Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Mar 12 Sunday Went over to see Mama with the kids. She is better and has been off the bed for a few minutes. Sylvia was chosen to sing in the auditorium as representative of her class. Sylvia wote another book report - on Snow White. Lillian red [sic] Alice T. Hobart's "The Cleft Rock", "Prairie Avenue" of Arthur Meeker. We both read "Jane Grey" by Jean Kerr.

Mar 13 The kids stayed home today in wretched weather. Our television was installed today. Exiled King Leopold won a plebiscite on his return to the throne getting 57% of the vote. The worst commercial air disaster ever killed 80 Britons in Cardiff. There were only three survivors. The N.Y. Medical Society refused to take disciplinary action against Dr Sanders. The C.I.O. denounced the Mundt Bill as evil and repressive.

Mar 14 The refrigerator was fixed today. It was out of order 12 days. Sen McCarthy continued to name Reds in the State Dept. This time it was Haldore Hanson, Owen Lattimore and Mr. & Mrs. Brunauer. 34 individuals and nine corps. were accused of wartime tax fraud by the gov't. Paul Robeson was barred by N.B.C. from appearing on Mrs. Roosevelt's television program. Heinrich Mann is dead.

Mar 15 Sylvia insisted it was too warm to wear pants today. Eugene helps us with the Compass Contest Puzzle every day. McCarthy named four more State Dep't. "reds" Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, Gustavo Duran and John S Service. Gubitchev decided to stay here and fight his prison sentence. Czech Foreign Minister Clementis was replaced by Vilim Soroky. AC Powell assailed the ban on Robeson. H Christoffel got a 2-6 years term for perjury. Charles Chaplin was chosen greatest actor of the half century.

"The Daily Compass" was a leftist newspaper we read. 

Mar 16 Sylvia took a doll to school. She gushed over a velvet dress it had. Gubitchev has changed to his month mind again and will leave the country. Poland quit the World Bank. We had our first adjustment of the set by the television service people.

Mar 17 Sylvia got 100% on a spelling test. Acheson listed seven terms for peace with Russia. 1. Unification of Germany; peace treaties with Austria & Japan; non-interference in Asia, 2. Withdrawal of troops from satellite countries, 3. Abandonment of the walkout-boycott policy in the U.N. 4. Attempt to make atomic and armament control agreements. 5 no use of communist parties to subvert other countries 6. cooperation toward respect for diplomatic reps 7. No distortion of pictures of other countries of the world. School teacher Sylvia Schneiderman was fired as "disloyal" without a hearing. Brock Pemberton and Ralph Greenleaf are dead. 99.96% of the Russian people participated in the national elections. Psychiatrist Dr Adolph Meyer is dead.

Mar 18 We went to mother's who is walking with a limp but getting better slowly. 100,000 Belgian workers struck against Leopold's return. We saw City College win the N.I.T. in basketball against Bradley 69-61. Unseeded in the tourney City with only a good season behind it, caught fire in the crucial competition and swept all opposition aside. Dambrot was the only senior with four Sophs, Warner, Roman, Layne & Roth.

Now I'm confused. Did Dad mean we went to the game? That seems unlikely, as I'm sure I would remember it, or at least remember talking about it. Could it have been televised? Or was he using "saw" in the generic sense, meaning it occurred?

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