6/2 Sunday Eugene doesn't play the records anymore. He reads books especially the chess books, does various puzzles in the papers and still builds things with the blocks and lock-blocks. Sylvia mothers her dolls cutely. The Nat'l Negro Congress convention has sent petitions to UN Council President Lie and President Truman asking for a probe of the oppression of 13 million American Negroes. The Pope has appealed for votes against "Atheism" (liberalism) in France and Italy. Antonescu has been executed. The Senate has passed the Truman Bill with three provisions struck out. Played some chess. Sarah R. stayed while we went to see "The Lost Weekend" in which Ray Milland gives the prize winning performance as the alcoholic. The UN Council investigating committee has described the Franco gov't as a potential but not immediate menace to the peace and advocated isolation of the gov't by the UN unless the Franco regime is discarded. The case will go to the Gen'l Assembly in September.
6/3 Read "Martin Chuzzlewit" where hypocrisy meets its just deserts. The United States comes in for some strong satire of its customs through the medium of a visit to America by two characters. Italian fascists have been attacking and bombing left wing newspapers and offices.
6/4 Georgia's Governor Arnall is acting against the Klan emulating California. Kalinin is dead. The French elections to choose an new Constituent Assembly which will frame a new Constitution after the last one was defeated saw the MRP (Catholic) gain to lead the other parties with 5,401,180 votes and 163 seats. The C.P. 5,136,334 - 148 seats, S.P. 4,165,813 - 120 seats. The WFTU and two AFL Unions have pledged suport to the expected shipping strike with the Gov't recruiting finks. Murray has demanded a veto of the Case Bill. Hudson Tube strikers have the support of maintenance men at the Cortlandt St. Terminal and CIO power workers. The Supreme Court has ruled against the State segregation laws in a Virginia bus case. The Marigolds we planted have bloomed. When Sylvia is a big lady and has a real live baby, she says Dr. Rosenberg will be the father. Sylvia's name will be Auntie Lillian Rosenberg. Milk is 17¢. Butter up 11¢.
6/5 Talk of a third World War is rife with leaders of the "Big 3" making inflammatory statements. Dubinsky at the Hatters Convention called for a third party. Both kids seem to have slight colds. Peron replaced Farrell as Argentina's 28th President.
6/6 [...] [Sylvia] made a fuss over staying in the yard without me although Eugene and other children and mother were there. Eugene's eyes are much better due to the argyrol. At supper which we ate all together again, he gagged on his egg which is his most disliked food. Later we played chess. Lost to Levine. The worst Chicago hotel fire ever at the LaSalle saw 58 killed and over 200 injured. Churchill in the House of Commons praised Bevin and attacked Russia. The Italian vote saw the Monarchy defeated 12,181,858 to 10,372,709 in an almost complete summary. 85% [sic] the votes for the Constituent Assembly gave the Christian Democrats 7,598,783 S.P. 4,512,333, C.P. 4,129,222. Sen Austin will replace Stettinius, resigned as UN representative. The Senate passed an 18-45 yr draft. Lillian sat at the Rosenbergs tonight.
I'm sure that was a "coddled egg"; the thought still makes me gag.
6/7 Eugene told Lillian he had a belly-ache just before breakfast this morning. She took his temperature and found he had 102°. However after an enema it soon went down to normal and he seemed all right. Argentina and Russia have resumed diplomatic relations. Fred Vinson will be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. John W. Snyder will replace Vinson as Sec'y of the Treasury. Bowles has termed the OPA bill reported out by the Senate Comm. a "monstrous one". A 15 day truce has been attained in the Chinese Civil War. A "Free Africa" rally at the "Garden" had 16000 listening to Robeson, Yergan, DeLacy, Ben Davis, Powell and many more. At the Packinghouse Union convention Ralph Helstein replace Lewis Clark declined as President. The latter replaced EJ Roche declined as sec'y. The Columbia Tenn trial still finds the issue Jim Crow especially in the juries there. Eugene got 103° at night and Lillian called Dr. Holzman. He told her to continue the sponging and aspirin in the absence of any rash. Gerhard Hauptmann is dead at 84.
The word "declined" doesn't seem to fit, but it's clear two times in the text.
6/8 This morning Eugene developed a rash and we called the Doctor who said it was a heavy case of chicken pox. He prescribed a week in bed, a week in the house and a week in the street. Eugene had 101° in the morning, 103° in the late afternoon and 101° at night. Eugene cried when he learned he wouldn't be able to take his "promotion test" next week. When we assured him he would be promoted anyway, he said "Well, I'll take your word for it". He was very cute and good all day. We had to get carbolated vaseline, calamine with 2% phenol and a mouth wash. We played some chess in the afternoon. Eugene was in good spirits all day. Italian Royalists rioted with four killed and many wounded in skirmishes against the police. They protested the end of the monarchy. In Cuban elections, rightists were routed, the C.P. making 50% gains. The "Klan" has flogged a Georgia Negro veteran. The "Pirates" called off their strike in the last minute. Featherweight champ Wille Pep K.O.'d Sal Bartolo in the 12th round of a championship bout. Hard-coal miners settled an 8 day strike for 18 1/2¢ per hr and a welfare fund. Beat Schuler. Sentences of German Communists have been commuted.
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