Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Mar 25 Sunday Eugene has a stuffed nose. Sylvia put on her Spanish constume and went to the Purim bazaar at the Sunday School. The children gave Shalach Moneth to each other. Lillian made Sylvia a beautiful Easter suit out of material she got from Mrs. Peterson. Peron announced Argentina had produced cheaper atomic energy.

See for an explanation of our gift to each other.

Mar 26 South Korean patrols stabbed north of the 38th parallel many times on Sunday. Eddy Colllins is dead at 63. Sylvia went to Lewis W's birthday party. Don Forman was picked up for being connected with several basketball fixes.

Mar 27 Mrs. Allen Knauff lost her three year fight to stay in the US when she was barred as an Ex-Czech spy. Moran and Weber were indicted for perjury. O'Dwyer was grilled by the Brooklyn grand jury investigating crime. In Washington Judge Liebowitz charged gamblers pay up to $25000,000 a year to N.Y. police for protection. The Supreme Court refused to review the case of Willy McGee.  

Mar 28 Lil and the kids went over to Lillians for lunch. Dambrot Mager & Cohen were arrested in basketball fixes making it almost unanimous for City College. Peggy told Lil her father was buying her an unbreakable piano - made of glass. Lil has developed another cold.

Mar 29 Peking rejected MacArthur's truce bid as an insult.

Mar 30 We were talking of deaths as Frieda's father died yesterday and Sylvia said "I wonder where I'll be buried". Eugene said "Let's not cross that bridge before we pass it". The country's first accused atom spies were found guilty by the jury after 19 hours deliberation. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell were the defendants. Confessed spy Harry Gold, Dave Greenglass, - who is Mrs. Rosenberg's brother and his wife Ruth Greenglass all testified against for the government. Dewey appointed a five man crime board. Deputy Chief Inspector Abraham Goldman resigned his police job after admitting a nine year friendship with Costello's henchman Irv Sherman. The Senate extended the life of the Kefauver Comm;. for one month. The Comm. voted to cite Costello for contempt. I won a hard fought chess game from Eugene.

Mar 31 Ida called up that Sandra had given birth to a boy at 8 P.M. The Chinese started counter-attacks which are expected to be the fore-runners of their greatest offensive. Dewey signed the new 3% Sales tax bill. Eleven gamblers besides Costello were cited for contempt for refusing to talk before the Kefauver Comm. Jose Ferrer won the annual Academy Oscar for his "Cyrano". Judy Holliday took the actress award, nosing out Gloria Swanson, for her 'dumb girl' in "Born Yesterday".

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