Sunday, November 24, 2013


3/21 Sunday Mom and Pop, Lilly Harry and Susan over for the afternoon and supper. Susan says her daddy's car is the best in the world.When I asked her which is the worst, she snapped back "Have you got a car". Eugene asked some riddles. Sylvia and Susan romped all over the house. Talbert won the Nat'l Indoors over Sid Schwartz in four sets. Kentucky beat Holy Cross in the NCAA Eastern Regional 60-52.

3/22 Joyce G. tenth birthday and the kids and mothers were invited to the luncheonette for sodas and ice cream. Sylvia looked forward to it with great excitement but Eugene and I went to the library. He drew "Paul Bunyan" by Esther Shephard, "The White Duckling" and other Russian folk tales translated by N.H. Dole "Science Experiences with Home Equipment" by C.J. Lynde. For Sylvia we got "The Little Gray Goose" by F. LeFevre. Palestine Jews warned they will never give up their Jewish state. U.S. Britian and France asked for Trieste's return to Italy. This is an attempt to sway the April Italian elections our way. Italians here are also writing to Italy to ask support of the de Gasperi gov't there! The Vatican is also making a tremendous effort to defeat the popular front.

3/23 Sylvia moped around all morning fanning me to a fury once or twice by her actions. Eugene is trying to cancel out his charges before repord [sic] card time. Tito offered to exchange Trieste for Gorizia. Commercial printers walked out against a lengthening of the work week from 36 1/4 to 40 hours. The Palestine reversal has caused great anti-Truman activity and protests. The Security Council took up the Czech question, past and present Czech delegates attending.

3/24 A houseful of kids played school here yesterday. Eugene was Secretary and Sylvia - paper monitor. Truman invoked the T.H. act against the miners. Palestine Jews will proclaim a Jewish state on May 16. The Joint chiefs of staff asked 10 billion more for the military budget. A.B. Magil was barred from Palestine and the UN "Press Freedom" conference.

3/25 Eugene started his Easter vacation today. In the morning he went shopping with Lil to help her carry packages while Sylvia played in the yard. Hundreds of Brooklynites failed to see Truman but spoke to Congressmen in Washington on the Palestine crisis. Eisler received a 1-3 year sentence. A campaign to aid Mrs. Ingram sentenced to death in Georgia for a slaying she committed in self defense is growing.

3/26 Last night with Lillian tired, the kids undressed for bed by themselves and Eugene read to Sylvia. This morning Eugene decided to play with the blocks for a change. The kids then made houses and played 'make believe' like old times. A new red scare was started with the sighting of "enemy submarines". Truman claimed he ditched partition to avoid bloodshed. Lil took the kids to the "University" where they saw "The Vigilante's Return" and "See My Lawyer". Also four cartoons which the kids enjoyed. 

3/27 We attended Lewis Wasserberger's first birthday party. Pictures were taken and shown. Joyce and Norma G. Arnold & Dolly P. Arline D. were there from the neighborhood. After the party the kids played "throw the rubber hoop" in front of the house. Arnold, Eugene, Mimi [?] and Arline against Gloria, Vivian, Joyce & Sylvia. At night we went to the dance and entertainment of our Yivo [?] lodge at the Sholem Aleichem Auditorium. We met the Biders, Rosens, Greenfields and Arthur Cohens.

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