Sunday, May 14, 2017


Sept 2 Sunday Very bad weather caused us to call of the picnic we were to have with Anne & Mac and Lil & Harry at Tibbetts. Lil went down to Louis Nelson's funeral in the morning. In the afternoon we watched the Giants trounce the Dodgers 11-2 to go to five games behind. Don Mueller, a "single" hitter made it 5 homers in the two game series. Abe Cahan is dead at 91. Earl Cochell was suspended by the U.S.L.T.A. for unsportsmanship-like conduct for his disgraceful exhibition at Forest Hills.

Sept 3 Labor Day Another poor day. We invited Lil and Harry over and had tongue, hot dogs, potato salad, etc. Harry "hexed" the Giants as usual, they splitting with the Phillies as the Dodgers swept the Braves to go six games ahead. Susan and Sylvia took out the baking set as usual and ground bread and grapes. Peggy scampered around everywhere. We had hoped mom and pop would be coming home and stop here and sure enough they spied Sylvia in the street as they passed and stopped to find Peggy and Susan there also. They came up and told us about Loch Sheldrake over the coffee. Sylvia got a pocket book and Eugene a dollar. 37 are dead in a a startling fishing boat accident off Montauk point. A gale capsized the over-loaded Pelican panicking the 56 on board. More Communists were arrested - Dobbs, Carlson, Spector.

Sept 4 Lost to Levine. George Flores dead of injuries suffered when he was K.O.'d by Roger Donoghue Wednesday. Serge Voronoff is dead at 85. Nat'l Singles Sedgman d. Seixas 6-4, 6-1, 6-1 Veterans Singles McGuffin [sic] d. Sisson 6-3, 6-3. Mixed Doubles Sedgman-Hart d. Rose-Fry 6-3, 6-2. Womens Singles Connally (not yet 17) d. Fry 6-3, 1-6, 6-4. 

Sept 5 Sarah R. came over with Bobby then took Eugene back to spend the day. It was disclosed that the U.S. Army launched a victorious drive while the peace talks had been going on. Two U.N. employees who had been fired for "leftist" leanings were ordered re-instated by the UN Supreme Court. The Japanese Peace Treaty Conference opened in San Francisco. Louis Adamic 52 was found shot to death in his burning farm house. As he had turned Titoist there are charges of murder. 

Sept 6 Sylvia drew "The Hundred Dresses" - E. Estes, "The Wonderful Baker" Mabel L. Hunt, "Twelve Months Make a Year" E. Coatsworth, "Pippi Longstocking" A. Lindgren. Eugene drew "Good Field No Hit" D. Decker, "George and his horse Bill - R.F. Alsop, "Great Husky" E.B. Tracy, "The Mysterious Island" J Verne. Red China was barred from the San Fran. parley. Acheson gagged Gromyko. Truman invoked the Taft-Hartley injunction process to get the copper miners back to work. 

Sept 7 Lil and Madeline went down to Macy's and Gimbels last night. They left at 530 and were home by 10 P.M. They were looking for rotisseries. The kids managed all right. The T.U.C. supported the gov't by a close margin. The Teachers Union was barred from meetings in the Schools. 

Sept 8 Over to mom's after lunch. Edelsteins, Thaws and Beckers also there. Six kids made quite a rough house. They played house and "sick". Barbara did her ventriloquist act. They sang and danced for us. Peggy and even Richie were able to participate. Gromyko escaped death in a reported death plot. The F.B.I., tipped off in advance, guarded him in conjunction with the police. James Gerard is dead at 84 and Maria Montez dead in her bathtub at 31.

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