Feb 25 Sunday Lil took the kids to the Botanical Gardens to see the beautiful tulip exposition. I had to work today.
Feb 26 Lillian has a cold and spent a good part of the day in bed. She had under 100° temperature. .... Only mud stopped the UN's advances in Korea. Former Foreign Minister Clementis was denounced as a traitor in Czecho. by Gottwald. Russia announced its willingness to negotiate with the West. Talbert won the Nat'l Indoor Singles from Straight Clark in five sets. Nancy Chaffee repeated her last year's win in the Women's, defeating Beverly Baker 6-4, 6-4.
Feb 27 Lil felt better today. The Supreme Court limited the right of witnesses to plead self-incrimination in questions of C.P. activities by 5-3. The minority of Douglas, Frankfurter and Black bitterly assailed the majority opinion. A boycott of meat by housewives has sent the price down somewhat.
Feb 28 Stayed home from work as Lil had 101° this morning. Dr Satozky came as Dr Holzman was on vacation. The doctor found Lil had bronchitis in a mild form. He prescribed a cough mixture, the vaporizer and plenty of fluids. The North Korean line cracked. Argentina's La Prensa, critical of the gov't has been closed for a month due to a strike by pro-gov't news vendors and printers. Loyal workers, attempting to return to work had one killed and 15 injured in battles with thugs. Two more basketball players - Ex L.I.U. Nate Miller and the fourth member of City's present team Floyd Lane have confessed to taking bribes for 'dumping'. City College followed L.I.U.'s lead in dropping basketball for the remainder of the season.
Impossible to read the name of the doctor here, but Dad wrote it very clearly in the "Index" to Book 7
Mar 1 Stayed home from work again. Lil's temp. was 100.5° most of yesterday except for an unexplained 102.5 once at 9 o'clock. This morning it was 99.8 and she is out of bed part of the time. The 22ND Amendment to the Constitution became law. This limits the President to two terms but excepts Truman. Senate crime investigation declared nation wide crime gangs protected by city state and national officials are a menace to the United States. Luciano deported to Italy was called czar of the American underworld. Costello and Adonis were named leaders of the Eastern Axis and Accardo, Fischetti brothers and Guzik head of the Mid-West axis. US tanks smashed six miles through broken No. Korean defences. The French Cabinet fell over the issue of changes in the electoral law to limit Communist strength in the gov't. This dispute is about how to change the laws. Russia cut prices on many items 10 to 20%. Bolting Italian Communists formed and [sic] independent Socialist party. Labor made a complete break with the mobilization set-up over wage ceilings. Basketball 'fixer' Sollazzo was indicted for false income tax returns. Eugene brought home a form to be signed for his entrance into Jr. High School. He was one of seven children in his class who had qualified. At night at his Boy Scout meeting, he passed the 'tenderfoot test'.
Mar 2 Lil had some temperature in the morning which came down later. She didn't feel too well but was out of bed mostly. The Brown Isaacs Anti-Discrimination Bill passed the Board of Estimate. The bill is aimed at Stuyvesant Town. Railroad workers won a 12 1/2 hourly raise. Emspak was sentenced to six months in jail and $500 fine for contempt of Congress. The wage freeze was slightly thawed after labor's walkout from the mobilization set-up.
Mar 3 Played Sylvia checkers and Eugene chess. Lil is out of bed but still tired. Prices have risen 1.5 per cent for a new record. The 'Red Registry' law was killed by a high court in Los Angeles. Former L.I.U. star Lou Lipman joined the parade of arrested basketball players for 'fixing' games. A dock workers union was bombed in Jersey City causing several casualties.
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