Saturday, October 22, 2011


11/24 Sunday We took a walk to Fordham this afternoon visiting Poe Cottage. At home I played Eugene some chess, he being out of practice as we cannot get a book in the library. Also played the kids "hit the marble". Sylvia and Eugene getting 7 & 9 respectively by the time I had 15. Eugene did the "Worker" puzzles and started to make his own cryptograms. At meals the kids like to have me make "tricks". Bilbo is being investigated by two Senate Committees with a view to barring him from office. Reshevsky won the American chess championship with Kashdan second and defending champion Denker fifth. Lillian read Howard Fast's "The American" and I read Conrad's "Youth", "Heart of Darkness" and "The End of the Tether" - one volume.

11/25 At lunch as I was serving the kids - Lillian had gone downtown, Sylvia said "I'm sorry you and Mommy have so much work to do." Lillian came home with a toy sewing machine which she intends to use, a game for Eugene and some copperin B pills for Sylvia. Swiss planes rescued 12 Americans who had crashed their plane on the Alps, after five days exposure. After school I went to the schoolyard to fool around with some racquets and balls with the kids.

11/26 Lillian went to look at a mouton coat on Gun Hill Road and stopped in at Molly's Mom's and Lilly's. She didn't like the coat. Eugene's visit to Poe Cottage was included in "News of the Day" in school. The French C.P. again led voters in chosing Electors for the Council of the Republic. The Indian minority in the Union of So. Africa was denied protection by the UN with England and the U.S. in the van on the issue and the S.U. and China supporting India. Morganthou Sr. is dead at 90.

11/27 Dr. T. Berreta won the Uruguan [sic] presidency over pro-fascist Herrera. Students are fighting police in Egypt over the presence of British troops. Truman created a commission to hunt out "Communists" and other subversives in the Gov't.

11/28 Downtown in the morning with the kids to see the Macy Thanksgiving parade. When we got home Lillian had a delightful dinner ready. After supper played Eugene checkers. He has a cough and is hoarse but no temp. UN delegates voted to take a census of all troops at home as well as abroad and linking it with armament reduction. Greek civil war rages.

I only remember seeing the parade once, so perhaps this was the time. 

11/29 I drew for Eugene "The Clever Cat" by E. F. Lattimore "Sinfi and the Little Gypsy Goat" by C. Kahmann and "Puppies for Keeps" by D. P. Lathrop. Eugene is in bed after a bad night although still no fever. Sylvia just asked me to make the radio a little lower as Eugene is trying to take a nap. The British are still battling Jewish immigrants in Palestine. Mine owners asked mass arrests of miners and depletion of union fund to break the strike. New York is again in a dimout. J. David Stern papers in Philly & Camden are on strike for three weeks. A group of U.S. leaders led by Mrs. J. B. Harriman and endorsed by Murray and Green asked the "Big 3" for World disarmament.

11/30 Eugene had 100° temp. today. Sylvia rode the bike this morning and insisted she could go faster than Eugene up-hill. Latin-Amer. countries will form their own News Association. The Polish C.P. & S.P. united. The Palestine Supreme Court upheld the deportation of illegal Jewish immigrants to Cyprus. Federal Judge Goldsborough held Lewis and the miners in contempt of court for the strike. Paul Porter has resigned his post as Price Administrator. Noske is dead.

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