July 30 Sunday Played Eugene a couple of chess games at the creek. At night Lil & I walked to the Sugar Bowl for franks and soda. We picked up Joyce and Gail on the way. Joyce had some of the same - her greatest treat.
July 31 Tens of thousands of No Koreans are attacking to win a quick decision and drive the Americans into the sea before we get stronger. Several were killed in Belgium in Anti-Leopold demonstrations. A left wing peace rally was refused a police permit. Two new suspects were arrested on suspicion of being linked to a Soviet spy ring. Played Anagrams with Madeline. Then Lil & Joyce joined us in ghost.
Aug 1 Two games with Eugene at the creek. U.S.re-inforcements tried to stem the tide. Malik assumed the Chairmanship of the Security Council and placed on the agenda the seating of Red China and peaceful settlement of the Korean war. Left wingers were beaten at the G.M. Linden plant. Played Madeline Anagrams then Lil joined us in Canasta.
Aug 2 Played chess with Eugene. Americans counter-attacked to save Pusan. The U.S. reversed its stand on Spain as Senate [sic] voted 65-15 to give Franco a hundred million dollar loan. The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the Smith Act under which law the 11 Communist leaders were convicted. At the U.N. a vote to seat Red China failed 7-3. India Yugo. & Russia voted aye. 5 young people who had painted Peace - No H Bombs on B'klyn pillars received six month and 1 year jail sentences. We played Bingo at night and lost $1.50.
Aug 3 Lost a chess game to Eugene. Left wing peace demonstrators defied a police ban to rally at several points in N.Y. There were a dozen arrests and several severe beatings by police.
Aug 4 U.S. delegate Austin asked for discussions on peace in Korea at the U.N. to receive priority over the Chinese question. First U..S. Marines reached Korea. Lost 4 out of 5 chess games to Eugene as he hit his stride. Eugene got into a wrestling match with Stewart and refused to shake hands with him when it was over, claiming Stewart had been unfair (he had grabbed him around the neck). Eugene was sobbing from frustration & humiliation.
Aug 5 Won two from Eugene. So Koreans captured Yongdok. Big battles shaped up for Taejon & Pusan. Malik's proposals for a vote on Red China's admission and settlement of the Korean war were defeated. O'Dwyer praised the 'splendid' work of the police at the peace rally They had half crippled at least one participant - Bill McCarthy.
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