2/25 Took haircut. Citizen's Committees are being formed to aid the transit workers and help settle the dispute. A demand to break with Franco is sweeping France after the execution of ten anti-fascists including Christine Grandi [?]. 3000,000 voted in Argentina for a president. Lillian went to Alexanders in the morning and found it Monday bargain day. She got a hat for Sylvia at 50¢ marked down from $2. She also returned Eugene's pants which were too small and got a nice pair for $4.
Not sure of the name of the one executed. The last sentence is crossed out, probably something she planned to do but didn't (see next day's entry).
2/26 The T.W.U. is threatening a strike on the subways any time after 12 o'clock tonight unless the B of T bargains collectively with the union. The city claims an agreement with the T.W.U. is illegal. Lillian went downtown this morning for wool. The State Dept. wishes to exclude Russia from participation in the search for German assets in Spain Argentina Sweden and Portugal. Big industrialists and bankers in Germany are not being molested, cartels are not being broken up by British and American officials with financial and industrial background. Such was the testimony of Army official Russ Nixon before the Kilgore Committee. Eugene took haircut.
2/27 Sylvia gives a "zoftig" kiss by her own admission. She seems to have corrected her fault of saying "howem" for home, etc. I take her now when I get home at 1:30 A.M. A transit strike has been averted with a 5 man committee named to arbitrate grievances. A. S. Meyer will be chairman of the committee. France has sealed its Spanish border and voted an economic boycott. 5000 Jews have been jailed in Palestine as sabotage continues. Guardsmen and terrorists have invaded Columbia Tenn after a fight between a Negro woman and son and a white Navy veteran. Soviet unrationed food prices have been cut. All the armed forces there have been merged under Stalin's leadership. J.A. Krug former W.P.B. head has been appointed Sec'y of the Interior to succeed Ickes. A youth delegation of 12 Americans has returned from a favorable tour of the U.S.S.R. Judge Levy has replaced Pomerantz with S. Seabury as arbitrator after W.U. complained of the former's pro-labor sympathies. The A.C.A. will protest.
2/28 Kuomintang and Communists have signed the army merger agreement as hostilities continue in Manchuria. Eugene last night wanted to know what maggycelly (magnificent) denny (deny) and keys (cease) mean. Miss Quinn has been let off with a reprimand and fine of two months salary by the B of E with James Marshall the only dissenter. Ford has signed with the union giving an average pay of $1.40 per hour. Wildcat strikers will be liable to discharge. Certain standards of production will be met. The Progressive Miners of America have voted to leave the A.F.L. with Lewis' entry. W.U. is discharging active unionists in violation of the agreement. It has also transferred some circuits to other cities. The Quasi-fascist "Common Man Front" in Italy is organizing with allied connivance. Ickes will be a "Post" columnist.
3/1 Two of the Negroes jailed in Tennessee have ahve been killed and one wounded by the authorities. 100 Negroes have been arrested with the two whites who were detained already released. 1000 police in the G.E. strike in Phila. have unleashed terror as unions are coming to the aid of the U.E. there with a general strike discussed. Maertz, Elmhurst and Mertig have been sentenced to 6 mos. to 1 yr terns. All Europe is seething with Anti-Franco demonstrations. 12000 heard a F.E.P.C. rally where Schwellenbach, Randolph, Carey, Morse, Chavez, LaGuardia, Mrs. Roosevelt and others spoke.
3/2 Vandenberg has enunciated a "get firm" policy with Russia with Byrnes and Truman assenting. Soviet troops are withdrawing from Eastern Iran but will remain in Azerbaijan Iran until the situation is cleared up. American Chief prosecutor at Neurnberg RH Jackson has advocated the prosecution of the chief Nazi organizations. Eugene had a stuffed nose today and sneezed all morning. He got the argyrol treatment three times today. Sylvia appears to be 'dry' at last. Benjamin Feldman will die in the chair for poisoning his wife in a hospital for insurance money. He is a Brooklyn druggist.
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