Monday, February 26, 2018


April 27 Sunday Sylvia played with Norma while Jerry Eugene and I played checker games of all kinds. In the morning the kids had gone to the Jewish Museum with the Sunday School.

"Jerry" was presumably Norma's father, Jerry Gallins. 

April 28 A collision between the destroyer Hobson and aircraft carrier Wasp in mid-Atlantic has resulted in 176 missing and probably dead. This is the greatest worst peacetime accident of its kind.

April 29 Ridgway replaced Eisenhower as N.A.T.O. Commander and Gen Mark Clark replaced Ridgway as Korean Commander. Budenz appeared as a witness against the "16" reds.

Apr 30 Eugene and Larry went out to the school field to play ball after school. They lost a ball and two glasses - all Larry's. Eugene's class went to the Museum of Natural History and then Central Park today. Russians jets shot up a French airliner over the Soviet zone of Germany. The plane landed but several were wounded. All-American Ky basketball star Bill Spivey and several others were indicted for "shaving" points. In another case Judge Streit freed Beard, Groza and Barnstable and denounced their coach Rupp for exploitation. 650,000 steelworkers went out on strike as Federal Judge Pine ruled Truman's seizure of the steel plants was illegal.

OK, just Larry (Rubinstein) lost his glasses, but I did lose mine at other times. 

May 1 I got socks from Sylvia, chess set from Eugene and slacks from Lillian for my birthday. Oil workers went out on strike. The U.S. Court of Appeals blocked Judge Pine's orders restoring the steel plants to their owners and the gov't's seizure is on again. 

May 2 Lillian went to the temple to see the Boy Scout re-registration. Communists turned [down] a "package" settlement of the Korean war but made an offer of their own. May Day marchers here were pelted with tomatoes. In Japan, thousands were hurt and several killed in May Day riots. At the temple Eugene was made a 2ND Class scout and his one-year button. Lillian met a woman who raved about Eugene's conducting the services at the synagogue. 

May 3 Mom and pop over to bring me a sport shirt for my birthday. All went over to Lil and Harry but I had to go to work. When mom remarked that she couldn't eat candy without gaining weight, Peggy quipped "but you're so pretty, grandma".

Sunday, February 25, 2018


April 20 Sunday Lil and the kids were taken out to Rockaway by Miriam and Dave. Sam was picked up at the store. Eugene had a great time playing ball with several of the boys. Sylvia played with Isabel.

April 21 The latest French Premier Pinay called for business to make small profits on a greater turnover.

Apr. 22 Eugene plays with Larry R. after school, passing up the ball game telecasts although he is crazy about baseball. One convict was killed and seven wounded in a riot in Southern State Prison in Michigan. This is the third prison rebellion over grievances. Stafford Cripps is dead at 63.

Apr. 23 The most powerful A-bomb was dropped in Nevada and telecast to the entire country.

 April 24 Steel was granted a raise from $2.84 to $3.00 per ton. Leslie Banks is dead at 61. 

Apr 25 With a jury finally chosen the trial of the 16 "reds" opened with charges of "violent revolution" by the gov't and "peaceful road to socialism" by E.G. Flynn. Michigan convicts ended their strike with a victory as the governor agreed to their 11 point reform program with no retaliations. Harry Gross in jail finally "sang" implicating many policemen in graft operations. Elizabeth Schumann is dead.

Apr 26 President Truman has become the center of a national controversy over his seizure of the steel plants. He now claims he could take over the radio and newspapers and is above the courts. Lil and the "Brownies" went to an "Alice in Wonderland" exhibit at the Botanical Gardens on Thursday. Today we held another "Jacks" Championship. Again, Sylvia cried when she lost to Eugene and I beat Lillian. But this time Eugene nosed me out to win the title.

A box score, scanned in below, was taped in the middle of this last entry.  While he doesn't say why, the game was a one-hitter pitched by both pitchers; at the time, it was the second of those in baseball history.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Apr 13 Sunday Met the family at Mom's for dinner with Lil Harry and the kids, Rachel Mayer and David - in from the hospital and Yankel. All agreed the "knaidlach" were delicious. The three girls played downstairs mostly. Eugene told us later he was bored.

Apr 14 Sylvia, Norma, Betty Ann etc. went to the "Grand" to see a revival of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Eugene and Larry R also decided to go. Sylvia's eye was found to be inflamed again tonight. She was treated with argyrol and yellow oxide of mercury.

Apr 15 The UN Security Council led by the U.S. refused to place the Tunisian question on the agenda. Although half the world was in favor of it this was the first time the "Council" had refused to hear an issue. The "Brownies" went down to G.C. Station for a guided tour. The new railroad cars and signal controls were fascinating. 

Apr 16 Molly's sister Lena died today of cancer. Eugene went over to Bobby R's. Judge Dimock denied the Communist challenge to the jury selection system at the trial of the "16". Sam came over tonight and when he complained of some chest pains Lillian called Dr. Monson. The doctor advised a [sic] electrocardiograph. 

Apr 17 Dr. Morson took the cardiograph of Sam here this morning. It was negative but he advised Sam to be free from aggravation, not overeat, stop smoking. Neither Sam nor Lillian went to Lena's funeral. Several American officers have refused to fly in Korea. One has received a two year sentence. It is believed the superiority of Korean planes is responsible. A hundred thousand are homeless in great floods in Nebraska, Iowa. Water levels are at 28 feet .. four feet higher than ever before. Lillian read "The Rolling Years" A. S. Turnbull and "The Town" - Conrad Richter. We both read "Shalom Means Peace" - R. St. John. 

Apr 18 Sam did not go to work today as everyone advised. Mike came over in the evening.

Apr 19 Eugene, Larry R and Bobby R went to the Yankee Stadium where they saw the Senators shut out the Yanks 2-0. They came back here and played monopoly. Meanwhile we went to the library where Sylvia drew "Swimming Fever" Marion Renick "A Sunday with Judy" - Frieda Friedman "David's Hundred Dollars" - C. Woolley and "Down-Town" M. H. Lovelace. Prisoners in the Rahway Prison Farm and the New Jersey State Prison rebelled and captured hostages in protest over conditions. 

Friday, February 9, 2018


Apr 6  Sunday We held the "jacks" championship last night. I beat Lillian in the Senior event. Eugene beat Sylvia in a tight "Junior" match. Then I barely nosed out Eugene in a surprise showing for Eugene.

Apr 7 Sylvia cried bitterly at lunch time here as Carol came back to school and got her part in the play back. In addition, Sylvia has lost her old part.

Apr 8 Eugene was the only one to finish his math exam getting 92%. He got 100% on his science test recently. Another plane crashed in Jamaica this time killing five. Police announced discovery of the Schuster murder gun. Telephone workers went out on strike following Western union employees.

Apr 9 Sylvia was so excited over the play she was up at 6 AM and didn't stop talking about it until she left. Lillian was in school at 9 AM to see it. Sylvia ended up with the part of a lady-in-waiting. Africans started a mass passive resistance campaign to beat the fascist segregation campaign of Premier Malan. Costello got 1 1/2 years and $5000 fine for contempt. Truman seized the steel plants to avert a strike. The U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed the Rosenbergs' death sentence.

Apr 10 42 were killed and 100 injured in a false alarm fire panic in Caracas. Army and labor groups revolted against the Bolivian dictatorship. The Drama Critics picked "I Am a Camera", "Pal Joey" - Musical, "Venus Observed" - Foreign, and "Don Juan in Hell" - Special award.

Apr 11 The Giants bought Bob Elliot [sic] for Sheldon Jones and $50,000 from the Braves to offset Monte Irvin and Willy Mays' loss.

Irvin was lost due to the injury Dad noted last week. Mays was about to be drafted into the Army. 

Apr 12 Four "Brownie" troops attended the opening of the Children's Zoo with photographers present. Sylvia was not chosen for the pictures except when all the troops were taken en masse. British businessmen made two deals of $5,000,000 with East Germany and Romania as a result of the Moscow economic conference. An airliner from Porto Rico crashed in San Juan with 51 of the 69 aboard probably dead. Eisenhower asked to be relieved of his NATO command June 1 but will not campaign for the presidency.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Mar 30 Sunday We went out to see Lil and Harry's house for the first time. Pop took us out. Also there the Abe Edelsteins, Beckers and Mrs. Thaw. The kids played ball outside and made baskets from a new game. There was a birthday cake and many presents for Susan.  

Mar 31 Truman announced he would not run for reelection. Wage Stabilizer Charles E. Wilson resigned over the recommended increase for steel workers. Bo McMillan [sic] is dead at 57.

 Apr 1 Att'y Gen';l McGrath declare he would refuse to answer the financial questionnaire special investigator Newbold Morris is handing out. A N.Y. County grand jury called former Mayor O'Dwyer's probes shams to cover up police graft. The trial of the 16 "second string" "reds" started with an attack on the jury picking system.

Apr 2 Eugene stayed home with a sore throat. Sylvia's class went to the Museum of the City of New York. Ferenc Molnar is dead at 74. On Saturday Sylvia drew "The Snowed-in Family" MB Hill, "Understood Betsy" D. Canfield Fisher, "Betsy-Tacy" M.H. .Lovelace and "The Saucy Betsy" E.C. Phillips. Eugene had gone to his friend Larry R's house. 

Apr 3 Eugene still home but no temp. Willy Sutton and his pal Tom Kling were found guilty of robbing a Queens bank in 1950. In the mean time Sutton got 30 years for carrying a loaded gun. Truman and McGrath had a heated argument at the National Airport awaiting the arrival of Queen Juliana. Following this McGrath discharged Newbold Morris who is investigating graft in government and Truman fired McGrath and made Judge McGranery  the new Att'y Gen'l. Two Baltimore Communists were found guilty of conspiring against the government. Monte Irvin fractured his ankle, blasting Giant hopes of a repeat pennant.

Apr 4 Lillian got a dress and hat for Sylvia and a hat for herself. Also slacks for me and a cap for Eugene. Livingston and Paley of Local 65 were found in contempt of Court for refusing to turn over records and membership lists. The World Economic Conference opened in Moscow with Chinese delegates offering trade pacts with the West. The Soviet charges of germ warfare by the U.S. in Korea have been denied and denounced by several experts.

Apr 5 I took Sylvia over to Susan Kahn in the rain to pick up the script of the class play. Sylvia is only a fairy as she was absent. Sylvia decided to stay and play with Susan. It rained almost all day but in between I went to the library with Eugene where he drew "Pigskin Warriors" - J. Scholz, "Club Team" JR Richard [?], "Starting Pitcher" D. Decker and "Cowboy Joe of the Circle S" - Helen Rushmore. Frank Costello was convicted of contempt of the Kefauver Comm. last year.