Feb 5 Sunday Molly and Sam came over. The kids played some of their pieces. Then they brought in their play money and we had some fun. Eugene brought in his sword and gun and slew everyone. We had delicatessen for supper.
Feb 6 A group of atomic scientists called on Truman to seek an agreement with Russia on atomic energy control. Eugene's report card showed the same outstanding marks as before except for his first B in Science. He had erased in a test in that subject.
Feb 7 A girl is bringing a pin to school for Sylvia and Sylvia is bringing one for her. But if Sylvia doesn't like the other pin she won't trade. Truman invoked the Taft-Hartley Act against the striking miners but they will not return without a contract.
Feb 8 Carol Ann Paight, who shot her father to end his agony caused by a cancer was acquitted of second degree murder. Ted Williams signed for the largest salary any player has ever received, an estimated $125,000. Babe Ruth was chosen the greatest baseball player of the last fifty years. Ty Cobb was second. Johnny Weismuller won the swimming laurels.
Feb 9 The kids are supposed to take their lunch along but Eugene begged off. Perhaps he has nothing to do after he finishes his lunch. Sylvia however is delighted to have hers in school. Sec'y of State Acheson rejected appeals to look for peace parleys with Russia. He based our policy on power. Man of [sic] War was called the best race horse of the last fifty years with Citation next.
Feb 10 The courts labelled four of John L Lewis' demands illegal and drafted an injunction against them. Ingrid Bergman won a Mexican divorce from Dr Peter Lindstrom. She will wed Roberto Rosellini father of her new born son.
Feb 11 Sylvia drew "Spick and Span" - Andress, Goldberger, Dolch, Hillok [?] "Through The Year" - Frasier MacCracken & Armstrong "Fun With Us" - Bond, Alder, Cuddy & Wise & "Many Surprises" - same authors. Eugene drew "Dig For [a] Treasure" - Dean Marshall, Green Fairy Book, "Pilot of the High Andes" F.N. Litten & "Glory of the Seas" Agnes Hewes. Sylvia plays some of the "Blue Danube" also "Oh, Dear, What can the Matter Be". Eugene plays Clap Hands and "One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians". British scientist Dr Klaus Fuchs confessed to spying for Russia for seven years for $400. Dempsey's K.O. of Firpo was called the most dramatic sports event of the past fifty years.
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