Dec 29 Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey will form a mutual defense alliance.
National Football League: Detroit Lions 17, Cleveland Browns 7
Davis Cup. Sedgman d Seixas 6-3, 6-4, 6-3.
McGregor d Trabert 11-9, 6-4, 6-1 Sedgman & McGregor d Seixas and Trabert 6-3, 6-4, 6-1, [this third set was actually 1-6] 6-3. Sedgman d Trabert 7-5, 6-4, 10-8. Seixas d McGregor 6-3, 8-6, 6-8, 6-3.
Rose Bowl U.S.C. d. Wisconsin 7-0.
N.Y. Film Critics Awards: Best Picture "High Noon", Best Director - Fred Zinnemann, Best Male Actor - Ralph Richardson, Best Female - Shirley Booth, Best Foreign Picture "Forbidden Games"
Dec 30 Lil Sylvia and the "brownies" went to see "The Golden Goose" at the 92nd st. Y.M.H.A. Eugene played football with Larry then they went to the "Garden" to see a triple header but could only see two games as they had to be home by 10 P.M. First Atomic spy Alan Nunn May was freed in England after serving seven years. Mayor Kenny of J.C. refused to testify before the N.J. Law Enforcement Council.
Dec 31 After work I joined the New Years Eve party at Madeline's to celebrate their anniversary. There were five other couples. We gave them some shower curtains. Eugene Norma and Sylvia celebrated here. They stayed up till 1:30 AM seeing "I Married a Witch" Tony DeSpirito brought home his 389th winner of the year to break the 1906 record by one. Fletcher Henderson is dead at 55.
The box score for yesterday's triple header was pasted in here, with the note that "The boys had to miss the Utah-Manhattan Game".
Jan 1, 1953 We watched television all day. Bus drivers went out on strike on eight privately owned companies in N.Y.s biggest bus strike. Goal is 40 hr. week.
Jan 2 We went to Mike & Evelyn for dinner. First we stopped at Kleins, getting Eugene his suit - $20. two ties - 39¢ each, some things for Evelyn & Isabel. The girls played games and with the doll and carriage dressing up as mothers hats, veils and all. Eugene read mostly. When we came home he went for his instructions and stayed for the services at the Rabbi's request. The President's Commission on Immigration recommended revision of the McCarran Act as an "arrogant, brazen instrument of discrimination". A State Dep't memo accused 38 U.S. Employees of the UN, including 11 present employees, of Communist affiliations. A Chilean explosion resulted in 40 killed and hundreds hurt. Millicent Rogers is dead at 52 and Charles Hopkins at 69.
Jan 3 Sylvia drew "Ginny & Geneva" - Wooley - again, "The Saturday's" E. Enright "The Pink Maple House" C.N. Govan, "Binnie Latches On" Marie McSwigan. Eugene drew "The Omnibus of Sports" G. Rice and H. Powel, "Red Grange" G. Schoor, "The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" "The Mysterious Sailor" Felix Riesenberg Jr. "The Story of Football" Lamont Buchanan. Played Eugene a chess game in which he turned a lost game into a stale-mate as is his favorite trick. Judge Kaufman refused to commute the Rosenberg's death sentence. High schools will open at 10 AM Monday due to the bus strike. Rutgers dismissed Profs. Finley and Heimlich for refusing to answer questions as to Communist affiliation.
I check all the book titles and authors. Regarding the Red Grange biography, I found dozens of sports biographies and other sports books by Gene Schoor, but not one about Red Grange.
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