Thursday, September 26, 2013


1/25 Sunday With the kids staying at the Gallins', we traveled down to the Park Royal at 72 st and C.P.W. by cab with Molly and Sam to attend Milton and Shirley's afternoon wedding. Under Mike's tutelage, I drank too much for me and spent a miserable evening, vomiting twice. A million Bavarians staged a 24-hour strike against short rations in the American zone. Italian Socialists voted in favor of a single C.P.- S.P. list in the elections. Churchill asked for a showdown with the Russians before they get the atom-bomb and Bevin asked for a Western Bloc against them.

1/26 Eugene is very annoyed when interrupted in trying to explain something. Sylvia is still very babyish in many respects. She wants help in washing, dressing, etc. The Amer. Comm. for the Protection of the Foreign Born held a conference in which the deportation drive was denounced. British aid to the Arabs and refusal to implement the partition decision was denounced in the City Council and at a Jewish Youth rally. France devaluated its franc for export purposes in the face of British protests. The Nat'l Congress on Amer. Policy in China and the Far East held a conference on our reactionary policies in Asia. 2000 Bk'lyn homes were without gas in a shortage. Lillian read "Nothing So Strange" by James Hilton. 

1/27 Eugene was late two mornings in a row. Lillian can't get him to start dressing because he's busy playing or reading. Sylvia was a big hit at the Gallins Sunday with a friend that visited them. Government marshals raided the C.I.O. United Public Workers in connection with a gov't agency hearing. The A.L.P. testified against the Marshall Plan at a Senate hearing. 

1/28 Eugene drew "The Story of Roland" by James Baldwin "The Great Adventures of Jack, Jock & Funny" by E. Youmans. "Peter and Wendy" by J. M. Barrie and for Sylvia "Big City" by B & E Hader. Sylvia last night had 101°. She was in bed all day today complaining of an intermittent belly-ache but normal temp. Split two fast, open chess games with Eugene. Eugene was late again and was not allowed to listen to his evening programs. Prominent Americans including Elliot Roosevelt, A F Whitney, J R Walsh, Rogge, Sen Taylor denounced Truman's German policy as aiding Nazi war criminals and industrialists to regain their power. "Last" New Dealer Eccles was demoted by Truman. Susan has the chicken pox. 

1/29 Eugene's teacher warned him of the danger of walking on ice, so he says he won't walk on snow anymore. Sylvia is out of bed today. She has been cutting out doll clothes of paper that Lillian got her. Benson will head Wallace's campaign. 

1/30 The painter finally came to fix up the children's room ceiling after months of complaints. Sylvia and Norma had to go down to the Gallins' apartment. Eugene doesn't seem to be bothered by the cold at all. Oil, in great shortage here is being shipped to fascist Greece and occupied Germany Japan and Korea. Ships are in the same situation. Hotel union leftists under attack by their International officers and the gov't won local elections by 10-1. Obermeier did not run. Peru barred the new Latin American labor Federation set up to compete with the "leftist" C.I.A.L [?] from using Lima as its headquarters due to a rivalry between Pres. Bustamente and the Apristas, active in the new C.I.A.T. The UN O.K'd a Jewish militia. England is opposed. The C.I.O. finally protested Greek anti-labor laws. Gandhi was assassinated at 78 by a Hindu terrorist. 

1/31 Eugene is building a delivery truck. Sylvia didn't eat her lima beans in the soup today. She dislikes many foods. Vets living in Quonset hut projects in New York who are suffering great hardship in the fuel crisis descended on City Hall to demand heat and fuel allotments. Herb Pennock is dead at 54.  

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