2/1 Sunday Eugene got 83% in a Sunday school exam where he learns Jewish history in a class conducted in English. After lunch including a delightful cabbage borscht we took a walk in sunny, somewhat milder weather. We brought home cheese cake which we and the kids had with coffee and milk respectively. Played the football game with the kids then waffles and bacon for supper. Orville Wright is dead at 76.
2/2 Eugene's second half of his third year at school started today. His seat, now second row, fifth seat is the only thing changed. Sylvia's second tooth is growing in. Vets began a rent strike at two projects on the fuel oil situation. Rioting in India has caused 20 deaths since Gandhi's assassination. The Brotherhood of Enginemen and Firemen ordered by the Supreme Court to halt discrimination have cooked up a scheme to give written exams to Negro firemen who will be promoted to Engineers if they pass but be fired if they fail. City workers convoyed fuel trucks to priority users. Paul Kern is state P.C.A. chairman.
2/3 Eugene got his report card - again perfect except for B+ in spelling this time. Sylvia likes to come up at my breakfast time and get some bread butter cream cheese and jelly. Truman asked for a civil rights program including a permanent C.R. comm. federal protection against lynching, protection of the right to vote, an F.E.P.C., no discrimination in interstate transportation, better opportunities for naturalization. Eisler was again taken to Ellis Island to prevent his speaking. The "House" passed the Knutson (rich men's tax bill) 297-120. Russian protests against US military activities in Iran, inspection flights over Russian shipping to the Far East and visits of US vessels to Italian ports were all rejected.
2/4 Eugene home from school due to a tickle in his throat. He is making a giant airplane swing having taken apart his nice delivery truck. Sylvia went down to play with Norma. They have supper in each others house once a week. "Times" and "Tribune" correspondents are linked in a Hungarian spy plot. The Austin Anti-Red bill was killed in the Assembly. Thomas Lamont is dead at 77.
2/5 Bought the table Sonora radio we are giving Pop for his banquet Sunday. Got it at Barth-Feinberg $17.50 - retail price $23.95. Eugene got a star in school for answering questions on snow removal. Sylvia and Norma got into trouble, first tearing pages from a book then brushing their teeth with Eugene's toothbrush. Much ado about the A.F.L.'s choice of Wheeler as their Political Education League [director]. Both parties have since reneged. Attlee called for a wage freeze to stop inflation. Nehru has banned rightist groups who believe in terrorism in India. Sam over tonight, and we talked about the wedding. The kids have a room at Columbus Ave. and 64 st. Played a chess game with Eugene.
2/6 Sylvia is down at Norma's, At three o'clock they came up here. Eugene has been on the "Honor Roll" every month this year. This includes daily cleanliness inspections. Att'y Gen'l Clark testifying in the UnAmerican Comm. hearings said there is no proof of Communists being foreign agents or advocating the violent overthrow of the gov't. He favored strengthening existing laws to deal with "Reds". O'Dwyer criticized the A.L.P. which had supported him for election.
2/7 Went sleigh riding with the kids in St. James. The Commodity exchanges and stock market have been experiencing steady slumps. Pressman resigned to campaign for Wallace. There is much to-do about charges that large numbers of Balkan Jews attempting to enter Palestine had been planted as Communist agents. Louis Waldman urged registration as foreign agents of Communists. Donald Richberg urged laws to have political parties publish their membership lists. Both testified at the Nixon hearings of the "House". Simon Strunsky is dead at 68. Nazi generals Steulpnagel [sic] and Blaskowitz committed suicide within two days, prior to their trial for war crimes.
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