Nov. 25 Sunday We went to Lil and Harrys to partake of the turkey Harry had gotten from a customer. Present also were mom and pop, Mrs Thaw, Diana, Sol and Sammy & Tobie, Taubee Harry and Peggy. We were kidding around and bought Peggy for 15¢. She decided to go home with us and heaven and earth could not change her mind. She said good bye to daddy and mommy, packed her things - socks, [torn - unreadable], dress, etc. and was off with us. At the party, Susan and Sylvia sold Susan's paintings and paper cups, the proceeds to go to poor children of Israel.
Nov. 26 Peggy is adorable, good as gold and smart as a whip. She makes up stories, songs and poems. She is also capricious, refusing to take a little toy I bought her. She told me to give it to Sylvia. Mediators in Korea agreed on a truce time.
Nov. 27 Eisenhower came out for a big army, the a-bomb and the use of German troops.
Nov. 28 Czech vice premier Slansky was ousted and arrested for "activities against the state".
Nov. 29 Our troops in Korea stopped shooting except in self defence as truce talks continued. The prosecution wound up its case against 29 cops charged with connivance with gamblers. We had our first mock air raid here with all the trimmings. Lillian read "The President's Lady" - Irving Stone.
Nov. 30 Eugene drew "Ticktock and Jim, Deputy Sheriffs" Keith Robertson, "Touchdown Twins" Phil Harkins, "Fielder From Nowhere" Jackson Scholz and "The Boys Book of Great Detective Stoires" - Haycraft. Sylvia drew "Freddy and Mr Camphor" WR Brooks, "Marta the Doll" E. Lownsbery, "Lucky Days for Johnny" Irene Smith and "Susan Beware" Mabel L. Hunt. Senator Wherry is dead at 59.
Dec 1 Eugene went over to the Pelham Parkway section to visit Bobby R. He was met at the bus there. The Korea front remained quiet except for air battles. The courts enjoined the T.W.U. from taking a vote on a bus strike. Prudential agents started their first nationwide strike. Chief of Police Monaghan issued a complete whitewash of Billingsley and his Stork Club in the Josephine Baker discrimination case.
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