Monday, January 30, 2017


June 3 Sunday While Sylvia was in Sunday School and Eugene on his camporee we went to Dr Holzman's office again, .... We decided it would be best to operate on Lil's tumor this week. Dr Holzman is still to call us tomorrow after talking to Dr Rosenfeld. Sylvia came in with a certificate of honor from Sunday School. Eugene came home at 5 in the traditional filthy condition. He had a good time. Tibet voluntarily decided to incorporate into Red China. John Erskine is dead at 71.

June 4 Stayed home again with a doctors note. .... She has a cough now. Lil got in touch with Dr. Holzman who has spoken to Dr. SS Rosenfeld. The latter has agreed to operate for $150 but the bleeding must stop first and her wound must be healed. The UN War Allies are inquiring into a peace formula. A two day court fight in S. Car. found the N.A.A.C.P.  with the support of hundreds of native Negroes suing for the end to segregated public schools. Dr Haring, hand writing expert and Dr Fred. Wertham psychiatrist, testified for the defense at the trial of the "Trenton Six".

June 5 .... The wound looks better. The cough is gone. Dr Holzman said the lightness of the bleeding was encouraging. Russia agreed to a Foreign Minister's conference if an Atlantic Pact and U.S. overseas bases are discussed. The Allies gained in furious Korean fighting. The "Left" showed great gains in Sicily over the 1948 voting. The Christian Dem. bloc barely won over the Comm & Soc. bloc. The Supreme Court upheld the Smith Act conviction of the 11 top Communists in an historic 6-2 decision. One of 21 present and former policemen about to go on trial for taking graft from bookie Harry Gross leaped to his death from a sixth floor court building window.

June 6 .... The Mayor warned he would not tolerate a transit strike. Acheson testified that MacArthur had vetoed a buffer zone in Korea in an attempt to settle the war. Serge Koussevitzky is dead.

June 7 Lillian went to see Dr Kahane who looked at the wound and said she was O.K. ... and she is sitting downstairs now. Acheson testified that MacA. ignored a warning of a Korean war. The last seven Nazi war criminals were finally hanged after numerous delays and interventions. Packers started a sitdown strike to do away with the gov't meat price ceiling program. The price cut war has depleted department store stocks. Lillian read Charles Jackson's "The Outer Edges".

 June 8 Lillian went to see Dr Rosenfeld about her tumor. He did not recommend surgery but smears to determine the kind of cells and then hormone therapy. He said she had a fibroid uterus. Eugene got an honor certificate and a pen with the ten commandments for outstanding work in Sunday School. Two British diplomats with a knowledge of top ranking secrets have vanished. 

June 9 Sylvia drew "The Lost Treasure Box" - Helen Rushmore "Ballet Shoes" - Noel Streatfeild "Crimson Fairy Book" - Lang "A Little Princess" - F.H. Burnett. Eugene drew "Bibi, the Baker's Horse" - A.B. Stewart, "The Best in Baseball" R.H. Shoemaker, "The Kid from Tomkinsville" JR Tunis and "There was a Horse" - PR Fenner. Mom and Pop came over. Pop took us to and from the library first, then we all went for a ride upstate. We went about 40 miles out on a beautiful day and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Sylvia however was very restless and a nuisance. She did not enjoy the ride. China and No. Koreans are still retreating. General Marshall made a surprise flight to the Korean front. Eugene went to his first teen age birthday party at home of Gail Weiss on Sedgwick Ave. He turned out to be the only boy who showed up with eight girls. If we hadn't urged him he wouldn't have gone either. They played two games. One where a leader claps hands, with the children changing the method secretly. "It" has to guess who is the leader. The other is where two teams are given numbers (1-2-3 etc). One side writes questions, the other answers (independently). Questions and corresponding answers which have nothing to do with each other are then read. 

The story about the party was that Gail was in my class at school, and everyone in the class was invited. As noted, I was the only boy that showed up. I was very uncomfortable (I was 11 1/2 at the time, so Dad is a bit premature about "teen age"). Gail's mother was very understanding, and I think she took me home long before the party ended. Perhaps Dad's note about them urging me to go was a regret? 

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