Monday, February 26, 2018


April 27 Sunday Sylvia played with Norma while Jerry Eugene and I played checker games of all kinds. In the morning the kids had gone to the Jewish Museum with the Sunday School.

"Jerry" was presumably Norma's father, Jerry Gallins. 

April 28 A collision between the destroyer Hobson and aircraft carrier Wasp in mid-Atlantic has resulted in 176 missing and probably dead. This is the greatest worst peacetime accident of its kind.

April 29 Ridgway replaced Eisenhower as N.A.T.O. Commander and Gen Mark Clark replaced Ridgway as Korean Commander. Budenz appeared as a witness against the "16" reds.

Apr 30 Eugene and Larry went out to the school field to play ball after school. They lost a ball and two glasses - all Larry's. Eugene's class went to the Museum of Natural History and then Central Park today. Russians jets shot up a French airliner over the Soviet zone of Germany. The plane landed but several were wounded. All-American Ky basketball star Bill Spivey and several others were indicted for "shaving" points. In another case Judge Streit freed Beard, Groza and Barnstable and denounced their coach Rupp for exploitation. 650,000 steelworkers went out on strike as Federal Judge Pine ruled Truman's seizure of the steel plants was illegal.

OK, just Larry (Rubinstein) lost his glasses, but I did lose mine at other times. 

May 1 I got socks from Sylvia, chess set from Eugene and slacks from Lillian for my birthday. Oil workers went out on strike. The U.S. Court of Appeals blocked Judge Pine's orders restoring the steel plants to their owners and the gov't's seizure is on again. 

May 2 Lillian went to the temple to see the Boy Scout re-registration. Communists turned [down] a "package" settlement of the Korean war but made an offer of their own. May Day marchers here were pelted with tomatoes. In Japan, thousands were hurt and several killed in May Day riots. At the temple Eugene was made a 2ND Class scout and his one-year button. Lillian met a woman who raved about Eugene's conducting the services at the synagogue. 

May 3 Mom and pop over to bring me a sport shirt for my birthday. All went over to Lil and Harry but I had to go to work. When mom remarked that she couldn't eat candy without gaining weight, Peggy quipped "but you're so pretty, grandma".

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