Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Unconditional surrender of all German Armies was announced this morning. Schact, Szalen and Mussert have been captured. Pastor Niemoeller, Blum, Schuschnigg have been freed. Sixteen Polish representatives of the gov't-in-exile have been arrested for espionage by Russia. Surrender was at Rheims at 2:41AM by Jodt of Germany. Gene took haircut.

I couldn't find the names "Schact" and "Szalen", so I don't know if those are spelled correctly. "Mussert" was the hardest to read, but found that; I've been using the NY Times Archives to verify all the WW II names. The last line took me aback; I don't remember him ever calling me "Gene", except as a half-joke when I was an adult. Might be because he had to squeeze in those last three words at the bottom of the page (see scanned-in page).


  1. Wow, that is interesting! I wonder if his brain was temporarily addled by the war news?

  2. Good one! But it REALLY was squeezed in at the bottom; I think I'll scan that one in!
