Dec 21 Sunday An Air Force transport with 115 soldiers going home on Christmas leave crashed with over 80 killed. 8 hours -- all O.,T. The kids performed in their Chanukah plays as usual in the temple. 8 hrs. O.T.
Dec 22 Russian charges that the killing of P.O.W.s by the U.S. on Pongam Island was murder was [sic] rejected as the U.N. Assembly recessed for Christmas. Pier boss Mike Clemente was indicted on an extortion charge as an outgrowth of the State Crime Commission hearings. 716 C.R.C. demonstrators traveled to SingSing to protest the Rosenberg's death sentence for espionage. Patterson, Karin Morley, Mrs. McGhee and Fast spoke. 4 hrs. O.T. We both read "One Little Boy" Dorothy Baruch and "The Vicious Circle" Margaret Case Harriman.
Dec 23 Lillian got an oilcloth rug for our room $11. Also wall lamps for the kids - $3. each. Mother had given us $20 for our anniversary. Also $10 for the dress and pants we got the kids. 1 hr. O.T. Lillian read "Festival" J.B. Priestley.
Dec 24 269 crew
members of the
French liner
Liberté were barred from shore leave here under the McCarran Act. They must obtain security clearance first. 26 passengers on the wrecked French vessel Champollion died after jumping overboard to swim to safety. All others were finally rescued. French Premier Pinay resigned in a financial dispute.
Dec 25 Lil and Harry went to a wedding so mom and pop brought the kids over here where we had dinner of turkey, ice box cake. Mama brought apple pies. The kids played games with Eugene annoying them and playing with them alternately. Peggy asked Lil to warm her milk as last time she got a belly-ache. The kids got games and presents. Later Eugene and I went to the Garden to see the Knicks take over the N.B.A. Eastern half lead, beating the Boston Celtics 97-84. Stalin, in an answer to questions by "Times" correspondent James Reston implied he would talk to Eisenhower on world tensions. Rep. Cox of Georgia is dead at 72.
I know I remember going to the Garden that night, not because I remember the Celtics game, but because I remember the preliminary game, specifically because Bud Palmer, who I only knew as a Knicks broadcaster, played in the game, and Dad told me that he used to play for the Knicks. If you read who they played (, you would think that I would remember the Texas Cow Girls, but I was only 12 years old.
Dec 26 Bernardino Molinari is dead at 42 and Dinty Moore at 83. The kids went to the library by themselves. Sylvia drew "Lively Victoria" by E.F. Lattimore, "The Pioneer Twins" Lucy F. Perkins, "Sally Tait" F.C. Sayers, "Ginny & Custard" F.C. Sayers, Eugene drew "Low and Inside" true baseball anecdotes by Ira L & H Allen Smith, "Split Seconds" J. Scholz, "Backboard Magic" H.M. Brier, "Famous Dog Stories" Page Cooper, "Trusty" Story of a police horse Jack Bechdolt.
The box score of the game we went to the day before was taped in here, with the note "The game we saw"
Dec 27 I bought a suit at Robert Halls - Navy Blue, for $43, Then we went to mother's where I picked up two of pop's old suits (Pop took a chess game from Eugene Christmas)
I don't know whether Dad was implying that I allowed my grandfather to win, or that it was just so unusual.