Saturday, December 29, 2018


Jan 4 Sunday Eugene vomited after lunch today, but seemed all right afterwards. His temp was 96.5°. He has been blowing his nose excessively lately. We had planned to visit Sam and Molly, but only Lil and Sylvia went. The police smashed two youth gangs who had pulled many robberies lately.

Jan 5 Lillian took Mollie to the doctor and then got six containers of milk for 33¢ in Mosholu in a price war. Milk is now 22¢. Marty was expelled finally from the C.P.

Jan 6 Lillian went down to Kleins to return Eugene's suit which was too small.

Jan 7 Lillian went to Dr Robbins about a tooth complaint but he found nothing wrong. René Mayer was voted Premier of France. Dave Weintraub UN aide, resigned his post under fire but insisted on his innocence of "disloyalty" charges.

Jan 8 Joe Curran quit as a mediator in the bus strike as peace looked far away. Another UN aide, Dave Zablodowsky resigned under fire. Truman warned that Stalin would that war would mean total ruin due to the new Atom and hydrogen bombs. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is dead at 83 and Mrs. Osa Johnson at 58.

Jan 9 Seven N.Y. school teachers were ousted by the Board of Ed. at a stormy meeting, for refusing to talk about their "Red" ties.

Jan  10 Lillian went to Dr Holzman with the kids. She got an excellent report on herself and on Eugene. Eugene gained weight again and will take only two pills a week. At Fordham Eugene got a suit at Alexanders as the Klein's suit had been too small ($25). Sylvia, Lil and Eugene got shoes and Eugene got bed room slippers and rubbers - all at Milles Miles. ($21.50). Bloody riots continued into the third day in Karachi. They started as a student protest against high fees. Asian socialists in convention refused to affiliate with the Socialist Intern'l but voted close cooperation with it. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Dec 28 Sunday The Waterfront Priest "told of threats that bodies would be floating in the river" as a result of the testimony on dock racketeering before the State Crime Commission.

Dec 29 Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey will form a mutual defense alliance.

National Football League: Detroit Lions 17, Cleveland Browns 7 

Davis Cup. Sedgman d Seixas 6-3, 6-4, 6-3.
McGregor d Trabert 11-9, 6-4, 6-1  Sedgman & McGregor d Seixas and Trabert 6-3, 6-4, 6-1, [this third set was actually 1-6] 6-3. Sedgman d Trabert 7-5, 6-4, 10-8.  Seixas d McGregor 6-3, 8-6, 6-8, 6-3.
Rose Bowl U.S.C. d. Wisconsin 7-0. 

N.Y. Film Critics Awards: Best Picture "High Noon", Best Director - Fred Zinnemann, Best Male Actor - Ralph Richardson, Best Female - Shirley Booth, Best Foreign Picture "Forbidden Games" 

Dec 30 Lil Sylvia and the "brownies" went to see "The Golden Goose" at the 92nd st. Y.M.H.A. Eugene played football with Larry then they went to the "Garden" to see a triple header but could only see two games as they had to be home by 10 P.M. First Atomic spy Alan Nunn May was freed in England after serving seven years. Mayor Kenny of J.C. refused to testify before the N.J. Law Enforcement Council.

Dec 31 After work I joined the New Years Eve party at Madeline's to celebrate their anniversary. There were five other couples. We gave them some shower curtains. Eugene Norma and Sylvia celebrated here. They stayed up till 1:30 AM seeing "I Married a Witch" Tony DeSpirito brought home his 389th winner of the year to break the 1906 record by one. Fletcher Henderson is dead at 55.

The box score for yesterday's triple header was pasted in here, with the note that "The boys had to miss the Utah-Manhattan Game".

Jan 1, 1953 We watched television all day. Bus drivers went out on strike on eight privately owned companies in N.Y.s biggest bus strike. Goal is 40 hr. week. 

Jan 2 We went to Mike & Evelyn for dinner. First we stopped at Kleins, getting Eugene his suit - $20. two ties - 39¢ each, some things for Evelyn & Isabel. The girls played games and with the doll and carriage dressing up as mothers hats, veils and all. Eugene read mostly. When we came home he went for his instructions and stayed for the services at the Rabbi's request. The President's Commission on Immigration recommended revision of the McCarran Act as an "arrogant, brazen instrument of discrimination". A State Dep't memo accused 38 U.S. Employees of the UN, including 11 present employees, of Communist affiliations. A Chilean explosion resulted in 40 killed and hundreds hurt. Millicent Rogers is dead at 52 and Charles Hopkins at 69.

Jan 3 Sylvia drew "Ginny & Geneva" - Wooley - again, "The Saturday's" E. Enright "The Pink Maple House" C.N. Govan, "Binnie Latches On" Marie McSwigan. Eugene drew "The Omnibus of Sports" G. Rice and H. Powel, "Red Grange" G. Schoor, "The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" "The Mysterious Sailor" Felix Riesenberg Jr. "The Story of Football" Lamont Buchanan. Played Eugene a chess game in which he turned a lost game into a stale-mate as is his favorite trick. Judge Kaufman refused to commute the Rosenberg's death sentence. High schools will open at 10 AM Monday due to the bus strike. Rutgers dismissed Profs. Finley and Heimlich for refusing to answer questions as to Communist affiliation.

I check all the book titles and authors. Regarding the Red Grange biography, I found dozens of sports biographies and other sports books by Gene Schoor, but not one about Red Grange. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Dec 21 Sunday An Air Force transport with 115 soldiers going home on Christmas leave crashed with over 80 killed. 8 hours -- all O.,T. The kids performed in their Chanukah plays as usual in the temple. 8 hrs. O.T.

Dec 22 Russian charges that the killing of P.O.W.s by the U.S. on Pongam Island was murder was [sic] rejected as the U.N. Assembly recessed for Christmas. Pier boss Mike Clemente was indicted on an extortion charge as an outgrowth of the State Crime Commission hearings. 716 C.R.C. demonstrators traveled to SingSing to protest the Rosenberg's death sentence for espionage. Patterson, Karin Morley, Mrs. McGhee and Fast spoke. 4 hrs. O.T. We both read "One Little Boy" Dorothy Baruch and "The Vicious Circle" Margaret Case Harriman.

Dec 23 Lillian got an oilcloth rug for our room $11. Also wall lamps for the kids - $3. each. Mother had given us $20 for our anniversary. Also $10 for the dress and pants we got the kids. 1 hr. O.T. Lillian read "Festival" J.B. Priestley.

Dec 24 269 crew members of the French liner Liberté were barred from shore leave here under the McCarran Act. They must obtain security clearance first. 26 passengers on the wrecked French vessel Champollion died after jumping overboard to swim to safety. All others were finally rescued. French Premier Pinay resigned in a financial dispute.

Dec 25 Lil and Harry went to a wedding so mom and pop brought the kids over here where we had dinner of turkey, ice box cake. Mama brought apple pies. The kids played games with Eugene annoying them and playing with them alternately. Peggy asked Lil to warm her milk as last time she got a belly-ache. The kids got games and presents. Later Eugene and I went to the Garden to see the Knicks take over the N.B.A. Eastern half lead, beating the Boston Celtics 97-84. Stalin, in an answer to questions by "Times" correspondent James Reston implied he would talk to Eisenhower on world tensions. Rep. Cox of Georgia is dead at 72.

I  know I remember going to the Garden that night, not because I remember the Celtics game, but because I remember the preliminary game, specifically because Bud Palmer, who I only knew as a Knicks broadcaster, played in the game, and Dad told me that he used to play for the Knicks. If you read who they played (, you would think that I would remember the Texas Cow Girls, but I was only 12 years old. 

Dec 26 Bernardino Molinari is dead at 42 and Dinty Moore at 83. The kids went to the library by themselves. Sylvia drew "Lively Victoria" by E.F. Lattimore, "The Pioneer Twins" Lucy F. Perkins, "Sally Tait" F.C. Sayers, "Ginny & Custard" F.C. Sayers, Eugene drew "Low and Inside" true baseball anecdotes by Ira L & H Allen Smith, "Split Seconds" J. Scholz, "Backboard Magic" H.M. Brier, "Famous Dog Stories" Page Cooper, "Trusty" Story of a police horse Jack Bechdolt.

The box score of the game we went to the day before was taped in here, with the note "The game we saw"

Dec 27 I bought a suit at Robert Halls - Navy Blue, for $43, Then we went to mother's where I picked up two of pop's old suits (Pop took a chess game from Eugene   Christmas)

I don't know whether Dad was implying that I allowed my grandfather to win, or that it was just so unusual.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Dec 14 Sunday New York held its biggest air raid drill Saturday morning at 8:30 AM. 400,000 volunteers supervised the safety precautions after a theoretical atom bomb fell at Boston Road and Southern Blvd.
Silvia wrote here "This is a paper doll of mine and a picture that I drew. Sylvia E.
Lillian finished Sylvia's beautiful coral sweater blouse. Yesterday Sylvia drew "A-going to the Westward" - Lois Lenski "The Jennifer Gift" - E.Y. Smith, "The Poplar Street Park" - F.F. Wright, "Party for Suzanne" - C.P. Edwards. Eugene drew "The N.Y. Giants" - Frank Graham, "Scrubs on Skates" - Scott Young, "Teen-Age Winter Sport Stories" - Frank Owen, "The Bright Design" K.B. Shippen - (Electrical Energy).

Dec 15 Hoboken hiring boss Tony De Vincenzo testified before the S.E.C. that Union leaders Ed Flores and Public Safety Commissioner Mike Borelli were linked with dock racketeers. 82 No Korean POW's were killed and 120 wounded in the worst prison camp riot. Prisoners defied authorites orders. Comp time for Saturday

Dec 16 Sylvia attended her Girl Scout Intermediate groups first meeting which she had anticipated for so long. John Carter Vincent, Minister to Tangiers was suspended by the State Dept after a finding of reasonable doubt as to his loyalty by the "Loyalty Review Board". J.P. Davies was cleared of charges simultaneously. 4 hrs. O.T. Comp time for Saturday.

Dec 17 Owen Lattimore was indicted on seven counts of perjury by a Federal grand jury charging he had lied on his Communist affiliations. Mayor JV Kenny of Jersey City was linked with dock rackets at the State Crime Commission investigations. 4 hrs. O.T.

Dec 18 Lillian and the "Brownies" had the investiture for three new children who replaced the "fly-ups". There was organ playing, singing and two gifts for Lillian. Tito broke off with the Vatican for "unfriendliness" - as Stepinac's elevation to 'Cardinal'. 4 hrs. O.T.

Dec 19 Evidence incriminating Albert Anastasia as one of Pete Panto's killers was revealed to have been in the possession of O'Dwyer's office by the State Crime Commission. No action had been taken. Liberals at the Vienna Peace Congress attacked Russian and satellite policies. Archie Moore won the L.H. Championship of the World by defeating Joe Maxim in 15 rounds. 4 hrs. O.T.

Dec 20 Mom and pop over. Racketeer boss Ed Florio got 18 months imprisonment for perjury. Albert Anastasia of Murder Inc. refused to testify before the S.C.C. 18 month old Siamese twins, Roger and Rodney Brodie became the first ever to survive a head to head severance. The N.Y.S. Athletic Commission reversed the decision of the judges and referee in the Billy Graham - Joe Giradello bout giving the former the victory It was an unprecedented act in N.Y. City. 11 hours, all O.T.

My guess is that Dad intended to go back to black ink after the Siamese twins story.  

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Dec 7 Truman's granting of the miners' $1.90 a day wage raise has resulted in a mass resignation of the industry members of the W.S.B.

Dad omitted noting that it was Sunday.

Dec 8 Three "Brownies" "flew up" today into the the intermediate group - Sylvia, Harriet Spiegel and Francine Feder. A little affair was held at the new groups meeting place in the Methodist Church. They baked a cake and Lillian baked "brownies". Andre Marty and Charles Tillon were stripped of all "party" functions for "factionalism" Alois Havrilla is dead at 61.

Dec 9 50 were killed in Morocco as rebellion against France spread in North Africa. Itzhak Ben-Zvi was elected second President of Israel. A military junta seized power in Venezuela - falsifying the Election returns.

Dec 10 The N.A.A.C.P. began arguments before the Supreme Court that segregated schools violated the civil rights of Negroes. John W Davis defended for South Carolina. The State Crime Commission heard declarations that $75,000 in graft was paid to Union officials before Russian furs were unloaded by stevedores. Whites joined Negroes in passive resistance to segregation in South Africa.  Ghandi's [sic] son, a son of a former Gov. Gen'l of South Africa and a son of Negro leader Sol Sachs were jailed for sympathy acts.

Sol Sachs was a prominent labor union leader in South Africa, and I'm sure Dad meant to write "labor leader". 

Dec 11 Eugene stayed home in a driving rain due to a stuffed nose. The French arrested Nationalist and Communist leaders in the Moroccan disorders.

Dec 12 Former Mayor O'Dwyer who resigned as Ambassador to Mexico Saturday denied he had received $10,000 from the U.F.A. to influence legislation.

Dec. 13 North and South Koreans continue to slaughter each other for hills which are won and re-won many times. 167 Moroccans were sentenced to 1 year terms for rioting. 1200 delegates attended the opening session of the "Congress of the Peoples for Peace" in Vienna. Among those present were the Dean of Canterbury, Joliot-Curie, Mme Sun Yat-sen, Emil Zatopek, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Aragon, Ilya Ehrenburg.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Nov 30 Sunday We stayed in doing crossword puzzles, watched the Giants get shellacked 63-7 by the Pittsburgh Steelers. Sister Kenny is dead at 66 and Arlie Latham - 92.

Dec 1 The U.N. legal staff declared that it was legal to discharge American Communists from the U.N. Orlando is dead at 92.

Dec 2 All UN members but the Soviet bloc approved the India truce plan. Saar elections saw a vote for continuation of economic dependency to France. The results have been rejected by West German Chancellor Adenauer. World Monetary Fund aide Fred [sic] Coe of the UN refused to answer questions about any Communist affiliations before the Senate Internal Security Comm. Eisenhower named A.F.L. Union leader Martin Durkin Sec'y of Labor.

The Monetary Fund aide was Frank Coe. 

Dec 3 Sylvia was elected president of her class her 17 votes being equal to the total of the other three candidates. Lillian read "From Here to Eternity - J Jones. 

Dec 4 Stevedoring concerns admitted before the state Crime Commission hearings that they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for "good will" to unions, thugs, ship lines aides. Fred [sic] Coe, UN aide was dismissed for refusing to answer questions about his Communist affiliations.

Dec 5 Anniversary I gave Lil a compact for our 15th Anniversary. Walter Reuther was elected president of the C.I.O. to replace Philip Murray. Eugene's report card was excellent. His lowest mark was 75% in Social Studies. Otherwise he had 85% and over. Giuseppe Borgese is dead at 70 and Karen Horney at 67. 

Dec 6 Lillian took Eugene to Dr Holzman for a checkup. He found Eugene much improved. He weighted 96 lbs. and had grown again. He reduced his pills to one a day. He will get another basal in March. In the afternoon we went to the library where Eugene drew "Young People's Book of Atomic Energy" - R.D. Potter, "Famous American Athletes of Today - 1947" Hirshberg and McKenney, "Tree Toad" Bob Davis and Best Detective Stories - 1948 DC Cooke. Sylvia drew "Carol from the Country" - F. Friedman, "The Moffats" - E. Estes "Ellen Tebbits" B. Cleary and "The Children's Blue Bird" G. Leblanc. Then we went to the Lido to see "The Quiet Man" with John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Barry Fitzgerald and Victor McLaglen and "The Woman [sic] Possessed" with James Mason and Pamela Kellino. We finished off by eating in the Chinese restaurant at Fordham and Jerome. Eugene insisted he did not know what to order. Sylvia enjoyed the pictures. She did not nag us as she used to. Eisenhower was revealed to have made a secret three day tour of the Korean front. Tony Anastasia refused to talk at the State Crime Commission hearing. Tunisian labor leader Farhat Hached was assassinated.

The name of the second movie we saw was actually "Lady Possessed". 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Nov 23 Sunday It was disclosed that G.O.P. majority leader at Albany Sen. A. H. Wicks had been instrumental in getting a "Good Conduct" Certificate for Three Fingered Brown which enabled him to get his citizenship rights back. It also transpired that Brown had been given perpetual immunity from testifying.

Nov 24 An Air Force plane carrying 52 is lost. The UN was split on the question of endorsing India's truce plan which called for all prisoners to be given over to a repatriation Commission for settlement.

Nov 25 At the UN, Vishinsky attacked the India truce plan. In Czecho. Jewish defendants confessed aid to Israel to the detriment of the country.

Nov 26 George Meany was chosen unanimously to replace William Green as president of the A.F.L. Longshoremen walked out in protest against the crime investigation.

Nov 27 Thanksgiving We had the family over for a turkey dinner. Mom pop, the Thaws, Sam & Molly, Mike Evelyn Isabel Lilly Altschuler Thelma Harold and Andrea and Shirley and Seth. Milton is in Ohio. We got a bathroom set from Mike, record from Harold, liquor from pop and plenty of cake and candy. We finished off with some poker. Sven Hedin is dead at 87.  

Nov 28 The kids played concentration with Harry and "pisha-paysha" with Lil at yesterday's dinner. Susan marvelled [sic] that "Eugene is full of brains" during "concentration". When Peggy got a couple of pairs she was delirious with happiness. 36 more were killed in an Air force plane crash. 11 Czechs were sentenced to hang, including Slansky and Clementis, while 3 received life imprisonment. Bob Minor is dead at 68. 

Nov 29 China rejected the Indian p.o.w. exchange formula, to end the Korean War. Both Russia and China asked for an immediate cease-fire and an 11 power Demonstrations and riots in Trak [?] against the U.S. bloc resulted in dead injured and arrests of Communists and Nationalists. Sylvia went to Joan Luskin's birthday party at 5:30 PM. There were about four boys and four girls.

In the second sentence, it looks like Dad got confused in his writing.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Nov 16 Sunday 44 G.I.s returning to Korea were all killed in a plane crash. Mom and pop took us over to Lil and Harry's. Also there were Gert, Nat and the kids, Harriet, George and kids, Harry and Lil Dorfman.

Nov 17 The Atomic Energy Commission announced successful hydrogen bomb tests. Two more planes crashed in Alaska and Korea with 33 more G.I.s dead. Sylvia went to the library with some school-mates and drew "Melindy's Happy Summer" G. Faulkner, "The Middle Moffat" E. Estes, "Just Plain Maggie" L. Beim, "John's Journey" G.A. Hogarth. Eugene drew "Best Dective [sic] Stories - 1949" D.C. Cooke, "Pitchers Duel" Clair Bee, "Modern Ideas in Chess" R. Reti, "Best Sport Stories - 1951" Marsh & Ehre, "The Baseball Reader", R.S. Graber.

Nov 18 Frieda Kamen came over for a visit this afternoon. Nat Holman, Prof Frank Lloyd and Harry [sic] Sand were suspended for conduct unbecoming a teacher, neglect of duty and disobedience in conjunction with the C.C.N.Y. situation. Tammany leader Carmine DeSapio defended Tammany against "smear tactics" before the State Crime Commission. Rightist Alex Papagos won the Greek Presidency in  a landslide over centrist Plastiras.

The CCNY Assistant Coach who was suspended was Bobby Sand. 

Nov 19 Tammany leaders testified they sold judgeships at $15000-18000 each. Named in testimony were Judges Aaron Levy, Santangelo, Thomas Murphy and U.S. District Attorney Myles Lane. Paul Eluard is dead at 56.

Nov 20 Czecho. put fourteen national leaders including Clementis on trial for treason and espionage. The F.B.I. is hunting Luchese. Bendetto [sic] Croce is dead at 86.

Nov 21 The UN voted to investigate racism in South Africa 35-20. The U.S. and 21 others abstained. Rudolph Slansky confessed to "Titoism", "Zionism", Trotskism", treason, sabotage, spying, etc. at the Czech treason trial of fourteen former party leaders. Hank Sauer and Bobby Shantz won the M.V.P. awards. Joe Black and Harry Byrd were named rookies of the year.

Nov 22 We watched unbeaten U.S.C. defeat unbeaten U.C.L.A. for the Rose Bowl nomination. At night we saw the NY Knicks rout the Syracuse Nats by 30 points. Clementis and Geminder confessed anti-state acts at the Czech purge trial. William Green is dead at 82.

Friday, October 12, 2018


Nov 9 Sunday We stayed in all day. Eugene told us he had given in his name for the High School of Science. Sylvia played with her paper dolls. Chaim Weizmann is dead at 77.

Nov 10 Sylvia returned to school today. Many were killed and injured in riots in South Africa protesting segregation. Philip Murray is dead at 66.

Nov 11 Sadie, Bernie and kids popped in from Syracuse in a surprise visit. They were on their way home. The four kids paired off in checkers' games with Robert bouncing around from room to room. Afterwards we went to Kleins where Lillian got a red coat ($35). Then we ate at Horn & Hordart's bought some cake and carp and came home. Vishinsky at the U.N. Announced [sic] a no compromise policy in the repatriation of POWs. Trygve Lie resigned his Sec'y Gen'lship of the UN "to save the peace". He had been boycotted by Russia.

Nov 12 Lillian went to Sylvia's class this morning on Open School week and to Eugene's teachers in the evening. Sylvia's work and conduct is satisfactory. The report on Eugene was very good. A Negro in N. Car. was convicted of leering at a white girl and give a 6 month suspended sentence and 5 year probation. The A.C.L.U. disclosed that much Soviet mail is being destroyed by the P.O. rather than delivered here.

Nov 13 Lillian went to Eugene's classes this morning and to Sylvia's teachers this evening. Of Eugene, the only criticism was lack of initiative. Abe Burrows reneged on his "Communist" past before the investigation.

Nov 14 Sylvia is a little reserved and somewhat slow in subtraction according to her teacher Miss Dunn. In a shocking disclosure, Abe Feller, chief UN counsel was revealed to have committed suicide by plunging to his death from the 12th story of his ap't eluding his wife's cluches [sic]. He had had a nervous breakdown and was despondent over Stevenson's defeat and Lie's resignation. He had been working hard on answering the smears against UN employees. The highest court in South Africa ruled Malan's court, set up by him to legalize his racist legislation, was illegal. The State Crime Commission heard Tammany leaders, Alfred Toplitz and Sidney Moses testify to their friendship with underworld figures such as Costello, Erickson, Adonis, Luchese, (Three-Finger [sic] Brown, Coppola, Rao and Schultz. The F.B.I. also started an investigation of Ass't US Attorney Armand Chankalian's friendship with Luchese.

Nov 15 We went to the Kingsbridge to see the great Western film "High Noon" with Gary Cooper, Otto Kruger, Lon Chaney Jr, Thomas Mitchell and "The Ring" a story of discrimination against Mexicans in California. Three Finger Brown testified before the Crime Commission that he knew a score of public officials. Other testimony disclosed that Frank Costello was know as "The Boss" around Tammany Hall.

I remember seeing High Noon, but not the other film. And I remember that we came into the movie in the middle (as was common back then), so I didn't fully follow the plot until we saw the beginning, later. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Nov 2 Sunday We saw Sylvia who was off the bed and very cheerful. Her great desire is comic books (funny ones) of which we have gotten her about 20 this week. Mom and pop, Molly & Sam and Lil also were over to see her. We all went to Moms from the hospital where Blume and Abe and Anne Mac and the kids also came over. We had delicatessen. Eugene who had gone on the annual Camporee at Alpine came over about 5 o'clock. He had cooked and eaten his round steak there and played football.

Nov 3 Sylvia was fine and rarin' to go home today. Chinese troops hurled back RoKs from Triangle Hill. French losses were great to the Viet Mihn in Indo China.

Nov 4 Election Day Mom and pop took us to Lebanon Hospital where we picked up Sylvia and took her home. She was in fine spirits and looked well. She got more comic books on the way home. Mom and pop stayed for lunch. Later Evelyn and Isabel came with many presents for us all. The kids played piano, monopoly and Eugene taught the two girls chess.
                                                  Presidential Election
Eisenhower Rep.  33,927,549      E.V. 442    States 39 (Final)
Stevenson   Dem. 27,311,316                89               10 (Incompl)

In one of the greatest sweeps in our history Eisenhower became the first Republican president in 20 years. "Ike" carried       states. Republicans took control of "House" and Senate by a narrow margin. The A.L.P.. dropped to its lowest level.

Dad left a space to fill in Eisenhower's total states carried, but apparently forgot to fill it in, although he did write it in the "table" above. He also wrote only the headings in red, but this blog interface insists on making the whole thing red. . 

Nov 5 Sylvia must take Vipenta drops for 25 days to make up for her hospital stay. She helped Lillian make cup cakes today. She drew "Rufus M" E. Estes "Seatmates" M.K. Reely, "Fairy Tales" C. Perrault, "All About Marjory" M. Cumming. Adolph Sabath is dead at 86.

Nov 6 Eugene got a 40% in a Literature test and we got a note from his teacher saying "What Happened".

I don't know

Nov 7 Lil Altschuler came over for a visit this evening.

Nov 8 Mom and pop over for a while. Then we went to the Valentine to see Alec Guinness in "The Man in the White Suit" where he invents a "permanent textile" and "Yankee Buccaneer" with Jeff Chandler.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Oct 26 Sunday Dr Holzman called up saying that Sylvia had had an xray ... He advised us to wait another day to see if there was any improvement. Mom and pop took Sam & Molly & us over to the hospital for the visiting hours 2-3. ...

Oct 27 We went to Lebanon this morning and waited until Drs. Holzman and Sherwin came down after seeing Sylvia. ...

Oct 28 Sylvia was better today. She is getting liquids by mouth now but no solid food yet. Lewis sent his miners back to work pending a decision on the salary rise. 15,000 attend a "Garden" rally for presidential candidate of the Progressive Party Vince Halliman. The speakers were V.P. candidate, Mrs Charlotta Bass, Corliss Lamont, Dr DuBois, State Sen. Bianchi, Robeson, Marcantonio, etc. Eugene went to Dr Fleishner and got a new prescription for eye glasses. 

Oct 29 Sylvia is much improved. She is now in a room with about 5 beds. She had some soft foods and ice cream. Stevenson had his wind-up rally at the "Garden". Hundreds Tens of thousands turned out to mill around the adjoining blocks. Speakers included Farley, Impellitteri, Lehman, Powell, Tobin, Cashmore, Potofsky. Entertainers included Bogart, Sandburg, Calhern, Jessel, Bankhead. 

Oct 30 Sylvia is doing well. McCarthy's speech attacking Stevenson was attacked as scurrilous by all those liberals. Russia proposed an intern'l Commission to end the Korean war. 

Oct 31 Sylvia had a slight rise in temp. but we expect her home Sunday or Monday. Eisenhower ended his N.Y. campaign with a "Garden" rally Eugene had glassed made by Dr Attinson with Dr Fleishher's prescription - $11. 

Nov 1 Sylvia Lillian took Eugene to Dr Holzman for his check-up. He has gained only 1/2 pound and grew a little. Dr Holzman stressed a diet for Eugene - bread, starches. He also advised two Zymacaps instead of one a day. We saw Sylvia and she was cheerful and anxious to get home. Eugene drew "The Whiz Kids" - H Paxton - "The Jim Thorpe Story" G. Schoor, "Best Detective Stories - 1950" D. C. Cooke, "The Best of Science Fiction" - G. Conklin and "Holman on Basketball". Trygve Lie fired three of the nine UN aides he had suspended. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Oct 19 Sunday We went over to Molly's for a couple of hours. We saw their new television set. Most of her sisters were there for dinner.

Oct 20 Sylvia stayed home from school with a stuffed nose and belly-ache. She had a temp. Soft coal miners began walking out when the W.S.B. voided the recently signed pay increase. W.E. Dodd, Jr. is dead at 47. Corliss Lamont was prevented from speaking in Syracuse by the Legion and press.

Oct 21 Sylvia still home today and I stayed out also. The Subversive Activities Control Board ruled that C.P. members must register. The decision will be fought in the courts.

Oct 22 Lil took Sylvia to Dr Holzman this morning as she went to school but still felt ill. ...  Trygve Lie fired a group of UN Aides, most of whom had refused to answer questions before the McCarran Comm.

Oct 23 Sylvia had a miserable night. She was nauseous and in pain ... Dr Holzman over the phone told Lil to stop the terramycin and give her oil of peppermint for her nausea. He said ... She has eaten practically nothing for several days. A specific for polio prevention has been announced as in its early stages. Att'y Gen'l McGranery moved to deport 18 Communist leaders.

Oct 24 Dr Holzman came over. He prescribed nothing but farina, jello and cracked ice for Sylvia. ... She has eaten virtually nothing all week. Ed Grammer was found guilty of killing his wife and wrecking her car to make it look like an accident. He was infatuated with a UN secretary and planned to marry her. He faces life imprisonment or the gallows. Whit Chambers accused UN aide  David Zablodowsky of being an underground communist functionary before the McCarran Comm. He also named others. Two more teachers Seltzer and Glucksman were fired without trial. At the UN South Korea was seated 54-5. North Korea was barred 38-11 with eight abstentions. Dr Selman Waksman won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of streptomycin. Bonn banned the neo Nazi Socialist Reich party. Bevanites were ordered to disband or be The American Basketball League disbanded after voting to bar the ex-point shavers - Beard, Groza, Spivey, White etc.

Oct 25 We took Sylvia to Dr Holzman as she was no better. ...He advised hospitalization for her to take tests and xrays. .... She has lost nine pounds this week weighing 80 lbs. She was admitted to Lebanon at 12:30 PM. She didn't take it too badly was a little weepy and whiney. Rep Sen. Morse quit his party to campaign for Stevenson. Susan Peters is dead at 31.

Monday, August 20, 2018


Oct 12 The kids went to Sunday School. In the afternoon Eugene and I saw the Football Giants beat the Cleveland Browns while Lil and Sylvia went to St James. Then we joined them and had a catch.

Dad left out noting that Oct 12th was Sunday. 

Oct 13 The family went with mom and pop to Anne's where Tante and Uncle were also present. Barbara did her ventriloquism. She also takes painting lessons.

Oct 14 Sylvia keeps asking for potato blintzes but eats the cheese also. The Supreme Court refused to review the Rosenberg "atom" case. Edwin Berry Bergum of N.Y.U. has been suspended for refusing to say whether he was a C.P. member. Four others - Dr Henrietta Friedman, Dr Sarah Riedman, Dr Melba Philips and Prof. Clarence Hiskey also refused. Five U.N. staff employees refused to answer McCarran Comm. questions.

Oct 15 Six U.N. staff members challenged the motives behind the McCarran probers and refused to answer questions. "Ike" revealed his income over the last ten years as $888,303. Eugene drew "The Dodgers and Me" - Durocher, "Codes and Secret Writing" HS Zim, Esquire's 2ND Sports Reader, "A Treasure Chest of Sports Stories" - Max Herzberg, "Big Red" Jim Kjelgaard.

Oct 16 The UN Gen'l Assembly opened with Lester Pearson - Canada elected President. Mexican delegate Nervo charged the UN had not explored all paths to peace in Korea. Jim Carter regained his Lightweight title by outpointing Lauro Salas in 15 rounds.

Oct 17 The U.S. Court of Appeals upset the loyalty discharges of legless veteran James Kutcher from his V.A. job. It ruled membership in an organization is not sufficient cause for dismissal. Disloyalty must be proved. Iran is planning a break with Britain over the oil.

Oct 18 We went by buses to Lil's as pop had to work. The trip took us 2 1/2 hours. We found Susan as good as new and Peggy as unpredictable as ever. The kids played "go fish". Harry took us home. Poland offered a "peace package" at the U.N. including immediate cessation of fighting in Korea, repatriation of all prisoners, withdrawal of all foreign troops from Korea, a 1/3 cut in armies, prohibition of atomic weapons.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Oct 5 Sunday Sylvia and Norma went to the Playground. After the ballgame we went out to get them. Eugene and I had a catch.

Oct 6 Stalin appeared at the C.P. congress in Moscow.

Oct 7 Profs. Slochower, Shlakman and Reiss were fired in haste by the Board of Ed. Lillian read "The Hunter" - James Aldridge.

Oct 8 Stevenson pledged "to" smash the Communist conspiracy. Sam Goode repaired the couple of keys which were not in tune. Now Eugene can practice which he had refused to do. The kids went to Dr Robbins. Eugene had no cavities, Sylvia one. Total cost including Xrays and cleanings for them - $15. However, Eugene has a mal-occlusion and needs straightening. 

Box scores were taped in here, covering one full page and part of a second, with the following info:

1952 World Series

Yanks win sensational series 4-3 for fourth consecutive year.
Home Runs: Snyder 4. Mize 3.
No hits in series Hodges

              Batting Title
       A.L.                        N.L.
Fain .327                 Musial .336
               Rookie of Year
H. Byrd                    J. Black
B. Shantz                H. Sauer
A.P. All Star team: Fain, Robinson, Rizzuto, Rosen, Sauer, Mantle, Musial, Berra, Roberts, Shantz
All Star Rookie team: Gernert, Lepcio, Groat, Matthews, Dyck, Greengrass, Rhodes, Courtney, White, Black, Wilhelm

Oct 9 Sylvia got books, including a cross world [sic] puzzle book, blouse and flowers from us, the jacket from mom and pop, dungarees from Norma G., Skirt and blouse from Anne & Tante Blume, a dress from Lil and Harry.
Lil gave a little party for her at the Brownie meeting today. A train wreck in England saw about 100 killed and 200 injured. The McCarran Comm. interrupted Cyril Graze's hearing to serve him a subpoena for further questioning. Mom and pop came over in the evening. Sylvia blew out the candles on her birthday cake. Dr Louis T. Wright is dead at 61.

Not sure why Dad started a new paragraph in the middle of this entry. 

Oct 10 Mrs Rosen told Eugene she liked his composition second best (on the U.N.) but she picked two others for the competition. The savage battle for White Horse Hill continued in the second week in Korea. It has changed hands numerous times.

Oct 11 We went to the Lido to see "Carrie" with Lawrence Olivier, Jennifer Jones, Miriam Hopkins and Eddy Albert. Also "Don't Bother to Knock" with Richard Widmark, Jeanne Cagney and Marilyn Monroe. More teachers are being quizzed by the Board of Ed. Sylvia & Lil went to the Synagogue for the Simchas Torah party.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Sept 28 Sunday Mom and pop and Sam and Molly came over for dinner. The kids played - Sylvia "The Voice of the Heart"- Van Gael and Eugene "Oriental Dance" without music. We had a nice evening of conversation and then Eddy Cantor on television. George Santayana is dead at 88.  

Sept 29 We went over to Sam & Molly for supper then I went on to work. D.K. Niles is dead at 62. One of the kids favorite pastimes is to make each other laugh in turn. At Molly's Milton Shirley and Seth and Mrs Perl also came. Seth is much improved and quite cute. The kids amused themselves by playing solitaire.

Sept 30 Stevenson called for a grim battle against Communism at home and abroad. Eugene failed a Spanish exam.

I remember being devastated by that failure. 

Oct 1 British Labor Party elections saw Bevanites oust six top moderate officials. Morrison and Dalton were among the victims. The F.B.I. arrested Earl [and] Raissa Browder on charges of perjury in Mrs. Browder's 1949 naturalization petition. Viscount Astor is dead at 73.

Oct 2 45 Communist prisoners were killed and over a hundred injured at Kojo prison camp when the Chinese prisoners celebrated the Anniversary of the revolution in the face of a ban. Six teachers were discharged for refusing to answer questions about their Communist affiliation.

Oct 3 England exploded its first atom-bomb. Japanese elections saw Yoshida retain power. The Communists lost all their seats.

Oct 4 Sylvia drew "Mary Poppins" - P.L. Travers, "Railroad Cowboy" C. Wooley [sic], "The Jennifer Wish" E.Y. Smith and "The Princess and the Goblin" G. MacDonald. Eugene drew "Jungle Journey" J.B.M. Waldeck, "True Tales of Buried Treasure" E.R. Snow, "The Story of the World Series" F. Lieb, "Best Sports Stories" Marsh & Ehre. Lil gave Sylvia a permanent. She also got the kids fall jackets in Alexanders Sylvia's $7. is mom's present for her birthday. Eugene's is $6. Andres Requena, anti-Trujillo editor of a newspaper here was assassinated in a Madison st. hallway. Three City professors, Vera Shlakman, Bernard Reiss and Harry Slochower were suspended without pay for refusing to answer questions on their political affiliations. Russia asked the recall of U.S. Ambassador George Kennan for his "slanderous attacks on the Soviet Union". He had compared the situation of Americans in Moscow with that of Berlin in 1942. Russia's 19th Congress of the C.P. - the first since 1939 opened by stressing Stalin's declaration just released. This said war was more likely between Capitalist powers than between East and West. The Asian and Pacific Peace Conference opened in Peking with with [sic] an offer of a settlement of the Korean War through unconditional repatriation of all prisoners.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Sept 21 Sunday Took a walk with Eugene. Sylvia did not want to go this morning. For dinner we had the rest of the turkey. A mine strike was averted as miners got a $1.90 raise per day. In the afternoon we all played charades and some miniature nok-hockey.

Sept 22 The Gov't has moved to bar Charles Chaplin from re-entering this country after his six month vacation abroad.

Sept 23 Teachers Union officers and members were quizzed in secret by McCarran's Comm. Two escaped bandits were killed and a third captured as one detective was killed and another is dying in a gun battle in a W. 140 st apartment.

Sept 24 Senator Nixon left it to the Rep. Nat'l Comm. as to whether he should remain V.P. candidate after speaking on a Nation-wide T.V. hook-up. He has admitted accepting expense money from wealthy Californians. The A.F.L. for the first time in its 71 year history officially supported a presidential candidate when it endorsed Stevenson. Judge Dimock freed two of the fifteen Communist defendants - Begun and Gerson for lack of sufficient evidence. Sam Levenson, Philip Loeb, Judy Holliday and Burl Ives were quizzed by the McCarran Comm. All disavowed Communism. Rocky Marciano K.O'd Heavyweight champ Joe Walcott in the 13th round to win the title. He was down in the 1st round. H.T. Webster and Ian Hay are dead.

Sept 25 College teachers were quizzed by the McCarron Comm. including Frederick Ewen, Bernard Reiss, Isidore Rubin, Bernhard J Stern, Harry Slochower. Ewen resigned his Bklyn College post.

Sept 26 Sylvia played nok-hockey at St James all afternoon. Eugene played monopoly with Bobby R. then we went to the library where he drew "The Black Tanker" - H. Pease, "Today's Science and You" - Lynn Poole, "Teen Age Outdoor Stories" - Frank Owen and "The Chicago Bears" Frank [see below] Roberts. Now Stevenson had a political fund which he used to supplement salaries of certain state employees. The first unfriendly witness among the College teachers, Harry Albaum admitted C.P. membership and disillusionment many years ago. Gene Weltfish refused to answer "the question". A spectator at the hearing, Constantine Radzie was subpoenaed and quizzed about his Communist and Soviet connections. For the first time ever three men were indicted for taking bribes to get supervisory jobs for postal workers. Four men who admitted paying money were named.

"The Chicago Bears" was written by Howard Roberts, but dad had just noted a book by Frank Owen, so ...

Sept 27 Lillian has a cold which is blooming now. Irwin Steingut is dead at 58.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Sept 14 Sunday Yesterdays temp was a record breaking 93°. Today it was cloudy and cooler and we stayed in. Sylvia made a miniature nok-hockey game of cardboard. Eugene made one of wood. In the evening we played a long chess game.

Sept 15 Lillian had her first girl scouts meeting.

Sept 16 Pearl Bailey was beaten up in a N.J. night club. The assailants, Anti-Negro, escaped.

The following picture was taped in in the middle of these last two entries; labeled "Woodlawn Rock" at the top (where the picture was taken) and "Eugene and Sylvia in Sept '52" at the bottom. 
Sept 17 Sylvia's teacher praised her drawing highly and hung one picture up. She is in the top level in spelling.

Sept 18 A wave of assaults on women has resulted in additional police prowl cars and disguised police women being put on the look-out. 18 more Communists were arrested by the F.B.I. under the Smith Sedition Act.

Sept 19 Sylvia likes Herbert. When I asked her if he invited her to the Copacabana she said she doesn't like him that much. Eugene got 98% in math and 90 in Spanish. 200 school teachers picketed the Board of Ed. in protest over the coming trial of accused Communists. Frances Alda is dead at 69.

Sept 20 Rosh Hashonah Took the kids for a walk and we explored Webb Ave from Kingsbridge to Fordham Rds and back on Sedgwick Ave. We saw new wings on the Veterans Hospital. Sylvia admired the beautiful Fordham Hill project. In the afternoon Eugene watched football and baseball. We went down, left Sylvia at the playground and walked in Fordham. A scandal has arisen over the expose that V.P. candidate Nixon has a private expense fund provided by business men supporters. Lillian read "The Man With one [sic] Talent" J.E. Greene. We both read Charlotte Haldane's "Truth Will Out".

Friday, July 27, 2018


Sept 7 Sunday Beat Al Levitt and Dimitri on asphalt. These are the games Eugene saw. The 1st game broke the time record for a 9 inning game 3 hours and 38 minutes. He got home at 8:45 PM. This evening we went to Fordham and had sundaes at Krum's.
These were the first two games of a five game series, due to earlier rainouts, I believe. The Giants really had to take 4 of 5 to get close; they only won 3, including this doubleheader. I was supposed to leave whenever my friend Larry had to leave; he did not stay to the end, but I did. When I got home, I told Mom and Dad, after being asked, that, of course, Larry stayed the whole time also. I don't know if they believed me; Dad could have written "They got home at 8:45", but he didn't. 
My favorite memory of the Polo Grounds is at the end of that game. I stayed to the end, but went to the top of the ramp in order to run out as soon as it was over. I got on a packed full Polo Grounds shuttle to the Jerome Ave. El, the short train creaking and squealing as it rounded the bend leaving the station; we were tilted back, with a beautiful view of the ballpark silhouetted by its light towers. It was quite memorable, perhaps even more so because the Giants won both games. 

Sept 8 The kids returned to school. Eugene's class is 9 S.P.2. His teacher is Mr. Peretti. His room is 415. He takes Spanish, English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Music & Art. Sylvia's teacher is Miss Dunn. Class is 5-8. Room is 417. Gen. Naguib, military head of Egypt in a sudden coup seized political control installing himself as Premier and dictator.

                        National Singles
Sedgman d. Mulloy 6-1, 6-2, 6-3
M. Connolly d. Doris Hart 6-3, 7-5
Vets H. Hopman d. 
Sedgman and Hart d. L. Hoad and Thelma Long 6-3, 7-5

This is the way Dad wrote it; I would guess that he wrote it at least partially from the New York Times story, which says that Hopman won the Veteran's Singles, but doesn't say who he beat. I remember asking Dad before the match (which took place on Monday, because of earlier rain, so I couldn't watch it on TV) if Mulloy had a chance; he was 38 and had never reached the US National finals before. Dad said, essentially, no chance, and he was right.

Regarding school, Romeo J. Peretti was a memorable character. 

Sept 9 Israel agreed to accept $822,000,000 in reparations for Jewish losses and suffering from West Berlin.

Sept 10 McCarthy won the much publicized Wisconsin Rep. primary easily over Leonard Schmitt by 3-1. Bella Dodd testified before the Senate Internal Security Comm. She charged there were 1500 Communist teachers in the U.S. She named many, 10 of whom have been subpoenaed.

Sept 11 Billy Rose withdrew his suit for divorce at the last minute and Eleanor Holm was granted a separation in the much publicized case. Eugene drew "The Chicago White Sox" W. Brown, "Baseball Personalities" - Jimmy Powers, "The Ship Without a Crew" - H. Pease and "Teen Age Stories of the West" - S. Payne. Sylvia drew "Betsy and the Proud Horse" Mary Urmston, "The Jolly Season" - Lilla Stirling, English Fairy "Tales" F.A. Steel, "The Long White Month" - Dean Marshall.

Sept 12 1952 was called the worst polio ever by the U.S. Public Health Service. The kids had their first piano lesson.

Sept 13 Lil took Eugene to Dr Holzman for his check up Sylvia went along. Eisenhower made his peace with Taft who announced his support. Dr Holzman said Eugene was better but he must continue his pills, take zymakaps (one a day vitamins) and refrain from overactivity. His weight was 93 - a gain of four pounds and height of 5 ft. 1 in. a gain of 3/4 inch - since June. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Aug 31 Sunday We spent a cloudy day indoors with radio, television, cross word puzzles etc. Played Eugene a chess game. He played a lot in camp and was winning easily but got careless towards the end. Sylvia has been reading the diaries lately.

Sept 1 Labor Day An all day rain and storm kept us in and we missed the Forest Hills matches. The kids resumed thier piano practicing, doing well. We took in chow mein at night. Arky Vaughn [sic] and Heraldo Weiss are dead at 40 and 35 respectively.

Sept 2 Eugene played punchball with his friend Larry R. who had called him up yesterday on coming home from the country. In the afternoon he played with Bobby R. who was here. Sylvia played nok hockey. Mom and pop stopped over here on the way from their month vacation upstate and had lunch. They had a wonderful time. Stevenson in Labor Day speeches, called for repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law and said he would confer with Russia for the sake of peace.

Sept 3 Eugene played with Larry and Bobby again with Sylvia in the park. State Sen Elmer Quinn is dead at 57. I read "Man of the World" - Don H. Clarke's Autobiography. Lillian read "Fortress in the Rice" Ben. Appel. The T.U.C voted by 5-1 to sustain the governments' re-armament program against the Bevanites charge that it would impoverish the country.

Sept 4 The kids played in the park. The State Crime Commission subpoenaed the bank books of 300 politicians, labor leaders, business men and hoodlums in a probe of bribery by racketeers. Gilbert Gabriel is dead at 62. 

Sept 5 Barry Gray was attacked and beaten by two hoodlums. Count Sforza is dead at 79. Susan was stricken with a mild form of Polio. 

Susan recovered completely. 

Sept 6 Eugene and Larry R went to the Polo Grounds to see the crucial Giants-Dodgers double header as the Giants are staring to creep up again. Eugene refused to go to the bleachers as he cannot see from there. The Court of Appeals upheld Bridges' perjury sentence and loss of citizenship. It will be appealed to the Supreme Court. Gertrude Lawrence is dead at 51. 

The box scores, and my story about the game, will be in the next post. Bleacher tickets were cheaper, but the Polo Grounds bleachers were very far away from home plate. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Aug 24 Sunday On an idyllic day, Stan Hotez took us to Woodlawn where I beat him at tennis. We picked a great deal of berries - our first of the season. We all played some ball on the lawn with Sylvia insisting on playing as much as anyone else.

Aug 25 Lost to Berman. The kids played at St James.

Aug 26 Lillian's birthday I gave Lillian a small radio and the kids and I have her a bouquet of gladioli. Eisenhower speaking at the Legion's convention in Madison Square Garden that the nation faced its greatest peril ever from Russia. He stated our goal must be to free the enslaved people behind the "Iron Curtain". The Legion called for the investigation of the A.C.L.U. as a "Red Front".

The following box score was taped in here, and the reason noted. 

Aug 27 Herbie took Pauline, Marline, Arnold, Lil and the kids to Tibbetts. They took the bus back. Muriel Draper is dead at 65. Haywood Patterson is dead at 40. 

Aug 28 Eugene drew books from the Adults branch for the first time - "Highroad to Adventure" - H. Pease, "Soul of the Sea" - L. Sobolev, "A Treasury of Sports Humor" - D. Stanley and "The Red Sox" - Al Hirshberg. Sylvia drew "Peachtree Island" M. Lawrence, "A Baker's Dozen" selected by M.G. Davis, "The Tune is in the Tree" M.H. Lovelace and "The Red Fairy Book" - Lang. Stevenson, speaking before the Legion attacked "McCarthyism", racial bigots, veterans lobby, false patriotism. 

Aug 29 Split with Berman. Lil got herself some black shoes at Miles $2.99. We both read "Janos; story of a doctor" by John Plesch. An absorbing Autobiography by a Hungarian doctor and consort of the greatest figures in art, music, politics, science including Hauptmann, Einstein, Kreisler, etc.

Aug 30 Powell reversed himself and pledged support to the Democrats after civil rights pledges. North Korean capital Pyongyang was blasted in the biggest raid of the war. 

Friday, July 6, 2018


Aug 17 Sunday Lil and I went out to Ten Mile River to see Eugene who seemed cheerful and was in good health although all skin and bones when we hugged him. Just as we left for home on the bus, mom and pop came along from the Gradus House in Lake Kiamesha where they are staying.

Aug 18 Played a little tennis. Lillian is still suffering from the upset stomach which hit her Saturday.

Aug 19 Lillian was better today. She met Ray Steindler for lunch and then to the Jewish Memorial where Ray's mother is ill.
Yesterday Lil went to the Fordham where she saw Jennifer Jones and David Farrar in "The Wild Heart" and "The Steel Fist" with Roddy McDowell. She did not enjoy them. Lillian read "The Cry and the Covenant" - Morton Thompson - about Semmelweiss [sic] and Laura Hobson's "The Celebrity".

I don't know why Dad started a new paragraph in the middle of this entry. 

Aug 20 Lillian went to the Valentine to see "The Clouded Yellow" with Jean Simmons and "Sound Off". Mark Sullivan is dead. Lawrence Giannini is dead at 58. 

Aug 21 Beat Eddy. Lil and the kids came over bringing Sylvia with her. She had had a great time. They all went to eat lunch at the Towers delicat. Quintets Quintuplets were born in Brazil to Jose Albano. Martial law was imposed in Iran after several days of demonstrations and clashes between left and right wingers. The N.Y. Peace Institute held a peace rally at Randall's Island with 10,000 attending . Paul Robeson headed the list of speakers and entertainers. Threatened violence died not materialize. Kurt Schumacher is dead at 58.

Aug 22 Sylvia is back to St James park. Eugene returned to N.Y. at about 6 o'clock Lil and Sylvia meeting him at the bus.

Aug 23 Eugene had a slight sore throat and went to St James to sit in the sun - against his will. Sylvia played nok hockey. I rallied some with Jerry Minster. Molly came over with Sam following her after work. The Teachers Union in convention for the first time decided not to defend teachers who were Communists.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Aug 10 Sunday Sylvia was at 99.5 today. She felt well and was in and out of bed. Lillian played some monopoly with her and I played her anagrams. Otherwise we watched television.

Aug 11 Sylvia was normal today and out of bed. Lil got her an apron to embroider which made her happy. In the afternoon they went down together. Jeffrey Farnol is dead at 74.

Aug 12 Sylvia drew "New Friends for Susan" - Yoshiko Uchida, "Cherries are ripe" D. Reynolds, "The Trolley Car Family" E. Clymer and "Pippi Long Stocking" A. Lindgren. Trygvie Lie was criticized as a discharged UN employee was awarded $6,990 back pay.

Aug 13 Sylvia still takes her doll to bed. It usually falls off some time in the early morning with a wail. 

Aug 14 We were delighted to hear from Eugene that he was having a good time. He expects to make 1st Class Scout if he can learn to swim. 

Aug 15 Sylvia was second in the intermediate nok-hockey tournament at St James and won a beautiful "Sunken Treasure".

Aug 16 Lil and Harry came over and took Sylvia to stay with them for several days. Dick Marlowe of Buffalo pitched the first perfect game in thirty years against Baltimore. 

Interesting that Dad didn't note that it was a minor league game.

Monday, June 25, 2018


Aug 3 Sunday We left by bus to Ten Mile River to see Eugene. We were pleased to find him looking well, not as dirty as last year, and apparently happy. He is assistant Patrol leader. Today was his turn to clean up the dining table. We took some snaps of the whole family.

I was happy with Boy Scout Camp, after that first year. 

Aug 4 I returned to work today after three weeks vacation. Molly took Sylvia out to spend the day. They went to the zoo as Molly cannot sit in an air conditioned theatre. Sylvia went to the Children's Zoo and had a nice lunch there. The U.S. in the last day of the Olympics forged ahead of Russia to emerge unofficial winners 615-541½.

Aug 5 A jury, out 5 days, convicted 14 Calif. communists of conspiring to teach and advocate the violent overthrow of the gov't. We both read Walter White's autobiography "A Man Called White". 

Aug 6 The US warned North Korea to evacuated scores of towns slated for total destruction. Lil Harry and the kids stopped over here as Lil plans to spend a few days in the city. Sylvia and Susan discussed plans again for the period Sylvia will spend at Lil's house.

Aug 7 Lil & Sylvia went to the Lido yesterday to see "The River" - the life of an England family in India which they enjoyed and "The Green Glove". Passive Resisters in South Africa have been arrested by the hundreds. Authorities have now resorted to caning in some instances. Rhee's re-election is assured in the first S. Korean election by popular vote. 50,000 voters were barred for not appearing on the voting lists.

Aug 8 Greeks shelled and drove Bulgarians from the island of Gamma which the latter had occupied.

Aug 9 We went down to the Grande 86 th st to see "King Solomon's Mines" with Stewart Granger and "On the Riviera" with Danny Kaye, Gene Tierney and Corinne Calvet. Before going in we bought a suitcase for Sylvia to take to Bellerose $3. However leaving the theatre we noticed that Sylvia was warm. At home she had 103.8°. Dr Holzman came at 9:45 PM. He diagnosed an intestinal infection - not a grippe, due to some food and gave her a shot. He prescribed some terramycin ... and light diet. The Anzus - U.S. Australia and New Zealand held a meeting to plan defence of the Pacific. 

As in this entry, Dad often used the British spelling - "theatre", "defence"; not sure why.  

Sunday, June 24, 2018


July 27 Sunday We stayed home all day as it rained intermittently. Mollie and Sam joined us in the late afternoon. We had a delicatessen supper and watched television all day. Earlier Sylvia had beaten me and Sam in shooting checkers closest to the edge of a table.

July 28 We had quite a hassle with Sylvia over her consistent failure to comply with any requests of ours willingly. ... We then went out to St James where I split with Al Berman. King Farouk of Egypt abdicated due to army pressure. Evita Peron is dead at 33.

July 29 Sylvia drew "The Barkingtons" Robin Palmer, "Susan's Year" S.J. Johnson, "Over the Big Hill" M.H. Lovelace and "Three Little Chinese Girls" - E.F. Lattimore. We went downtown intending to go to the Roxy but got off on 44th st and saw "South Pacific", "The King and I" and "Pal Joey" staring us in the face. Much to our surprise we were able to get $1.20 tickets for tomorrow matinee. We decided not to go to a movie but had hot dogs and soda then spent some time in an amusement arcade. Sen McMahon is dead at 48. Lillian read "The Thousand Deaths of Mr Small". We both read "The Magic Curtain" - L. Langner.

July 30 We went to see the delightful "South Pacific" with George Britten and Martha Enright as the leads. Also Juanita Hall, Billy Tabbert and Myron McCormick. Sylvia was only mildly interested.

I don't remember it, but this was the original Broadway production, although the two leads had been replaced. 

July 31 I beat Freddy Katz in the morning. We spent the afternoon in the park. At night Sam Mencher came over for an evening of pleasant conversation. Prison sentences were handed out to Imperial Wizard Hamilton and sixty-two other Klan floggers in an unprecedented mass trial of this kind in the South.

Aug 1 Played a little tennis today. Sylvia went to Tibbett's with Mrs. Pachman and Marlene. They went by car both ways. Afterwards the two girls played here and downstairs.

Aug 2 Mom and pop over for dinner and farewell before their month vacation. They will travel to Canada and then come back to the mountains to stay at a hotel. Lillian made gefilte fish and blintzes but the blintzes did not jell. Mom and pop then went out to Lil and Harry's.

Monday, May 28, 2018


July 20 Sunday To Lil and Harry's today for Peggy's birthday. The kids as usual count the underpasses which they do whenever we go to LI in pop's car. Mrs. Thaw, Taubie, Harry and Peggy Ann, Mike and Charlie - Annes [sic] son also came. There was an outdoor table for the kids and some neighbors kids. Going home we took Susan and Peggy to stay with us. Peggy wouldn't consent to Susan going alone.

The box score for the game we saw the day before was taped in in this entry.

 July 21 I took the three girls to the library while Eugene played with Bobby R. who came over. Sylvia drew "The Pony that Ran Away" - E.H. Lansing, "Indigo Hill" E.F. Lattimore, "The Poetic Parrot" M. McKay, "Too Many Turtles" E.L. Brock. Susan and Peggy read while Sylvia chose her books. At home Susan and Sylvia played while Peggy wandered all over the house wisecracking and being very cute. Just at bed time Peggy decided she wanted to go home, and Lil & Harry had to drive over and get them. Iran rioters ran wild for the second day to protest Mossadegh's replacement by Ghavam. Walt Davis - U.S. Emil Zapotek - Czech. and Romaschkova - USSR broke Olympic records.

July 22 We went over to Molly's for supper seeing Sam also as Eugene is to leave for camp Friday. Previously we had gone to the Valentine to see "The Lavender Hill Mob" with Alec Guinness and "The Red Ball Express" with Jeff Chandler. The air-conditioning was a relief as we have had 90° heat for many days without let-up. Iran's demonstrations caused the withdrawal of new Premier Ghavam. Barkley withdrew as Democratic nominee as a Stevenson boom started.

July 23 We stayed home in the continuous heat. In the morning however three of us went to Fordham while Eugene played punch ball. We got Sylvia a mid-riff in Alexanders but could not get Eugene a toilet kit for camp. I got sport shoes in Davega $3.44. Dixiecrats were appeased by a compromise "Loyalty" pledge as the reluctant Stevenson failed to renounce a forthcoming nomination. Hess' plea for a new trial was turned down. Mossadegh got his premiership back on the wave of popular support. Bob Richards - U.S.broke the Olympic pole vault record, Sim Iness US broke the discus record.

July 24 Played a little tennis with the girls today and it was the first cool day in two weeks. Later to a farewell supper for Eugene at mom's with Lil and the kids also there. A compromise civil rights plank was presented to the Dem. convention. It omitted mention of poll tax, lynching, F.E.P.C. and cloture. Cy Young U.S. broke the Olympic Javelin throw record

July 25 We took Eugene down to the bus this morning and he left for Ten Mile River at 9:30 AM. Leaving the house we forgot the sandwiches Lillian had prepared for him. Later I beat Marin in the morning and Dimitri in the evening. Sylvia played nok-hockey and a boy threw sand in her hair and shoes having her in tears. Lil took her for chow mein then but I was too tired to go. The Steel strike was settled with a package raise of 21¢ and a compromise over the union shop. Truman committed the life death sentence of Puerto Rican Nationalist Oscar Collazo who had taken part in the assassination attempt against him to life imprisonment. Harrison Dillard U.S. broke the Olympic 110 meter hurdle record. Zatopek - Czech. broke the 5000 meter run record. Lammot DuPont is dead at 71 and Tom O'connor at 38.

Could not find who "Tom O'connor" was. But in looking for Lammot Dupont (couldn't read his first name originally), I found that Wikipedia had his month of death as June, so I corrected it. 

July 26 Beat Mac Cohen today at St James with Sylvia playing nok hockey all day in the playground. Stevenson was nominated on the third ballot at the Dem. convention Kefauver led him on the first two ballots. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018


July 13 Sunday Mom and pop took us out to Jones Beach. We ate on the beach. The kids and I went in twice but mom, pop & Lil did not.

July 14 Sylvia went to Playground School today at P.S. 86. Eugene went to St James in the morning. The heat broke a July 14 record with 93°

July 15 We went to Tibbetts Brook today. We were all in the water for about an hour enjoying the relief from the heat. We picknicked on the grounds and were home to see the "Broadway Theatre" play "The Night of Jan. 16" Walt Dropo tied the A.L. record of 12 consecutive hits made by Pinky Higgins - 1938,

July 16 Sylvia went to playground school in the morning while Eugene went to St James. In the afternoon Eugene Bobby R. and I watched the Yankee Indian double header. The heat remained in the nineties. The U.S. discontinued its Russian magazine "Amerika" and banned all Russian journals here.

July 17 We went down to the Criterion (95¢ and 80¢) to see Walt Disney's "Robin Hood" in technicolor, "The Little House" and "Water Birds". We enjoyed the show very much. Sylvia liked "The Little House" best. Afterwards we went to Macy's to get a birthday present for Peggy and also some knick-knacks. Andy Seminick broke the NL record for errors made by a catcher in one inning - 3. We both read "The Troubled Air" - Irwin Shaw, about the black list on radio. Also Ethel Waters "Her Eye is on the Sparrow". 

Dad crossed out the entry because the next day, the official scorer changed a Seminick throwing error to an error on the second baseman. 

July 18 Sylvia went to Summer school in the afternoon with Arline D. Liberal labor and Negro groups demanded a forthright civil rights plank as the Democratic convention opened. The Olympic Committee accepted both Nationalist and Red China and the former withdrew as the International Olympics opened at Helsinki opened [sic] with Russia competing for the first time.  

July 19 Last night I lost a chess game to Eugene. Then Lillian won the family jacks tournament with Sylvia second. Eugene and I went to the Stadium to see the Yanks beat the White Sox 4-2. Eugene kept the box score and compiled all the statistics at home (We got the box seats from Harry). Lil and Sylvia went to the Paradise to see "The Girl in White" with June Allyson as Emily Dunning Barringer and "The Wild North" - Stewart Granger and Cyd Charisse. A "mad" scientist Bayard Peakes was picked up as the confessed killer of innocent Eileen Fohey to get publicity for his electronic and longevity theories and two teen agers were apprehended for the senseless killing of Rabbi London on a dare!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


July 6 Sunday We cabbed to Woodlawn again today. I rallied with Sylvia C, W Waldman & some doubles. Eugene read "Schnozzola" there which we both read.

July 7 Both kids take balls with them which they continually bounce wherever they go. Mayor Impellitteri's firetrap probers recommended more money for inspectors and more housing projects.

July 8 Lost to Levine as the kids played their respective games in the playground. Eisenhower won by 110 votes in the first test at the Republican Convention on a demand that contested delegates be barred until their cases have been settled. Alison Skipworth is dead at 88.

July 9 The kids played "Monopoly" on a rainy day. Dr Robbins found nothing wrong with my teeth. My bill was $9 for xrays and cleaning. 

July 10 Eugene drew "Rookie Southpaw"  B. Leonard, "Punt Formation"- P Harkins, "Squeeze Play" C. Lochlons and "Silver Spurs for Cowboy Boots" S Garst. Sylvia drew "The Fig Tree" E.F. Lattimore, "Then there were Five" E. Enright, "Schoolroom Zoo" - C Wooley and "Peggy Plants a Tree" Rose Flynn. A three man Federal Court over-ruled the State Depts's revocation of writer Ann Bauer's passport ordering a hearing before any action can be taken. 

Dad taped in the box score of the 1952 All-Star Game in the middle of this entry. 

July 11 Sylvia won 8 straight nok hockey games including an 11-9 victory over Eugene. Later she lost her championship to Eugene. Taft, Eisenhower, Warren, Stassen and MacArthur were nominated at the Repub. Convention. Steve Nelson received the maximum penalty of 20 years jail for sedition.

July 12 My last vacation day and we went to "Joyland" 236 st and Broadway. The kids went on various rides. Eugene wouldn't go on the Ferriss [sic] Wheel however and I took his place with Sylvia. Afterward we went up to 242nd st and played some "stinky pinky". Eisenhower was nominated on the Republican's first ballot over Taft.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


June 29 Sunday Price controls were saved as Senate-House conferees agreed to extend price and wage controls another ten months. We received a card from Mary Weitman asking us to come for an ":open house" so mom and pop drove us out to Lynbrook and it turned out to be Mary and Moe's 25th anniversary. Mom and Pop first stayed to be introduced then drove home. We had a lovely time in the back lawn sitting at tables and eating and drinking with Morty and Rae. They then took us over to the Indep. Subway at Jamaica.

June 30 We picnicked at St James today and I beat Dimitri D. Eugene played chess and nok hockey with George D. Sylvia also played nok-hockey.

July 1 Lil and the kids went over to Molly and Sam seeing Milton Shirley and Seth. Coming home they found Mike who slept over on the Castro. I split with Freddy Katz today while Sylvia played nok-hockey and Eugene played punch ball with some kids. Jacques Duclos was freed by a special French court. Radio writers started a strike against the major networks. Eugene had his basal done.

July 2 The Senate ratified the peace treaty with Germany and the military treaty linking the German Army to the European defense system.

July 3 Lillian went over to Dr. Holzman's about Eugene's basal metabolism which showed a mild hyper thyroid condition. He is not to be overactive in games  and is to have a carbohydrate diet. Lillian got iodized salt and some pills. Lattimore was again called a "red" instrument by McCarran. 

There will be more about my thyroid condition soon. 

July 4 Over to Woodlawn for the first time where Sam Molly and pop joined us. There was some chess, checkers, then rain. Pop took us all home where we watched television.   

July 5 Eugene has been playing punchball in the playground almost every morning. After lunch we traveled to Al & Ediths where we saw cute little Deborah Ann for the first time. She is very good, stretches her neck backward when held. Al took the usual chess game from me while Eugene waited in vain for the long game to end early enough for him to play. A captive Assembly in SoKorea voted for Rhee's measure to allow presidential elections by popular vote. Wimbledon:
Sedgman d. Drobny 4-6,6-3,6-3,6-2
Maureen Connolly d. Louise Brough 7-5,6-3.
Sedgman & D Hart d. Thelma Long & E. Morea 4-6,6-3,6-4
Sedgman & McGregor d. Seixas & Sturgess 6-3,7-5,6-4.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


June 22 Sunday The kids played monopoly on a rainy day. They spend hours playing this game. I played Eugene a chess game and checkers game.

June 23 J.W. Wadsworth is dead at 74.

June 24 In a drive against fire traps the Fire Dept. closed the 59 year old Montague Hotel in Brooklyn. The UN opened a "get tough" policy with a raid on the Yalu River power installations, an offensive on the Western front and resumption of screening of POWs.

June 25 The UN again bombed the Yalu power installations as British Labor MPs objected. "Impy" named six close associates to investigate slum fires. The Cicero cops who permitted the riot against Negro Henry Clark and his family received fines but no prison sentences.

June 26 It was the hottest June 25 ever - 96.5. Truman vetoed the McCarran immigration bill which would bring racism into our immigration policy, calling it infamous. Anti-American riots swept Japan on the Anniversary of the Korean war. Ray Robinson after licking L.H. champ Joe Maxim for 13 rounds was unable to answer the bell for the 14th round. He could have been the third man in ring history to have held titles in three divisions. The terrific heat was responsible for the outcome. Referee Ray Miller had to replace Ruby Goldstein in the 10th. 

June 27 The heat broke another record - the hottest June 26 ever 96.8. Sylvia had trouble sleeping and moaned thru part of the night morning. All of our kids have now been moved near the windows. The "House" voted to kill price and rent controls but keep wage controls. It also over-rode Trumans veto of the McCarran immigration bill. Mass arrests marked the opening of the nation-wide passive resistance campaign against South African segregation laws. We both read "The Doctors Jacobi" by Rhoda Truax. Lillian read "Knock on any Door" - Mottley [sic]. 

June 28 I lost to Mencher at St James as the kids played nok-hockey in the play ground. The Senate also over-rode the President's veto making the McCarran bill a law. Lillian and the kids went to the Grand to see "The Marrying Kind" with Aldo Ray and Judy Holliday - trials and tribulations of a young couple which they all liked and "Boots Malone". Elmo Lincoln is dead at 63. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018


June 15 Sunday Eugene came home from his camporee about 5 o'clock hot dirty and hoarse. The temp hit 90° today. He said he had had a bad day and would not go on the camporee again.  

I do not remember what happened to cause me to make such a rash statement. 

June 16 Red China called off its widespread purge of illegal practises [sic]. 

June 17 L.I.R.R. engineers walked out of a strike mediator talk stranding 300,000 commuters. Russian MIGs downed a Swedish plane drawing an offical protest as crowds stormed the Russian Embassy. Lillian took Eugene to Dr Holzman. Eugene has lost six poinds since his last visit to the doctor although he gained an inch. Dr Holzman wants to do a basal metabolism on Eugene as he may have a hyperthyroid gland. This will be done on July 1. 

I'll hold the story about the basal metabolism test, and hyperthyroid, until it happens.                   

June 18 Gen. Ridgway in Rome denied the U.S. had waged any germ warfare. Left wing demonstrations against him were kept at a minimum due to extensive police preparations. 

June 19 Played my first tennis and beat Mac Cohen. Eugene and Larry went to the Polo Grounds. A fire in the Bedford Stuyvesant slums saw seven persons burned to death. The city had known the house was a fire trap for some years. 

The two box scores scanned in below were taped in here; one, as it says, was the game I went to. The other was a no-hitter; it was the second time that I had been to a game on the day a no-hitter was pitched (someplace else). Both times we noted the result on the out-of-town scoreboard. The other one was on 7/1/51. 

June 20 Mrs Honig owner of the fire trap tenement was arrested and charged with first-degree manslaughter. Sylvia drew "A House for Elizabeth" - Dean Marshall, "Violets Are Blue", Mary Kennedy, "Back Seat Driver" M.L. Robinson, "Sally Tait" - F.C. Sayers. 

June 21 British foreign office radio operator William Marshall was charged with betraying gov't secrets to Russia. Mom and pop took us over to Lil and Harry's where the kids had a good time playing outside. The four kids were joined by a couple of neighbors' kids.

Monday, April 16, 2018


June 8 Sunday Mom and pop took us out to Mary and Hy in Bayside today. There we saw their kids Linda and Stewart. Also Pauline and her daughter Shirley with her husband Marty and son George. Also Pauline's son Melvin, six years old and quite wild and runs rampant with his three year old nephew George. Mac, Anne, Blume and Abe and Lil & Harry also came. Stewart and Eugene played ball. The big girls Linda, Sylvia and Barbara had a grand time, playing school, going out to buy souvenirs, etc. Susan found them later. There was a card game to end the evening.

June 9 $100,000 worth of jewels stolen from a Brooklyn shrine were returned by Spec. Del mail today.

June 10 Eugene went out on a boat ride with the school but came home early when a serious accident was narrowly averted. As it was, two people including a teacher were seriously hurt and a couple of schoolboys slightly hurt. Eugene and his friend Larry were not hurt. A G.I. and 24 PWs were killled and many wounded in the attempt to cut up the large compound into several small units.

The boat ride incident was a Circle Line boat trying to travel by land instead of water. We were seated on the side of the boat, looking out at the water with the trip around Manhattan about to start, when we noticed that the boat seemed to be heading toward shore, instead of away from it. All of a sudden, we were no longer seated, but were on the deck. As Dad says, we were not hurt, but I later saw this in an article listed as one of the two worst accidents in the history of the Circle Line. The two kids quoted in the story scanned in below were classmates at Creston JrHS, but I don't remember knowing they were in the NYT, and I wasn't a close friend of either. 

June 11 Katherine Brush is dead at 49 and Adolph Busch at 60.

June 12 A G.I. who criticized Gen Clark for his handling of the Koje Island situation was ordered court-martialed. Rev. Eliot White [?] was refused treatment by his surgeon when he discovered he was a Communist. Former cop Stanley LaBensky, who murdered two Negros in front of a Yonkers saloon was acquitted by a jury.

June 13 Voice of America broadcasts were banned by Rhee in Korea. Cardinal Faulhaber is dead at 83.

June 14 We celebrated Fathers Day today at mothers house. Lil Harry Rachel Mayer & David also were there. We gave pop a bottle of whiskey. Eugene had left early this morning for his annual over night camping trip at Alpine with 15 boys. The two girls spent most of the time downstairs.

Friday, April 6, 2018


June 1 Sunday Rain again as on every weekend even this three day holiday weekend. Sylvia and Norma played with their dolls. The [sic] Norma asked Lillian to teach her how to knit. Eugene listened to the Giants doubleheader in St louis.

June 2 The French Gen'l Confed. of Labor called a one day strike to protest Duclos' arrest.

June 3 Lil took Sylvia to Dr Tannenbaum. He said she could go back to school Monday. John Dewey is dead at 92. The Supreme Court by a 6-3 decision overthrew Truman's seizure of the steel industry. 650,000 steel workers went out on strike.

June 4 A million dollar baseball trade saw the Red Sox get George Kell, Hoot Evers, Johnny Lipon and Dizzy Trout from the Tigers for Walt Dropo, Johnny Pesky, Don Lenhardt, Fred Hatfield and Bill Wight.

June 5 Franco hailed the resurgence of fascism in Italy in the recent municipal elections. American troops opened a "get tough" policy in our P.O.W. camps. They removed Communist leaders and "rescued" anti-communists, tore down banners and confiscated much equipment. 

June 6 Eisenhower stated his views as a presidential candidate coming out against a F.E.P.C., federal aid to education, "socialized medicine". He hedged on the Taft Hartley Act. South Korean President Rhee is in a struggle with his assembly. He charged many had been bribed by the Communists. Four Cicero police officers including chief Konovsky were found guilty of depriving Negro Harvey Clark of his civil rights in the riots which followed Clark's attempt to move into an apartment there. Heavyweight Champ Joe Walcott defeated the man from whom he had won the title Ezzard Charles, in a 15 round fight.

June 7 Lil and the Brownies went on a picnic to Van Cortlandt Park. Eugene and his boy scouts took in the Yankee Brown baseball game. In the evening we went to Walton H.S. to see "You Can't Take it Withg You". It was very warm there and with Lil's headache, my stomach ache, Sylvia's inability to catch most of the dialogue, only Eugene enjoyed himself. Lil and Sylvia went home before the last act. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018


May 25 Sunday Lil went with the kids to the Beth Israel Center for a bagel and lox affair. Sylvia was the only one in her class to get a certificate for attendance and work. Eugene got a certificate for attendance and an honor certificate for work in religious school. The "House" passed a foreign aid bill with an Almost [sic] two billion dollar cut. Fulton Oursler is dead at 59.

May 26 The Allies signed the peace pact with West Germany as Russia continued to protest and demand a four power parley. 

May 27 Lillian went to the library with Syl where she drew "Hurry Back" - L Beim, "Melindy's Happy Summer" - G. Faulkner, "Appleseed Farm" - E.T. Douglas, "Herbert Again" - Hazel Wilson. East Germany tightened its border as a consequence of the peace pact with West Germany. The Supreme Court unanimously voided the N.Y. State ban on the picture "The Miracle" which had been barred on religious grounds.

Eugene lost his wrist watch, we discovered.

Not sure why he used an extra line. Not the last thing I lost. 

May 28 Stayed home from work due to a sore throat. Sylvia has been spending most of her time playing with her paper dolls and talking to them. East Germany sealed off a 6 1/2 mile zone separating it from West Germany. Telephone communications were cut and Allied military police patrols barred. Italian elections saw the emergence of the fascist M.S.I. party as the balance of power between the Christian Dems and Communists.

May 29 Lil saw Dr Tannenbaum again with Sylvia. He said no school yet. Eugene went on his Field Day today. Jacques Duclos was among 600 jailed, while 200 were injured in Paris riots and demonstrations against Ridgway. 

May 30 Memorial Day We went to the Lido to see Martin and Lewis in the hilarious "Sailor Beware". Also "Bright Victory" with Arthur Kennedy and Peggy Dow. This was a fine picture of a soldier blinded in the war who solves the problem of race discrimination and his own plight. Strikes broke out in France against the arrest of Duclos and smashing of the demonstration. Walter Ullbrecht called on 250,000 East German youth to form a common front against the West German regime.

May 31 A crisis occurred in South Korea over Rhee's dictatorship. Japanese memorial meetings eneded in riots with several two slain and several injured including American reporters. 162 Communists were indicted in France for "plotting against the state". A Romanian shakeup lowered Ann Pauker in the ranks of the "party". Molly came over and Sam followed her after work. The kids played piano and showed tricks. Louis Boudin, Albert Lasker and Ed Van Every are dead at 78, 72 and 73 respectively.