11/17 Sunday A 1B song: "The little winds of Autumn come when Summer's done. 'Who, who, they go, who, who, they go' dancing in the sun. They make the leaves go whirling, down from every tree. 'Who, who, they go, who, who they go', laughing full of glee." At lunch, Sylvia was slow with her chop suey and almost lost her jello. Lillian made ice cream as a surprise and we had some after lunch and at supper. We decided to talk Jewish when the kids are present to teach them a little of the language.
We didn't retain very much!
11/18 Took Sylvia down and she rode the bicycle very well. Chiang convened the National Assembly at Nanking without the Communists who refused to attend. US blood plasma is being sold on the Chinese black market. The C.I.O. G.E.B. adopted a statement of policy in which they "reject and resent efforts of the C.P. or other political parties to interfere with C.I.O. affairs." This is a compromise in the efforts to bring unity to the C.I.O. Mom and Lilly and Susan over for lunch. Susan is very cute. Asked to urinate she said "I d'wanny". Seeing the doll, she said "baby". She napped here. Downstairs, she wheeled Sylvia's doll carriage pushing away anyone's hand on the carriage.
11/19 Jimmy Walker is dead at 65. The Democratic League also refused to attend Chiang's Nanking Assembly. Lillian went to Beth David to visit Anne. Eugene drew "Old Mother West Wind" by Thornton Burgess, "My Dog, Rinty" by Tarry and Ets and "Tales From Grimm" by Wanda Gag. Indonesia's independence has been "recognized". The Gov't is preparing an injunction against a threatened strike by soft coal miners. Murray at the C.I.O. convention promised no witch hunts. He warned of the coming slump being prepared by profit hungry corporations. Foreign ministers reached a compromise over Trieste. Marcantonio subpena'ed in the Scottoriggio case. Four material witnesses are being held - Dominick Petrone, Donaghy, Joey Rao and Mike Coppola. Sylvia is in bed with a stuffed nose. At night to see two gratifying pictures: "Night Train" with Rex Harrison - Secret agents at work in the enemy country - and "The Enchanted Cottage" with Herbert Marshall, Robert Young and Dorothy Maguire [sic] - where true love brings beauty. Lillian read "Broom Stages" by Clemence Dane a story of several generations in the theatre.
The first movie appears to have been "Night Train to Munich". .
11/20 Of the two remaining Tennessee Negroes on trial, one was acquitted and one received a five year sentence for "attempted murder" - to be appealed. A car carrying the lawyers & H. Raymond [?] was stopped three times by deputies in intimidation attempts but magistrate Pogue [?] refused to sign a warrant for their arrest. The General Assembly accepted three new members - Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden - making 54 - elected Columbia, Syria & Belgium to replace Egypt, Holland & Mexico as non-permanent members of the Security Council and adopted a unanimous resolution against racial discrimination.
11/21 Eugene got three compliments in school today for sitting straight. I am practicing boxing with him now since he took a couple of punches from a boy. Both A.F.L. & C.I.O. will support the miners. Molotov agreed to have all UN members reveal numbers and dispositions of troops in former enemy and friendly countries. Italy and Yugoslavia will confer on Trieste. Read "Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.
Sounds like they gave out compliments pretty easily.
11/22 Sylvia is out of bed today. She was very good in bed, sleeping mostly with the lock blocks which were different people with whom she conversed. Out of bed she took care of her children and soon one had a cold. She called the doctor for her. 400000 miners are out. Lewis has been cited for contempt of court. The Gov't, at present running the mines, claims contract negotiations cannot be reopened with it but with the mineowners. The "left wing" Bloc of Democratic parties has won a big victory in Romania in an election much criticized by U.S. & England. Molly over with a doll for Sylvia named Sister Molly. Milton came over later. Judge Laws will dismiss the case against the 24 seditionists. Stan Musial is the N.L. most valuable player. The C.I.O. convention unanimously re-elected Phil Murray president.
11/23 A Ukranian delegate here was wounded by a gunman. Manuilsky charged a political motive. Sylvia down for the first time this afternoon. Dimitrov is Bulgarian Premier.
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