism by Western diplomats. Herman Baruch is dead at 80.
Mar 17 Austin, Gold, Bressler, Shaftel, Gustafson and Young were discharged following their suspensions by city colleges for refusing to answer questions about their politics.
Mar 18 Lillian attended Zev Margules [?] funeral who died suddenly of a bleeding ulcer. Sylvia announced that she had a boy friend at last - Kenneth Walzer. A U.S. plane, fired on off Alaska by a MIG returned the fire. The State Senate voted a 15% rent increase. Millions on T.V. saw [an] explosion that rocked a desert like a quake when a trial atom bomb was exploded in Yucca Flat, Nev. 1500 troops were present in trenches two miles away. They felt shock but no heat. Seth Richardson is dead at 73.
Mar 19 The first franchise shift in Major League baseball since 1902 saw the Boston National League team transfer to Milwaukee. Picasso and Aragon were criticized for their drawing and publishing of an unflattering picture of Stalin. Indiana won the N.C.A.A. basketball Championship over Kansas U 69-68. Schlundt scored 30 points, Born - 26.
Mar 20 The Board of Transportation proposed discontinuance of the 3rd and Myrtle Ave Els, elimination of free transfers and free passes for police and firemen, elimination of free rides for school children, dropping of 3,200 employees to save $24,800,000. A Turkish earthquake killed 500-1000 persons. West Germany ratified the Allied-German treaties in the face of riots by Communists. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences chose "The Greatest Show on Earth" as the best picture of 1952. Gary Cooper won the Male acting award for "High Noon". Shirley Booth won the Actress award for "Come Back, Little Sheba". Irene Bordoni is dead at 59.
Mar 21 Eugene went on a hike to Van Courtlandt [sic] Park with four other boys in his patrol. They built a fire, cooked food, played soft ball and he lost his hat. Lillian and Sylvia visited Sarah R. Sylvia played with Danny and his friends dodge ball, hide and seek and box ball. I changed the Three Bears to poetry for my girl scout writers badge. Sylvia.
The Three Bears
Mama bear was making porridge for herself, papa and baby.
It was too hot, so papa said, we could take a walk, maybe
There was a girl named Goldilocks who was taking a walk, too
She came upon the three bears house and walked in, now would you?
She saw three bowls of porridge and tasted them one by one
Until she came to baby's porridge, she said it was Yum, Yum
When she finished the porridge she went into the living room
She sat down on baby's chair and it fell down - boom!
So she went into the bed room she was tired you see
So she laid down on baby's bed and began to sleep soundly
Now the three bears were coming home thinking their porridge was cooled
but when baby saw his bowl, he knew he had been fooled
So they went into the living room and found damage there too
They went up to the bed room on baby's bed was their last clue
Just then Goldilocks awoke and when she saw the three bears
She jumped right out the window and went home to her own affairs
Sylvia Edelstein
The intro line to the poem was written in the diary by Silvia, and scanned in below. Dad then wrote in her poem, and Silvia signed her name, also scanned in below.
The more remarkable thing in the 3/15 entry: I actually did win on the carnival wheel twice in one night, so I went home with two new dolls, which is well against the odds. I later thought the guy rigged it to make sure someone won some of the stuff, or that our parents paid him to rig it! (btw, wish I didn't have to prove I'm not a robot every time I make a comment in this.)