Sunday, November 17, 2013


3/14 Sunday Discovered a Sunday School test of Eugene's marked 98% - Best Paper. [see scanned in page] Lost a chess game to him and played him a scoreless tie in the football game. We went down intending to visit the Cloisters and take pictures but found it too cold so took a short walk. Both kids got dimes for comic books. At night Molly and Sam over with Barbara to meet Joe Roos. We played records and the scissors game. Had coffee and lemon meringue pie and whipped jello.

For some reason, my paper was actually pasted in a couple of pages later. 

3/15 To the Windsor to see "Jack London" with Michael O'Shea and Susan Hayward and "The War of the Wildcats" with John Wayne and Martha Scott. Sylvia, as usual paid no attention to the show. The 16 E.R.P. nations open a conference in Paris tomorrow. A Nat'l Security Council has been set up with James Forrestal Sec'y of Defense as head. Other leaders of our drive to war are Sec'y of Commerce Harriman, Undersec'y of State Lovett and Admiral Leahy. 75000 women marched for peace in Rome under Communist auspices. They presented 2000000 signatures to be sent to the UN. Lillian read "The Bright Promise" by R. Sherman and we both read Ilona Ralf Sues "Sharks Skins and Millets" [actually, "Shark's Fins and Millet"] - telling of the corruption in Nationalist China and reform in Yenan.

3/16 Sylvia likes to hide in the kitchen, as I watch. Then I call out various places some comical as "in the refrigerator" until I call out the place she is in. Eugene was a monitor in his last year teacher's class Mrs. Dwyer. 200000 miners stopped work for a $100 monthly pension. The Supreme Court ruled the Taft Hartley ban on union political expenditures unconstitutional. Truman invoked the Taft Hartley bill to avert a meat strike. The packers have refused arbitration in a wage dispute. A new Czech delegate to the UN V. Houdek arrived to replace Jan Papanek who refused to recognize the re-organization. He refuses to leave his post.

3/17 Sylvia asked if I was good to Eugene when he was five. Then she wanted to know why he wasn't good to her now that she's five. Wallace wired leading members of Congress to reject the war hysteria. A rent bill giving power to local boards was passed by the "House" 251-132.

The first two sentences would seem to make sense only if "he" is replaced by "I" in the second sentence. 

3/18 After school Eugene is supposed to join a boy's club in the school building. Sylvia asked if she had spoiled my "blazor" after fooling around with my razor. Truman demanded that Congress enact U.M.T. and the selective service draft. He asked for force to back up the new 16 nation Western Bloc against the Soviet Bloc. The Arabian-American Oil Co. gave the Arabian minister in the US $100,000, V.P. Duse of the Oil Co. admitted. The UN Council voted 9-2 to hear charges of Soviet interference in Czecho.

3/19 Eugene couldn't contact the club yesterday. Sylvia got a new straw hat. She insisted on trying on all the hats before a mirror. She also tried to wheedle a pair of shoes. Wallace answered Truman calling for universal peace, fight the draft and U.M.T. curb monopoly, support the UN. A vet has been living at the Waldorf all week in protest against lack of housing. He intends to bill the city for hotel charges. The US Court of Appeals upheld the UnAmerican Committees right to question concerning political beliefs 2-1. St. Louis U. won the Nat'l Invitation basketball tourney over N.Y.U. 65-52. Irene Joliot-Curie here to speak for the J.A.F.R.C. was released for 15 days after detention at Ellis Island.

3/20 The kids went skating this morning in the aqueduct. U.S. UN delegate Austin in a shocking reverse asked for a scrapping of the Palestine partition and proposed a temporary trusteeship plan. Lillian got the kids shoes at Alexanders. Sylvia - Brown Size 12 1/2 E $6.59, Eugene Borwn Size 3 1/2 E $6.99.


  1. I disagree with your comment! Pretty sophisticated family systems theory for a 5-year-old. If you had people being "good" to you at 5, why would you want to be anything but good with someone else who is 5?

    1. Perhaps you're right; your may have been suggesting the transitive property of being "good to" someone. Or, maybe, the golden rule. As you say, sophisticated reasoning!
