Wednesday, March 16, 2011


5/26 Sunday The R.-R. workers were forced to return to work by Truman's strike-breaking orders. Truman advocated legislation against union leaders and workers in the crisis. He attacked the union but not the RR magnates. The workers won 18 1/2 cents increase but none of their other grievances. The "Klan" is rising in many places with action against it taken by Attorney General Kenny in California. Today we went to Woodlawn. Mama and Lil Harry and Susan came up later. Beat Schirasi. Eugene doesn't want me to draw any more "Pierottis". We spend a lot of time reading chess books. Played some chess in the evening. [...] Bill Dickey has replaced ailing Joe McCarthy as Yankee manager and Ted Lyons, Jimmy Dykes as White Sox ditto. "News" owner Patterson is dead.

5/27 The Truman Bill is meeting with unanimous labor opposition as the most drastic ever broached. Among its provisions is one to draft strikers into the armed forces. The Army is moving troops into Kentucky in connection with the coal strike. Union Legionnaires are opposing the anti-labor actions of the top leaders of the "A. L." Czechoslovakia held elections yesterday with the C.P. leading. The Christian Social Union was leading in the American zone elections in Germany in municipal elections. The kids went to Bobby Rosenberg's fifth birthday party. Later we played some chess, Eugene winning a knight in the early stages. Brazilian police have attacked a Communist rally killing and wounding many. #37 for Eugene - Oregon.

5/28 Only the Engineers and trainmen among the 'Brotherhoods' had gone out on strike on the railroads, the others sabotaging the strike. Molotov has blasted the Anglo-American bloc which sabotaged the Paris parley. The Miners have walked out again as the truce ended without a settlement. The vicious 'Case Bill' has been passed by the Senate 49-29. C.P got 2,500,000 votes in Czechoslovakia being the top party and the left wing bloc has won a slim majority. Little Norma Gallins came up and Sylvia made a fuss refusing to play with her. Lillian called Dr. Holzman about Eugene's eyes. He told her to wash Eugene's eyes with Boric acid and put one drop of 5% argyrol in each eye at night. If it doesn't improve within a week we are to consult an eye doctor.

5/29 Carter Glass is dead at 88. Union delegations are besieging Washington against the Truman Bill. A general strike in Rochester has answered the actions against the city employees and arrest of pickets. St. Louis has banned GLK Smith. Floods caused by heavy rains have caused the drowning of 14 plus great damage. NMU seamen have rejected a 9% wage increase and are preparing for a strike. Korean C.P. head quarters were raided by American police with the charge that a counterfeiting ring was in operation there. Gloria calls for Eugene to go to school morning and afternoon.

5/30 In the morning I took the kids to see the parade on the Concourse meeting mom and pop there. Later we all had dinner here including Sam and Molly. The latter came to Woodlawn with us although mom and pop went to see Rachel. Couldn't get a court there so went to Reservoir Oval where I lost to Harold Levine. At home I took a shower with Eugene which he enjoys. Lilly went to sit at the Rosenberg's tonight. The coal strike is settled. There will be a five day 45 hr week at $1.18 1/2 hr. There will be a welfare fund financed by a royalty of 5¢ per ton mined. Overtime is paid after seven hours a day. There will be safety checkups and compliance with state laws. Also survey on medical, sanitary and housing conditions with a view to improvements. The Railway Express Agency workers have settle for 18 1/2¢ raise. The general strike in Rochester is won in an historic victory. All workers are reinstated. All workers arrested are freed, recognition of the right to form a union. The Senate defeated the Truman "Work or draft" section of the bill 70-13. The "House" however passed the vicious "Case Bill" 230-106. 35,000 at Madison Square Park heard A F Whitney detail Truman's double dealing with the trainmen. Other speakers were Quill, Hollander, Kingdon Ward and Ferd Smith. The City Council passed the sales tax (2%) 17-6. Ambassador Ala of Iran has been removed as UN council representative. A packed Garden heard Gromyko, Ehrenburg, Simonov, and Galaktionov, Davies, Sen Elbert Thomas, Lamont, S. Asch, AE Kahn Dubois and Melish speak at an American-Soviet friendship rally.

Can't be sure of all the speakers' names at the two rallies. 

5/31 Lost to Koslan. Ernie came over after the game for lunch and we had another long talk. Hudson Tubes workers are on strike for the 18 1/2¢ the railroad workers got. The Columbia Tenn trial of 30 negroes for "attempt to commit murder" - actually to defend themselves, saw a battle on the right for negroes to sit on a jury. The US Army is intervening in the Philippines against the "Huks".

6/1 A $1,400,000,000 loan has been floated to France. The "Investigating Committee" here led by A. G. Hays has cleared Mikhailovitch.

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