The box score for the game we saw the day before was taped in in this entry.
July 21 I took the three girls to the library while Eugene played with Bobby R. who came over. Sylvia drew "The Pony that Ran Away" - E.H. Lansing, "Indigo Hill" E.F. Lattimore, "The Poetic Parrot" M. McKay, "Too Many Turtles" E.L. Brock. Susan and Peggy read while Sylvia chose her books. At home Susan and Sylvia played while Peggy wandered all over the house wisecracking and being very cute. Just at bed time Peggy decided she wanted to go home, and Lil & Harry had to drive over and get them. Iran rioters ran wild for the second day to protest Mossadegh's replacement by Ghavam. Walt Davis - U.S. Emil Zapotek - Czech. and Romaschkova - USSR broke Olympic records.
July 22 We went over to Molly's for supper seeing Sam also as Eugene is to leave for camp Friday. Previously we had gone to the Valentine to see "The Lavender Hill Mob" with Alec Guinness and "The Red Ball Express" with Jeff Chandler. The air-conditioning was a relief as we have had 90° heat for many days without let-up. Iran's demonstrations caused the withdrawal of new Premier Ghavam. Barkley withdrew as Democratic nominee as a Stevenson boom started.
July 23 We stayed home in the continuous heat. In the morning however three of us went to Fordham while Eugene played punch ball. We got Sylvia a mid-riff in Alexanders but could not get Eugene a toilet kit for camp. I got sport shoes in Davega $3.44. Dixiecrats were appeased by a compromise "Loyalty" pledge as the reluctant Stevenson failed to renounce a forthcoming nomination. Hess' plea for a new trial was turned down. Mossadegh got his premiership back on the wave of popular support. Bob Richards - U.S.broke the Olympic pole vault record, Sim Iness US broke the discus record.
July 24 Played a little tennis with the girls today and it was the first cool day in two weeks. Later to a farewell supper for Eugene at mom's with Lil and the kids also there. A compromise civil rights plank was presented to the Dem. convention. It omitted mention of poll tax, lynching, F.E.P.C. and cloture. Cy Young U.S. broke the Olympic Javelin throw record
July 25 We took Eugene down to the bus this morning and he left for Ten Mile River at 9:30 AM. Leaving the house we forgot the sandwiches Lillian had prepared for him. Later I beat Marin in the morning and Dimitri in the evening. Sylvia played nok-hockey and a boy threw sand in her hair and shoes having her in tears. Lil took her for chow mein then but I was too tired to go. The Steel strike was settled with a package raise of 21¢ and a compromise over the union shop. Truman committed the
Could not find who "Tom O'connor" was. But in looking for Lammot Dupont (couldn't read his first name originally), I found that Wikipedia had his month of death as June, so I corrected it.
July 26 Beat Mac Cohen today at St James with Sylvia playing nok hockey all day in the playground. Stevenson was nominated on the third ballot at the Dem. convention Kefauver led him on the first two ballots.
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