Saturday, June 11, 2016


Nov 19 Sunday Mom & Pop, Lil Harry and the kids over. Peggy was adorable as usual as she talked on and on in her low voice and cute manner. A U.S. tank column smashed its way toward the Manchurian border. Peking derided Truman's assurances of the inviolability of the Chinese border. 16 Aliens who had been arrested for deportation won bail today from Federal Judge Ryan in an important decision.

Nov 20 Eugene left for school early today after lunch for the first time. He had to meet his friend Howard Oberstein. He got 100% in arithmetic spelling and geography. Sylvia also gets 100% in tests. Rogge continued to play the opposition to left wing conventions as he defended Tito at the World Peace Congress. Social Democrats were victorious in two West German state elections campaigning against a re-armament program. US tank columns are nearing the Manchurian border. The phone strike ended with the Union claiming a victory.

Nov 21 Eugene is working on the chess problems in the "Fireside Book of Chess" we borrowed. Twelve leftists including seven U.E. leaders were indicted for contempt of Congress. Welfare Commissioner Hilliard is planning to fire all employees who refused to sign the loyalty oath.

Nov 22 Sylvia won a sewing kit valise in school for getting the most merits among the girls in her class. Mrs. Nadler continues to praise her piano playing highly. U.S. soldiers reached the Yalu and proceeded to entrench themselves. North Korean guerillas gained in the North. At the UN, Nationalist China charged Russia helped Red China to victory and dominates and controls the country through 45000 Russian agents. At the C.I.O. convention delegates urged repeal of the McCarron Act and Taft Hartley Law.

Nov 23 Thanksgiving Day We had Mike & Evelyn over for a turkey dinner. Everyone had a hand at playing the piano. Isabel doesn't want to practise [sic] and has forgotten much of what she knew. Sam & Molly dropped in on their way to Milton's. The World Peace Congress concluded with a call for a "Big Five" peace conference. The worst L.I.R.R. wreck ever saw 74 killed, a hundred severely injured and hundreds cut and bruised as one train plunged into another from behind when the brakes of the first locked and it could not start. Abe Brothman & Miriam Moskowitz were found guilty of conspiring with atom spy Harry Gold to obstruct justice. More than 1500 landlords and tenants crowded Central Commercial High School at a rent hearing where they heckled each other in a hectic meeting. 

Nov 24 Eugene and Bobby are playing their favorite "Big Business" with their usual gusto and scraps. Our scale came from Raleighs for the cigarette coupons. Lillian weighs 140, I - 142, Eugene 95 Sylvia 72. MacArthur began a general assault to "end the war". Britain appealed to Peking to end their intervention and bring peace to Korea. Rogge broke with the Peace Partisans over their "identification with Soviet foreign policy". 

Mom smoked Raleigh cigarettes at the time, and collected lots of coupons. 

Nov 25 A near hurricane in the city disrupted transportation, curtailed telephone and electric services, flooded municipalities, broke countless windows including our own bedroom window and caused untold damage. Red China's invited delegate to the UN arrived in NY to press charges of oppression against the U.S. Indignation is greater than over [sic] against the L.I.R.R. for its repeated accidents. City and state officials will take court action to oust the trustees of the R.R. The C.I.O. re-elected Murray by acclamation. Quill replaced Johnny Green as a V.P. 

1 comment:

  1. Mom smoked Raleighs because the coupons brought seemingly free merchandise, like that scale. Sadly, the cost was actually quite high when you consider the price of the cigarettes and their substantial health-damaging effects.
