Friday, December 25, 2015


Mar 26 Sunday Sylvia's classmate Nancy Stewart called her up to have a chat. Took the kids downtown to buy ties. Sylvia got a balloon with sound effects and Eugene got a small jigsaw. He could hardly wait to get home to do it. After lunch we went to Molly and Sam. Present were Sonny & Janice with the year old Bruce, Milt & Shirley with Seth, & Evelyn with Isabel. The kids played hide & seek and Nick Carter adventures. Most of the 85 Czechs who landed in Germany returned to their homeland as their planes had been commandeered by Anti-Communists. Franck [sic] Buck & Arthur Hopkins are dead at 66 & 71.

Mar 27 McCarthy finally named his top spy as Owen Lattimore. There is much to-do about the effect of television on schoolchildren, many of whom watch for more than three hours daily. There are surveys, questionnaires to parents, etc. The kids here watch about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Mar 28 The Supreme Court upheld Dennis' contempt of court Congress conviction, holding that gov't employees could give unbiased decisions. The state Feinberg Law was ruled constitutional a second time after a first ruling against it . F.B.I. Chief Hoover refused to open his secret files to Congress. Russians walked out of two more UN sessions on the Chinese issue.

Mar 29 Molly & Sam, Mr. & Mrs. Peterson and Lil watched the televising of the City-Bradley game which City won 71-68 to sweep both the N.I.T. and the N.C.A.A - the first time it has ever been done. The Mundt Bill was attacked by the A.C.L.U. & A.D.A. Truman again refused to surrender loyalty but ordered his own "Red" probe. Our Ambassador to Canada, Laurence Steinhardt and four others were killed in a plane crash. 

I guess that answers my question about the NIT final game. The Petersons were neighbors. 

Mar 30 Senators subpoenaed loyalty files. Sylvia refuses to wear her slacks as soon as the temperature rises.

Mar 31 Eugene's Cub scout den meeting was held here this afternoon because Ronald Hanstein was ill. The kids rehearsed their parts in the skits for "amateur night" in P.S. 86. Lil took Sylvia to see the show 8 in the evening where all the dens performed. Eugene played "skip to my Lou" on the piano. He also was in the den pyramid. They got home about 10 o'clock to find Mike waiting. He saw the Graziano-Janiro fight which was a draw. Two babies were kidnapped - one in the bronx and one in brooklyn. McCarthy listed his proof that Lattimore was a top Russian agent here. Truman denounced McCarthy, Bridges & Wherry as the Kremlin's best assets here. An arsonist committed to the Belle Vista Sanatorium for mental treatment, admitted setting the fire to the institution causing nine deaths. Hilliard fired four Welfare dep't employees and 27 others after a strong protest by the workers against a previous transfer of one.

April 1 The House voted a $3000,000,000 foreign aid bill. U.S. called on Greece to end corruption or lose our aid. The Brooklyn baby was found but the Bronx incubator baby has not yet been found. Leon Blum is dead at 78.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Mar 19 Sunday The house was livelier than it has been for a long time. At supper time Eugene was listening to Nick Carter on the radio in his room. He had his supper in there. Lil Sylvia and I were watching television in the living room and had our supper there. Mom had an xray taken of our her injury which xray was negative.

Mar 20 Sylvia took some paper clips to school and her new bag with some money in it. There were Anti-U.S. riots in Indo China against the presence of our warships. Edgar Rice Burroughs is dead at 74.

Mar 21 Italian plans to ban rallies and meetings met with angry protests by labor unions. The State Dep't ripped back at McCarthy's "Communist" charges. Poland took over Catholic Church lands.

Mar 22 Sylvia likes "Little Lulu" & "Nancy" in the comics. The State Senate passed Dewey's sex crime bill. It embodies indeterminate sentences for convicted offenders with therapeutic treatment and parole for "good risks".

Mar 23 The U.S.Court of Appeals approved 2-1 gov't loyalty discharges without due process. In Italy a general strike saw numerous clashes and many injured and killed. One city was temporarily taken over by Communists. Dewey's State Rent Law was passed by one vote.

Mar 24 McCarthy named the top Soviet spy working in our State Dept. although his name has not been published yet. Republicans are the [sic] putting on the pressure for opening of the loyalty files which Truman is still withstanding. "All the King's Men" won the "Academy" Award. Broderick Crawford and Olivia di Haviland won the Oscars for best actors. The City put new water restrictions into effect, banning hose sprinklers and certain refrigerators and air conditioning devices. Liberal Party leader Venizelos was sworn in as new Greek Premier.

Mar 25 The kids went to Lewis Wasserberger's 3rd birthday party where they saw some movies. Riots in Belgium protested Leopold's expected return. 85 Czechs flew to refuge in Germany. Harold Laski is dead at 56.                       

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Mar 12 Sunday Went over to see Mama with the kids. She is better and has been off the bed for a few minutes. Sylvia was chosen to sing in the auditorium as representative of her class. Sylvia wote another book report - on Snow White. Lillian red [sic] Alice T. Hobart's "The Cleft Rock", "Prairie Avenue" of Arthur Meeker. We both read "Jane Grey" by Jean Kerr.

Mar 13 The kids stayed home today in wretched weather. Our television was installed today. Exiled King Leopold won a plebiscite on his return to the throne getting 57% of the vote. The worst commercial air disaster ever killed 80 Britons in Cardiff. There were only three survivors. The N.Y. Medical Society refused to take disciplinary action against Dr Sanders. The C.I.O. denounced the Mundt Bill as evil and repressive.

Mar 14 The refrigerator was fixed today. It was out of order 12 days. Sen McCarthy continued to name Reds in the State Dept. This time it was Haldore Hanson, Owen Lattimore and Mr. & Mrs. Brunauer. 34 individuals and nine corps. were accused of wartime tax fraud by the gov't. Paul Robeson was barred by N.B.C. from appearing on Mrs. Roosevelt's television program. Heinrich Mann is dead.

Mar 15 Sylvia insisted it was too warm to wear pants today. Eugene helps us with the Compass Contest Puzzle every day. McCarthy named four more State Dep't. "reds" Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, Gustavo Duran and John S Service. Gubitchev decided to stay here and fight his prison sentence. Czech Foreign Minister Clementis was replaced by Vilim Soroky. AC Powell assailed the ban on Robeson. H Christoffel got a 2-6 years term for perjury. Charles Chaplin was chosen greatest actor of the half century.

"The Daily Compass" was a leftist newspaper we read. 

Mar 16 Sylvia took a doll to school. She gushed over a velvet dress it had. Gubitchev has changed to his month mind again and will leave the country. Poland quit the World Bank. We had our first adjustment of the set by the television service people.

Mar 17 Sylvia got 100% on a spelling test. Acheson listed seven terms for peace with Russia. 1. Unification of Germany; peace treaties with Austria & Japan; non-interference in Asia, 2. Withdrawal of troops from satellite countries, 3. Abandonment of the walkout-boycott policy in the U.N. 4. Attempt to make atomic and armament control agreements. 5 no use of communist parties to subvert other countries 6. cooperation toward respect for diplomatic reps 7. No distortion of pictures of other countries of the world. School teacher Sylvia Schneiderman was fired as "disloyal" without a hearing. Brock Pemberton and Ralph Greenleaf are dead. 99.96% of the Russian people participated in the national elections. Psychiatrist Dr Adolph Meyer is dead.

Mar 18 We went to mother's who is walking with a limp but getting better slowly. 100,000 Belgian workers struck against Leopold's return. We saw City College win the N.I.T. in basketball against Bradley 69-61. Unseeded in the tourney City with only a good season behind it, caught fire in the crucial competition and swept all opposition aside. Dambrot was the only senior with four Sophs, Warner, Roman, Layne & Roth.

Now I'm confused. Did Dad mean we went to the game? That seems unlikely, as I'm sure I would remember it, or at least remember talking about it. Could it have been televised? Or was he using "saw" in the generic sense, meaning it occurred?

Monday, December 21, 2015


Mar 5 Sunday I took the kids to St. James where they fed peanuts to the pigeons. Sylvia would not let them eat from her hand although she wanted to. At home we all played some word games. I beat Eugene two close chess games, one yesterday and one today. Mom and Pop were here yesterday bringing a shirt for me and a new cookie jar.

Mar 6 Lil went to Dr Holzman about herself and took Eugene. Lillian has an inflamed ear. Dr Holzman told her to syringe it with salt water and then put some glycerine in. Eugene has a post nasal drip and must get argyrol packs again also some Alkalon to spray into his nose. This causes him to gag. 

Don't know what "Alkalon" spray was, but the writing seems clear. 

Mar 7 Dr Sanders took the stand to assert that Mrs. Borroto was dead when he injected air into her veins. "Something snapped in me" he said in a deposition full of "I don't knows", "I can't explains". A transit strike in France for a cost of living bonus was incomplete but fairly effective. Edgar Lee Masters is dead at 87, Albert Lebrun at 78. Lou Lehr died at --.   

Mar 8 Sylvia keeps drawing pictures in color of her sch class-mates - Paula K, Sandy I, Sherry F., Sally P, Peggy T etc. A young man discharged from an institution as recovered from insanity ran amok with a bread knife, killing four and wounding several others. 15 were killed as a plane crashed into a house in Minneapolis. Judy Coplon and Val. A Gubitchev were found guilty of conspiring to commit espionage but acquitted of transmitting secret documents to unauthorized persons. 

Looks like Dad started to write "schoolmates" and then changed it.  

Mar 9 Lil's cold flared up again last night. Her nose became very stuffed. She went to bed early with the vaporizer on. Sylvia asked for some paper to write a book report. She wrote two sentences on Cinderella. Mama fell and hurt her hip. She must lie perfectly still for several days. It may be a fracture. Rogge as a delegate of the World Congress of Partisans of Peace addressed the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in an unprecedented plea for free speech for the dissenters from the majority view in Russia. He presented proposals for outlawing of atomic weapons, reduction of standing military establishments and called for a compromise between the Baruch and Vishinsky plans. Michael Shipkov Bulgarian employee of our legation there received 15 years after confessing to espionage. The State Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of the Feinberg Law. Several Curranites were acquitted of attacks on opponent meetings but three were convicted in hearings before magistrate Surpless. 

Mar 10 Lillian called Dr Holzman yesterday. He told her to use neosynephrine and pyrobenzamine talbets. Today she used some of Eugene's left over penicillin after calling the doctor's office. Sylvia was slow in dressing again and stayed home a half a day rather than be late. Acheson called for "total diplomacy" to defeat Russia's expansionism. Dr Sanders was acquitted of an alleged mercy killing by a jury after an hours deliberation. 5 bandit [sic] robbed the Sunnyside branch of the Manufacturer's Trust Co of $64,000. Judith Coplon got 15 years in jail for conspiring to commit espion. [sic] Gubitchev also got 15 years but can leave the country instead. Superintendent of Schools Jansen recommended the dismissal of public school teacher Sylvia Schneiderman as a Communist who had falsely sworn she was not one. 

Mar 11 Lil finally felt better today. While Molly took the kids to Theodore Roosevelt High School to see Rumpelstiltskin, we went out to the Public Radio Sales on East Tremont Ave and bought an Olympic 16 inch table model television set DX950 for $295 + $20 for the table. We got 23% off. Gubitchev has chosen deportation rather than prison. The Greek Populist Party of Tsaldaris won a close general election. Tear gas was used against French strikers.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Feb 26 Sunday Dr. Schatzberg came again as Eugene did not respond to the penicillin. He said his throat was quite inflamed and his sinuses appeared to be affected. He injected a stronger shot of penicillin and also wrote out a prescription for a powdered penicillin to be taken orally and also as a solution in the nostrils. Eugene has had two bad nights, sleeping little. His temp. was 102.4 at 8 AM and 12PM and 102.° at 4 P.M. Sylvia passed the day in the living room playing with her doll, anagrams and giant play book of puzzles she just got.

Feb 27 Eugene awoke at 930 PM yesterday and asked Lillian to count to 100. When she questioned him he threw his arms about her and pleaded with her to do it. When she started to count he asked her to count faster. Then she had to count to 50. "You know what it's for, don't you" he said. "It's for the scales in school". He had no recollection of the incident this morning. His temp. was still 102° this A.M. but dropped to 100° finally at noon. He fell asleep also and got his first decent sleep in several days. Progressive Party delegates at the convention approved a resolution which admitted that both U.S. and Russia have made mistakes and that the members are not apologists for Russia. This is expected to settle differences between the left wingers and centrists. Harry Lauder is dead at 79. 

Feb 28 Eugene's temp. was 100° last night. He had a better night but his nose bothered him in the morning. He again had 101° in the morning but it went down to 99.5° at noon. Mr. Borroto denied he had asked Dr Sanders to end his wife's misery. Nurse Margaret [sic] Rose who had signed a statement that Mrs. Borroto was dead before Dr Sanders came into the room testified today that she had heard her gasp before the doctor pumped air into her veins.

Newspaper stories indicate the nurse's name was Elizabeth, not Margaret Rose. 

Mar 1 Eugene's temp rose to 102° unexpectedly last night. Lil called the doctor who said to renew the penicillin prescription. His temp was under 100° today. It may have been his sinus. Russia boosted the value of the ruble from 19 to 25¢. Several hundred items were cut from 8 to 50%. An assistant librarian at the hospital testified Sanders had admitted the mercy killing and said he would never do it again. The escaped leopard after eating two drugged hunks of meat returned to his cage but died 15 hours later. It had been at large for three days and the object of a search by thousands. 

Mar 2 Stayed home from work. A wretched day. Eugene was normal but his eye swelled up. Lillian took to bed with a cold, headache of several days duration and the old pain in her neck and cheek. Her nose is clogged and one ear is even affected. The refrigerator is out of order adding to the aggravation. Dr Klaus Fuchs German Anti-Nazi refugee confessed to giving American and British atomic secrets to Russia. He received a sentence of 14 years in jail. He is reported to have repented and given authorities all information he has on Soviet agents he contacted. Sen. McMahon asked for a UN Gen'l Assembly atomic session in Moscow. Rathborne admitted he has been working with the gov't for over a year and is the strategy behind the Bridges case.

Mar 3 Home again from work as the mess at home slowly cleared up. Lil was better but had a buzzing in one ear. She was in bed part of the time. Her temp was down and her pain was gone. Eugene was out of bed. His eye cleared up finally. The refrigerator was still unattended to causing most of our aggravation. Sylvia's class had a farewell party with dancing for Sandra who is moving to New Jersey. Sylvia danced with a boy. Judge Keech ruled the Mine Workers Union innocent of contempt in the Miners strike refusal to return to work. Russia accused Finland of violating the peace treaty and friendship pact with Russia.

Mar 4 Sunday The refrigerator man came but could not repair the box. Lil cannot hear well from one year ear and has a buzzing sound in the ear. Most of the time Eugene is better and was out for a few minutes. The kids are still writing stories and fun books. Miners signed for a 70¢ increase in the basic daily wage. Increase in the welfare fund. The Thirstday was called a success finally. The U.S. refused visas to famous leftists who wished to attend a 'peace' convention. Russia has extended visas to another group. Anti-Curran Curranites are now being beaten in N.M.U. headquarters Their candidate cannot get on the lists to run in the coming elections. U of Calif. teachers voted overwhelmingly to reject loyalty oaths.

The unusual number of crossings out seems to reflect the aggravation of the days.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Feb 19 Sunday We went to Mike & Evelyn's to attend Isabel's ninth birthday party. Present were Sam & Molly, Mrs Dizon, Julia & Sam, Lillian, Abe & Barbara and adorable three year old Marilyn. The latter sang, danced and talked her way into everyone's heart. Also Dorothy & Abe, Celia, Rose, Lil Altschuler, Thelma & Harold. Eugene didn't care to dance and when Barbara & Isabel rushed him he became flustered. The kids played a little piano. Lil Friedman played a few selections beautifully. Robert Vogeler admitted spying for the U.S. at his trial in Hungary causing a world wide sensation.

Feb 20 Lillian told Sylvia Lil Altschuler had said she was getting prettier all the time and of course Eugene was handsome. Eugene then said "You're beautiful too, mommy". Wallace asked for unity of all who believe in the peaceful settlement of the atomic energy problem. Curranites invaded an Anti-Curran caucus with knives and bricks and beat up four seamen. 15 were arrested.

Feb 21 The kids went to Danny R's birthday party. The United Mine Workers were cited for contempt of court for defying the order to return to work. The Supreme Court in an important decision approved Search without a warrant in principle by a 5-3 vote. Frankfurter wrote a vigorous dissent. Both factions in the N.M.U. promised the court to refrain from further violence.

Feb 22 The U.S. broke relations with Bulgaria. In Hungary Robert A. Vogeler, American IT&T representative, received 15 years in prison as a spy. Two Hungarians were sentenced to death. Other defendants received prison sentences.

Feb 23 Truman denounced Communism as an armed threat and a modern tyranny worse that any previous ones. He warned Russia we are ready to fight. The F.E.P.C. bill reached the floor of the House for the first time in its eight years.

Feb 24 In the Sanders' mercy death trial the defense caused a sensation by stating it will prove that Mrs. Borroto was dead when Dr Sanders injected air into her veins. Harold Christoffel was found guilty a second time of falsely denying Communist affiliation. His first conviction was upset by the Supreme Court. Tito recognized Ho Chi Minh's regime causing consternation here. Truman refused to surrender loyalty files to Senate probers after charges that the State Dept. is still infested with Communists.

Feb 25 Lillian called Dr. Schatzburg, in Dr Holzman's absence to see Eugene who has a "pussy throat".He got a penicillin shot and aspirin at regular intervals. His temp had reached 104.2. It was 101.5 today and 102.2 at night. Sylvia absolutely refused to sleep with me last night when Lillian wanted to sleep near Eugene. Lillian finally slept in the cot. The British Labor Party retained its power won in 1945 in National elections but by greatly reduced margins. It gained 314 seats Conservatives 294. Communists lost their seats but polled 91000 votes. Wallace called for a peace campaign in opening the Progressive Party convention. Dry Thursdays have been weekly failures. Stricter measures are in store for the City. The hospital record keeper Miss Connor testified Dr Sanders had admitted the mercy killing in her presence. Lavern Roach popular and capable young middleweight boxer died after a K.O. by George Small. A watered down F.E.P.C. bill which met the approval of even Rankin was passed by the House 240-177. Liberal F.E.P.C. supporters voted against the bill. The bill has nothing but advisory publicity and educational attributes. 

Friday, December 11, 2015


Feb 12 Sunday We went to Mom's for dinner, bringin a tie and a valentine flower pot. Lil and the kids came but Harry was motoring in Jersey. Peggy was adorable. She talks much better now. Calls herself 'baby'. Susan is "Sushan". Mom is "mamawr" ... The kids played 'hide and seek' while Peggy exulted. We saw a Hopalong Cassidy Western.

Feb 13 We went to the "Grand" to see "Jolson Sings Again" with Larry Parks and Barbara Hale. Also "Blondie's Big Deal". The kids went to the piano a good deal during the day after their lesson this morning. Mrs. Nadler played a little then Lillian played. The teacher praised her note reading but urged her to practice her scales.

Feb 14 Sylvia got a large star for "good English" in school. The U.S. stated we would further discuss atomic problems with Russia if sincere proposals came. The N.M.U. hiring halls were banned when the Supreme Court refused to review a lower court finding that such 'halls' were in violation of the Taft Hartley Act. Sabatini is dead at 75. Dempsey's K.O. of Firpo was called the greatest sport thrill of the last 50 years.

The Dempsey-Firpo note is apparently a repeat. 

Feb 15 Sylvia's slowness in getting dressed in the morning is driving Lil crzay. The kids are taking their lunch along these sleety days. Churchill promised a Big Three meeting to end the 'cold war' if the Conservatives win the election. Red China and Russia signed a 30 year pact of friendship alliance and mutual aid. It calls for Russian concessions in Manchuria and Port Arthur after a peace treaty with Japan is signed. The NAACP refused to join the 'Legions' Anti-Communist Front.

Feb 16 Lillian had another scene about dressing this morning with Sylvia. She threatened not to let her go to school again but Sylvia just about made it. The Mine Mill & Smelter Workers, United Office & Professional Workers and Food, Tobacco & Agricultar [sic] Workers Unions were expelled from the C.I.O. for "following the Party line". Babe Didrikson Zaharias was chosen greatest woman athlete of the last fifty years.

Feb 17 The House Rules Comm. again failed to bring out the F.E.P.C. bill by a 6-6 tie vote. Truman said it's up to Russia to make a move for peace. The C.I.O. expelled the left wing United Public Workers.

Feb 18 We went to the Lido to see "The Roosevelt Story" with pictures and narration of the historic years of Roosevelt's presidency. Also "Fame is the Spur" with Michael Redgrave. The militant young firebrand who becomes a conservative M.P. A Briton and two Hungarians admitted spying for the West in the Vogeler trial in Hungary. Vogeler will testify to-morrow. An L.I. train wreck killed at least 30 and injured scores. Two trains crashed head on. Lewis ordered his miners to end their strike but the men are determined to stay out for a contract, increase in the welfare fund and dollar a day wage increase. Judy Coplon fired her lawyer Archibald Palmer and got three new lawyers - Sam Neuberger, Leonard Boudin and Sidney Berman. French strikes against arms unloading appear to have failed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Feb 5 Sunday Molly and Sam came over. The kids played some of their pieces. Then they brought in their play money and we had some fun. Eugene brought in his sword and gun and slew everyone. We had delicatessen for supper.

Feb 6 A group of atomic scientists called on Truman to seek an agreement with Russia on atomic energy control. Eugene's report card showed the same outstanding marks as before except for his first B in Science. He had erased in a test in that subject.

Feb 7 A girl is bringing a pin to school for Sylvia and Sylvia is bringing one for her. But if Sylvia doesn't like the other pin she won't trade. Truman invoked the Taft-Hartley Act against the striking miners but they will not return without a contract.

Feb 8 Carol Ann Paight, who shot her father to end his agony caused by a cancer was acquitted of second degree murder. Ted Williams signed for the largest salary any player has ever received, an estimated $125,000. Babe Ruth was chosen the greatest baseball player of the last fifty years. Ty Cobb was second. Johnny Weismuller won the swimming laurels.

Feb 9 The kids are supposed to take their lunch along but Eugene begged off. Perhaps he has nothing to do after he finishes his lunch. Sylvia however is delighted to have hers in school. Sec'y of State Acheson rejected appeals to look for peace parleys with Russia. He based our policy on power. Man of [sic] War was called the best race horse of the last fifty years with Citation next.

Feb 10 The courts labelled four of John L Lewis' demands illegal and drafted an injunction against them. Ingrid Bergman won a Mexican divorce from Dr Peter Lindstrom. She will wed Roberto Rosellini father of her new born son.

Feb 11 Sylvia drew "Spick and Span" - Andress, Goldberger, Dolch, Hillok [?] "Through The Year" - Frasier MacCracken & Armstrong "Fun With Us" - Bond, Alder, Cuddy & Wise & "Many Surprises" - same authors. Eugene drew "Dig For [a] Treasure" - Dean Marshall, Green Fairy Book, "Pilot of the High Andes" F.N. Litten & "Glory of the Seas" Agnes Hewes. Sylvia plays some of the "Blue Danube" also "Oh, Dear, What can the Matter Be". Eugene plays Clap Hands and "One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians". British scientist Dr Klaus Fuchs confessed to spying for Russia for seven years for $400. Dempsey's K.O. of Firpo was called the most dramatic sports event of the past fifty years.