Monday, January 31, 2011


3/17 Sunday [...] Soviet Russia has charged Iran broke its 1921 oil treaty with Russia for provocative purposes. Russia had waived its oil rights in Iran on condition no other country would get them. However US & Britain have received its concession.

3/18 The C.I.O. delegation which visited the USSR has asked for closer cooperation between the two countries. LaFollette's Progressive Party has returned to the Republican Party. Eugene is carrying on a "courtship" with Gloria Singer. They walk together to and from school.

3/19 [...] The Nazi underground has printed and distributed Churchill's speech while Dubinsky here passed a C.I.O. picket line to honor him at a banquet. H. Glintenkamp has died.

3/20 Went to Sydenham Hospital in the morning with mother where she had an operation on her hemorrhoid. Shvernik has replaced the ailing Kalinin as President of the U.S.S.R. Wallace attacked the "Anglo-Saxon Century" idea of Churchill's.  Lillian visited mother in the evening.

3/21 Went to the hospital in the afternoon to see momma. She was all right. Later I met Sylvia Lillian and the kids at the zoo. In the evening Mollie came over, then Sam. Mollie stayed here while Sam Lillian and I went to the movies. We saw "Home in Indiana", a cute technicolor about harness racing and "Double Indemnity" with Edward Robinson, Fred McArthur [sic] and Barbara Stanwick - a murder mystery very good. Russia has asked for a postponement of the UNO meeting as Iran brought up her dispute with Russia before the Security Council. Ukraine and Czechoslovak delegates to the UNRAA [sic] Council meeting complained of insufficient aid to their countries. The Combined Force Board dominated by England and the U.S.A. was criticized especially. Sen Popper urged friendly treatment for the USSR.

I checked; it was Fred MacMurray. Dad definitely wrote "UNRAA", but I'm sure he meant "UNRRA" (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration); in checking, I found that same typo often.

3/22 Took Mama home this morning. LaGuardia will replace Lehman as head of the UNRAA [sic]. O.P.A. has O.K.'d some food and clothing price rises. Kurds in Western Iran are said to be attacking gov't garrisons. Kentucky defeated R.I. in the Nat'l Invitation basketball final 46-45 in overtime as Ernie Caverley [sic], sinker of the 52 ft. goal in the last seconds of the semi-final round game to clinch the victory was awarded the outstanding player trophy. L.A. voters have recalled Councilman McClanahan who supported GLK Smith.

It was Ernie Calverley.

3/23 Eugene today drew "Racketty-Packetty House" by F. H. Burnett and "Peter Pea" by Grishina. In the PM afternoon we bought some lamp-shades at the Frank Art Shop ($10.) At home we played some chess. Mr. Beder came over in the evening and signed us up in the I.W.O. H. H. Richardson, Jung [?], and Largo Caballero have died. The UAW convention opened at Atlantic City. Addes will ask for increase of dues from $1. to $2. Reuther will oppose Thomas for the Presidency. The latter attacked Dubinsky and Lewis for trying to smash the C.I.O. Stalin has backed the U.N.O. saying all countries want peace but individuals and organizations are driving for war.

It's interesting that he crossed out "PM" and replaced it with "afternoon". Not sure who "Jung" was who died; not the famous psychiatrist, who died in 1961.

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