Friday, November 29, 2013


3/28 Sunday Eugene and Sylvia have been collaborating on secret messages. Eugene has a ruler in front of him which contains an important message invisible to the naked eye. The handle of the skipping rope alongside the ruler is a power light illuminating the message. A spool which Eugene peers through is a powerful telescope which enables him to read the message. He then spells out words for Sylvia to write. The messages concern "All the crooks, robbers and thieves in the world". Sylvia today rebelled in the middle of the message. She wanted to look into the telescope. We were supposed to visit Al today but Danny got a sudden high temp. so we went to the Educational Alliance on E. Bdway instead. We saw two pictures - 10¢ for children 12¢ for adults. The sound was very noisy. The first picture "The Cummington Story" about refugees settling in a small town was very indistinct but "Pecks Bady [sic] Boy" with Jackie Cooper, Jackie Searles [sic] and Thomas Meighan made in 1934 was much better.

3/29 Eugene drew "The Jack Tales" edited by R. Chase and including Jack and the Bean Tree "Peter Duck" by A. Ransome, "Twenty-Four Unusual Stories" retold by A.C. Tyler and for Sylvia "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo" by B & E. Hader. She played in the yard rather than go to the library. Eugene made a merry-go-round which he had failed to do previously. Arabs wiped out a 42 man Jewish food convoy. Elsewhere 150 more were spared when they surrendered their arms. Quill resigned his City C.I.O. Council presidency with anomalous statements of differences. He claims he does not wish to be caught in a fight between the Nat'l and City C.I.O. The Wallace for President Comm. started an "Enlist for Peace" month.

3/30 The kids played in the yard this morning. Stayed home from work today and we went to the zoo. Sylvia had her pony ride which she had looked forward to all afternoon. We saw some striking colorful penguins and visited the house of small mammals. We ate candy and popcorn and took pictures. At home played Eugene a chess game and taught Sylvia a little. Sadie and her sister Betty dropped in an night. We partook of frankfurters, baked beans and homemade french frieds. Fascists captured the Greek Labor Congress as Murray hailed the Greek gov't and labor movement for its democracy and freedom. The T.W.U. will remain in the City C.I.O. A.F.L. office workers struck wall street. J L Lewis boycotted the Gov'ts fact finding board in the Coal stoppage.

3/31 Arnold called for Eugene and they went off to the Aqueduct where they played with the rubber hoop together with several others. Sylvia played in the yard. Right after lunch Eugene left to meet Arnold. Cops clubbed Wall St. strikers and their seamen supporters who had formed a human barricade in front of the Stock Exchange. The House voted to include Franco in E.R.P. 149-52.

4/1 We all went to Mother's for lunch on Susan's birthday. Sylvia and Eugene Susan amused themselves by saying "I'm chair years old" "I'm sofa years old" "I'm bed years old" etc. Later they paraded carrying brushes and hand mirrors. Eugene wrote me a message in mirror writing. An Ohio C.P. leaders home was wrecked by a mob of several hundred while he and his family were away. Wallace demanded an end to our intervention in the Italian election. He was picketed and booed by war vets. A P Randolph and Grant Reynolds asserted they would advise Negros and whites to refuse to defy the draft unless segregation and Jim Crow were abolished. The Philipps [sic] Oilers defeated Kentucky U 53-49 to win the Nat'l basketball title. Outstanding were Kurland - 20 points and Beard 23 points. The House passed the 6 billion dollar E.R.P. with Franco aid retained 329-74. Cable workers ended their 3 month strike without an agreement.

Obviously Dad meant to write either "refuse" or "defy", but what he actually wrote is the opposite of what he meant.

4/2 The party continued. Present were Mom, Lilly & Susan and family, Rachel, a friend of Lil's Gertie and her two kids. Blume Ann and Barbara came later. Mom gave Sylvia Lil's old dancing costume. We gave Susan a pretty red suit and white blouse. ---. The kids made Easter baskets. Mike Evelyn and Isabel came over for a delicious lunch of roast beef and trimmings. I had to leave for work early. Magil got his Palestine passport in a reversal. Russia ordered all U.S. and British trains passing through its sector in Berlin to be inspected, suspecting transfer of machinery and stores from Berlin to Bizonia. Green opposed U.M.T. but weakened on Selective Service in "House" hearings. The C.I.O. opposed both at present.

4/3 Yesterday the kids got a gun and a junior doctor's kit. Lillian gave Evelyn several doilies. This morning Eugene worked on the weekly P.M. chess problems. Sylvia playing with the pieces knocked the crosses off the kings. Eisenhower, subject of the Truman shelvers for the presidential nomination, endorse U.M.T. the draft and condoned Jim Crow in the Army. Congress over-rode Truman's veto of the big 6 billion dollar income tax cut overwhelmingly. The reduction favors the rich. A Welfare Dept red hunt started. Another Italian union leader was assassinated. Rep. Isaacson was denied a passport to attend a Paris conference to aid Greek democracy. India started a red-hunt. Egon Irwin Kisch is dead.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


3/21 Sunday Mom and Pop, Lilly Harry and Susan over for the afternoon and supper. Susan says her daddy's car is the best in the world.When I asked her which is the worst, she snapped back "Have you got a car". Eugene asked some riddles. Sylvia and Susan romped all over the house. Talbert won the Nat'l Indoors over Sid Schwartz in four sets. Kentucky beat Holy Cross in the NCAA Eastern Regional 60-52.

3/22 Joyce G. tenth birthday and the kids and mothers were invited to the luncheonette for sodas and ice cream. Sylvia looked forward to it with great excitement but Eugene and I went to the library. He drew "Paul Bunyan" by Esther Shephard, "The White Duckling" and other Russian folk tales translated by N.H. Dole "Science Experiences with Home Equipment" by C.J. Lynde. For Sylvia we got "The Little Gray Goose" by F. LeFevre. Palestine Jews warned they will never give up their Jewish state. U.S. Britian and France asked for Trieste's return to Italy. This is an attempt to sway the April Italian elections our way. Italians here are also writing to Italy to ask support of the de Gasperi gov't there! The Vatican is also making a tremendous effort to defeat the popular front.

3/23 Sylvia moped around all morning fanning me to a fury once or twice by her actions. Eugene is trying to cancel out his charges before repord [sic] card time. Tito offered to exchange Trieste for Gorizia. Commercial printers walked out against a lengthening of the work week from 36 1/4 to 40 hours. The Palestine reversal has caused great anti-Truman activity and protests. The Security Council took up the Czech question, past and present Czech delegates attending.

3/24 A houseful of kids played school here yesterday. Eugene was Secretary and Sylvia - paper monitor. Truman invoked the T.H. act against the miners. Palestine Jews will proclaim a Jewish state on May 16. The Joint chiefs of staff asked 10 billion more for the military budget. A.B. Magil was barred from Palestine and the UN "Press Freedom" conference.

3/25 Eugene started his Easter vacation today. In the morning he went shopping with Lil to help her carry packages while Sylvia played in the yard. Hundreds of Brooklynites failed to see Truman but spoke to Congressmen in Washington on the Palestine crisis. Eisler received a 1-3 year sentence. A campaign to aid Mrs. Ingram sentenced to death in Georgia for a slaying she committed in self defense is growing.

3/26 Last night with Lillian tired, the kids undressed for bed by themselves and Eugene read to Sylvia. This morning Eugene decided to play with the blocks for a change. The kids then made houses and played 'make believe' like old times. A new red scare was started with the sighting of "enemy submarines". Truman claimed he ditched partition to avoid bloodshed. Lil took the kids to the "University" where they saw "The Vigilante's Return" and "See My Lawyer". Also four cartoons which the kids enjoyed. 

3/27 We attended Lewis Wasserberger's first birthday party. Pictures were taken and shown. Joyce and Norma G. Arnold & Dolly P. Arline D. were there from the neighborhood. After the party the kids played "throw the rubber hoop" in front of the house. Arnold, Eugene, Mimi [?] and Arline against Gloria, Vivian, Joyce & Sylvia. At night we went to the dance and entertainment of our Yivo [?] lodge at the Sholem Aleichem Auditorium. We met the Biders, Rosens, Greenfields and Arthur Cohens.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


3/14 Sunday Discovered a Sunday School test of Eugene's marked 98% - Best Paper. [see scanned in page] Lost a chess game to him and played him a scoreless tie in the football game. We went down intending to visit the Cloisters and take pictures but found it too cold so took a short walk. Both kids got dimes for comic books. At night Molly and Sam over with Barbara to meet Joe Roos. We played records and the scissors game. Had coffee and lemon meringue pie and whipped jello.

For some reason, my paper was actually pasted in a couple of pages later. 

3/15 To the Windsor to see "Jack London" with Michael O'Shea and Susan Hayward and "The War of the Wildcats" with John Wayne and Martha Scott. Sylvia, as usual paid no attention to the show. The 16 E.R.P. nations open a conference in Paris tomorrow. A Nat'l Security Council has been set up with James Forrestal Sec'y of Defense as head. Other leaders of our drive to war are Sec'y of Commerce Harriman, Undersec'y of State Lovett and Admiral Leahy. 75000 women marched for peace in Rome under Communist auspices. They presented 2000000 signatures to be sent to the UN. Lillian read "The Bright Promise" by R. Sherman and we both read Ilona Ralf Sues "Sharks Skins and Millets" [actually, "Shark's Fins and Millet"] - telling of the corruption in Nationalist China and reform in Yenan.

3/16 Sylvia likes to hide in the kitchen, as I watch. Then I call out various places some comical as "in the refrigerator" until I call out the place she is in. Eugene was a monitor in his last year teacher's class Mrs. Dwyer. 200000 miners stopped work for a $100 monthly pension. The Supreme Court ruled the Taft Hartley ban on union political expenditures unconstitutional. Truman invoked the Taft Hartley bill to avert a meat strike. The packers have refused arbitration in a wage dispute. A new Czech delegate to the UN V. Houdek arrived to replace Jan Papanek who refused to recognize the re-organization. He refuses to leave his post.

3/17 Sylvia asked if I was good to Eugene when he was five. Then she wanted to know why he wasn't good to her now that she's five. Wallace wired leading members of Congress to reject the war hysteria. A rent bill giving power to local boards was passed by the "House" 251-132.

The first two sentences would seem to make sense only if "he" is replaced by "I" in the second sentence. 

3/18 After school Eugene is supposed to join a boy's club in the school building. Sylvia asked if she had spoiled my "blazor" after fooling around with my razor. Truman demanded that Congress enact U.M.T. and the selective service draft. He asked for force to back up the new 16 nation Western Bloc against the Soviet Bloc. The Arabian-American Oil Co. gave the Arabian minister in the US $100,000, V.P. Duse of the Oil Co. admitted. The UN Council voted 9-2 to hear charges of Soviet interference in Czecho.

3/19 Eugene couldn't contact the club yesterday. Sylvia got a new straw hat. She insisted on trying on all the hats before a mirror. She also tried to wheedle a pair of shoes. Wallace answered Truman calling for universal peace, fight the draft and U.M.T. curb monopoly, support the UN. A vet has been living at the Waldorf all week in protest against lack of housing. He intends to bill the city for hotel charges. The US Court of Appeals upheld the UnAmerican Committees right to question concerning political beliefs 2-1. St. Louis U. won the Nat'l Invitation basketball tourney over N.Y.U. 65-52. Irene Joliot-Curie here to speak for the J.A.F.R.C. was released for 15 days after detention at Ellis Island.

3/20 The kids went skating this morning in the aqueduct. U.S. UN delegate Austin in a shocking reverse asked for a scrapping of the Palestine partition and proposed a temporary trusteeship plan. Lillian got the kids shoes at Alexanders. Sylvia - Brown Size 12 1/2 E $6.59, Eugene Borwn Size 3 1/2 E $6.99.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


3/7 Sunday We attended Molly & Sam's 25th anniversary party today. There was turkey, tongue, knishes, Lilly's potato salad, cole slaw, a great big cake. Eugene Sylvia Isabel and Ronny Bickoff ran wild. The men played cards while the women chatted. Lost a chess game to Milt. Eugene stood on a chair and read the telegrams & cards.

Sounds like something I should remember, but I don't. 

3/8 Eugene passed a hearing test in school. Sylvia played London Bridge in the yard with two kids. The hunger strikers were released on bail pending a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus. Ross Lockridge, author of the recent best seller "Raintree Country" committed suicide at 33.

3/9 Sylvia was delighted when I swung her doll in a swing alongside hers in the playground. Eugene often asks about something and when explained to says "I thought so". G. Eisler made a surprise appearance on the UN radio. The Supreme Court ruled religious teaching in public schools unconstitutional 8-1. Truman and MacArthur announced they will run if nominated. A Dem.-Rep. deal on the 8¢ fare broke down.

3/10 Eugene drew Baldwin's "Another Fairy Reader", "Tall Tale America" by Walter Blair - folk hero humor "Rogue Reynard" by A. Norton. Sylvia chose "The Little House" by V. L. Burton. I took Joyce G. along with us. She took three books and one for Norma. The House voted $200,000 for the UnAmerican Comm.

3/11 Jan Masaryk committed suicide at 61. Senator Taylor's bill to return European aid to the UN received only three votes. Last night we went to the P.T.A. meeting hearing an excellent talk on discipline and the child by Mrs. Romanoff. We decided to be less rigid with Sylvia's difficulties. 

3/12 Sylvia when told that after Eugene's school lay Walton High School then Hunter College said "Then you get married". Eugene is still a sloppy eater. 25000 marched in support of Palestine in a left wing sponsored parade. Truman stated we are against Communists in any gov't in the world. He also denied a charge he had made anti semitic statements. The Jewish Agency was bombed in Palestine causing 100 casualties. Reggie Weir became the first Negro ever accepted in a U.S.L.T.A. tournament when he entered the National Indoors.

3/13 When Eugene refused to see-saw with Sylvia she asked a little seven year old girl who went on with her while her friend and Eugene fooled around the other see-saws. When Eugene did everything but sit on the see-saws the little girl guessed he was "nervous" about it. She also wished her "darn mother would take me to the zoo sometimes" but she feels three children gives her enough to do. Lillian was due to take the kids to the zoo this afternoon which she did. Wallace attacked Truman's demand for exclusion of Communists from all gov'ts as a bar to free elections. A G.O.P. bill to allow a fare raise was passed by the state legislature as O'Dwyer simultaneously stated the five cent fare would remain. The C.I.O. demanded all state and city councils follow national policy on Wallace and the E.R.P.  At the zoo the kids got some small fish at 5¢ each to throw to the seals. Sylvia went on the pony ride - not Eugene.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


2/29 Sunday Lillian stayed out of bed, but didn't feel well. She had pains in her neck and throat again. She used cold compresses and finally sloan's liniment. Sylvia never takes 'no' for an answer but insists till violence or threats are used. Took the kids out to the playground where Eugene stood on the big swings. Lost a chess game to him. Read Feuchtwanger's "Proud Destiny". The American Revolution and Franklin's trip to Paris to secure a loan and alliance. Beaumarchais, dandy, adventurer, playwright, lover of liberty. His loves and stirring plays "Barber of Seville" and "Marriage of Figaro". Louis XVI and Toinette and their court.

3/1 Lillian had a big scene with Eugene about his slowness in rising and reading while dressing. Sylvia rocked in the yard swing. Lillian still felt poorly this morning although improved. Francs [France's? Franco's?] ships here are loading tanks secretly. 1500 vets from all orgs. met in Washington to demand housing. 28 British soldiers were killed in a Palestine train wreck and many wounded. Lillian read Aldington's "Romance of Casanova" and "The Spectacle of a Man" by John Coignard. A psycho-analytical study.

3/2 Eugene stayed home this afternoon because of the miserable weather. Sylvia went down to the book-shop by herself to buy a coloring book. Potash was picked up for deportation as all prisoners on Ellis Island denied bail started a hunger strike. Czech land will be divided among small farmers but not collectivized.

3/3 Lillian's eye was bloodshot and she developed a nose bleed during the night, but she felt better this morning. Eugene's pencils disappear from his desk but he won't talk to his teacher about it. Sylvia is wearing long stockings. Protests and demonstrations greeted the second day of the hunger strikers. Atomic scientist Dr. Condon is under attack as a "subversive".

3/4 When Eugene skips brushing his teeth he admits it at once. Sylvia insists on wearing slacks. Potash was released on bail. Czech ambassadors to US and Canada resigned. Dr. A. A. Brill is dead at 74.

3/5 Eugene was again barred from comics for not practicing his writing. Sylvia got a set of sewing cards to keep her busy for a while. The hunger strikers were moved to a hospital. 10,000 demonstrated for them in N.Y.

3/6 With the kids to the playground. Eugene found he could do all the tricks he mastered last summer. Sylvia reveled on the swings. Auto Union leader Christoffel got 2-6 years for perjury when he denied Communist connections. Bridges was removed from his district directorship for bucking C.I.O. policy on Wallace and the Marshall Plan.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


2/22 Sunday Washington's Birthday Over to Mom's for lunch and dinner. Brought Lillian's birthday present of stockings. Susan loaned Sylvia her doll but asked her if she would take it home. Beat Pop two chess games, Eugene losing one to him.

2/23 Sleigh riding in the morning. After lunch we walked to the Oxford at 183 st to see Barbary Coast with E. G. Robinson, Miriam Hopkins & Joel McCrea, made in 1937. Also Marco Polo with Gary Cooper and Gurie and Basil Rathbone made in 1935. Sylvia cared for the Popeye cartoon only, otherwise she nagged us to go home. A great Jerusalem blast killed about 50 and wounded 100. Jews blaming it on the British killed about ten British soldiers in retaliation. Third party groups are being started in many states. Czech labor called a stoppage for nationalization and against reactionaries.

2/24 Sylvia teases us by shouting "can't catch a butterfly" then runs away. She'd gone down this morning and played with "baby Joycie" as she calls her. Eugene made a confession today. He got five charges for fighting in the "gym". Went to Dr. Robbins today for my xray results. 6 2-surface fillings - $30. 1 simple filling - porcelain $5 Prophylaxis $5 xray - $5. Sen Taylor announced his candidacy for V.P. with Wallace. The Second A.D.A. convention elected Leon Henderson President and attacked a third party. In Czechoslovakia, a National Socialist Party plot was unearthed for an armed uprising. The Nat'l Lawyers Guild rapped the Marshall Plan. Kenny was reelected President. The Nat'l C.I.O. Conference on Civil Liberties gagged most of the opposition. Implementation of the Presdident's Civil rights program was announced as the sole business. ...

2/25 Sylvia has hidden Eugene's "gun", a branch they found in the street. Eugene is determined to find it. Our UN delegate Austin asked for further study on Palestine. He called the partition not binding and said the UN could act further only if a threat to the peace is found. Wallace testified against the E.R.P. as a threat to peace before the "House" Comm. Radio and movies were banned for his testimony. The Czech gov't took stringent steps against a suspected National Socialist plot. Workers seized factories, borders were guarded, 200 officials were arrested, newspapers were suppressed. The Social Democrats voted to join the C.P. in a new gov't. The S.D. party split on the issue. The City Council refused to seat Gerson again 14-4. England froze prices.

2/26 Sylvia yesterday did not brush her teeth but wet her brush to fool Lillian. As for Eugene, see yesterday's notation. A new cabinet was formed in Czecho. comprising a five party coalition with Pres. Benes approval. Rightists were excluded. Police met anti-communist student protests with some shooting. 15 spies of a german ring sponsored by the U.S. were captured in Czecho. Arnold P. came up for the first time. Will Irwin is dead at 74.

2/27 Sylvia has washed the dishes twice. Eugene has an "Ivory Soap" washing chart hanging in the bath-room. He gets a medal from school each week that he passes inspection. Eugene played a poor game of chess. Milton, Shirley & Molly came up for supper. Beat Milton two games and drew one. Marshall asked a quarter million for Greece & Turkey. F.B.I. agents are investigating N.Y. left wing unions. U.S. Britain and France denounced the Czecho. coup. We both read Charles Jackson's "The Fall of Valor". A professor slowly realizes he has homosexual tendencies. Lillian read Mary Jane Ward's "The Snakepit" This is the story of an insane asylum inmate. I read Carlson's "The Plotters". Nationalists among the veterans.

2/28 Lillian was in bed most of the day with a cold. Sylvia moped around all day whiney and pathetic. Eugene drew "Seven Peas in the Pod" by Margery Bailey, "The Gypsy and the Bear" - Polish fairy tales by L.M. Borski "Pigeon House Inn" by Sybil Emerson and Sylvia chose "Henner's Lydia" by M. De Angeli. Eugene made an elevator which the motor drew up. I split chess games with him. The kids did some washing and drying of dishes.

Friday, November 1, 2013


2/15 Sunday We visited the Navarich's today. Lillian gave Milly a doily she made. We also brought some glaced fruits. Milly gave Lil some lovely lace. We had a nice meal staying till 8:45. Sandy wanted to play with Sylvia Eugene only, almost ignoring Sylvia who felt very badly. We both lost a game to Hy, Eugene, however having him on the run before suffering a mate due to carelessness.  

2/16 Sylvia and Norma are always going off in bedrooms and corners and telling each other secrets. Played Eugene two chess games and the new foot-ball game. Eugene sent in his version of a solution to a P.M. chess problem. 25000 heard Wallace inside and outside two N.Y. rallies. 2000 youth delegates opened demonstrations against U.M.T. in Wash D.C. Mordecai Brown and Chief Cardinal Pignatelli are dead.

Oops, I missed that he put in Mordecai Brown's passing here; it was squeezed in at the bottom of the page. 

2/17 Eugene told me Superman has saved Batman and Robin. Sylvia made snow pies in the park. N.M.U. leader Ferd Smith has been picked up for deportation without bail. Russia claimed US and England negotiated on separate peace pacts during the war, in its answer to State Dept. charges. Truman asked more help for Greece and Turkey although admitting corruption in the Greek gov't. North Korea formed a Peoples Republic. The City Council refused to seat Gerson in a stormy session asking a court decision.

2/18 Eugene generally greets me with something about Superman or Pataruzu. Sylvia is making paper chains again. Leo Isaacson A.L.P. made history by winning a Congressional special election in the 24th district. He got 27,697 votes Propper Dem. 12,578. Alfange Lib. 3,840 DeNigris R 1,482. Wallace had spoken for Isaacson and Mrs. Roosevelt and O'Dwyer for Propper in the first 3rd party test. Green reaffirmed A.F.L. support for the Marshall Plan at a "House" hearing. Ham Fish praised him later for his anti-communist record. M. K. Harb [?] asked for aid to Franco. Longo won his 5 year fight against the Hague machine. Eisenhower's retirement speech as Chief of staff asked for a US militaristic policy and warned all "enemies" to stay away from the Mediterranean. Eisler & Williamson were denied bail by Judge Conger.

It looks like "Sylvia is making paper chains", but I'm wondering if it was "paper chairs"; in January, she was making "paper chairs and cradles" (clearly "chairs", that time).

2/19 Went to Dr. Robbins on University Ave through the "Fed." dental plan. He gave me a complete x-ray check-up. A half million signed petitions in California to put Wallace on the ballot. John A Costello replaced De Valera as Eire Premier after a 16 year reign. B. Siskind Johnson was picked up for deportation.

2/20 Advanced readers in all 3rd year classes go to Mrs. Bergers for reading, Eugene being one of them. When I go to dust the telephone, Sylvia says "Who are you calling up, say a funny name". Lillian went downtown. She got the Brewers Yeast, some material to widen the new sofa covers, ham steak at 80¢ lb. and chuck steak at 50¢. No beef heart. Saudi Arabia got an American ship. O'Dwyer entered Bellevue for a heart check-up. Bulgarian Peasant party leader exile Dr. G. M. Dimitrov told the UnAmerican Comm. Russia was training Americans to take over their country. Burnham urged outlawing the party.

2/21 The kids played in the playground which was open again, Eugene pushing Sylvia on the swings. Ben Davis testified at the UnAmerican Comm. hearings that the Comm. is plotting to overthrow our gov't. Three parties left the Czech coalition gov't in protest against Communist consolidation. Florence S. came up last night to tell Lillian about Bruce's minor delinquency. Eight Nazi generals failed to get capital punishment for murdering hostages on the grounds that their victims were partisans who did not fight according to the rules of war.