Sunday, February 28, 2016


Aug 20 Sunday Yesterday's rain continued until this afternoon. Lost an anagram game to Madeline. Eugene lost a chess game to Herman. Sylvia sneezed all morning and was finally put to bed. Lillian also is catching a cold. Won two out of three ping pong games from Murray, visiting here from Mexico.

Aug 21 Won chess games from Eugene and Herman. Also won 3 out of 4 ping pong games from Murray. Picked berries with Eugene. Then we picked apples. Eugene & Joyce play croquines [?] almost every night.

Aug 22 No Korean losses are called gigantic by U.S. informants, but the former are building up for new attacks. The Senate voted 50-35 to require Truman to impose wage and price controls simultaneously if at all. China called the U.S. aggressors in Korea & Formosa. A E Kahn & Paul Robeson have been denied passports 'at this time'. Bromwich & Sedgman won the U.S. doubles beating Talbert & Mulloy 7-5, 8-6, 3-6, 6-1. Brough & Dupont won the Womens' for the ninth successive year over Hart & Fry 6-2, 6-2. 

Aug 23 The battle for Taejon continued. Malik charged US & Britain with colonialism and the latter retorted with charges of aggression against Russia. Rockwell Kent received a death threat. At the World Student Congress in Prague, several American delegates denounced the U.S. Both Eugene & I won two chess games from Herman. Lillian felt miserable all day with a stuffed nose. Won an uphill anagram game from Madeline.

Aug 24 The Peace Information Center here was told to register as a foreign agent. Chicago banned the new Anti-bias film "No Way Out". Lillian stayed in bed today. ... Won a chess game from Herman after losing my queen early.

Aug 25 Won 4 out of 6 P.P. games from Murray. Split chess games with Eugene. He won two and drew one with Herman. Lil was much better today. She was up and around but didn't do much.

Aug 26 Lil's birthday Madeline bought a birthday cake for Lillian. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and ate the cake. I gave her a Ronson lighter and Madeline gave Lil a nail polish set. In the evening Mrs. Meyeroff brought in a cake and a dozen of us again sang 'Happy Birthday'. Longshoremen's boycott of "Red" cargoes is growing here. Truman seized the railroads to avert a strike. Russia brought up the question of Formosa which is being 'protected' by the US, before the UN. The 'House' voted a Franco loan 165-90. Peace demonstrators received 30 day sentences and denunciations by Judge Korn. Bridges finally was freed on bail.  

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Aug 13 (Sun) The big kiddie show took place at 3 o'clock on the handball courts. About 25 children recited and danced The girls looked lovely in their crepe paper costumes. Norma Sylvia and Isabel were among the performers. Evelyn directed the entire group. I played four games of chess with Herman having an edge. At night Lil & I played Canasta.

Aug 14 Returned to N.Y. with Jesse. Americans launched a counter attack to knock off balance a big North Korean drive. The U.S. demanded the bail of the '11' C.P. leaders be revoked and they be jailed as a menace to the security of the nation. The A.C.L.U. criticized the Mayor's handling of the Union Square peace rally.

Aug 15 A new NoKorean crossing of the Naktong River menaced the U.S. flank. India proposed a special commission of the six non permanent members of the Security Council to work out a peaceful settlement of the Korean war. 

Aug 16 No Koreans drove to within 9 miles of Taejon. Americans continued to saturate No Korean military objectives with increasingly heavy bomb assaults. Dockers refused to unload 'red' crabmeat. Mayor O'Dwyer will resign on Sept 1 and accept the ambassadorship to Mexico. 

Aug 17 98 B 19s blasted a concentration of 60000 NoKoreans in the heaviest air strike since Normandy but the effectiveness is still in doubt. The "House" voted to rescind the recent mail cuts.

Aug 18  30,000 NoKoreans opened up the biggest attack of the war against Taejon. Over half a million SoKoreans were ordered to evacuate the American supply base. Two score Americans were reported to have been slain after capture by the NoKoreans. At the U.N. Austin assured Russia we are not interested in bases in Korea. Three high Polish officials have quit their posts. Former Russian Vice Consul in New York, A Yakovlev was indicted in absentia on charges of atom bomb espionage. Indicted with him were Mr & Mrs. Julius Rosenberg.

Aug 19 Came up to Meyeroff's with Jack R. Eugene had been in bed a couple of days with a cold. GI's hurled the NoKoreans back at Taejon and held elsewhere. Another engineer Martin [sic] Sobell was held as an atom spy. Julien Lahaut, president of the Belgian C.P. was assassinated causing great indignation and unrest. Peace partisans in Prague urged the U.S. to get out of Korea. Delegate Rogge called No Korea the aggressor and urged the Congress to denounce aggression from any source.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Aug 6 Sunday Split with Eugene. At night several couples went to the Sugar bowl in cars. We had franks sodas and sundaes. At the Ben Ann bungalows our soft ball team defeated the Gibbers [?] in a Frank Merriwell finish 7-6 in seven innings after being outplayed the entire game. We entered the last inning down 6-2 and won the game with none out. We then lost to Ben Ann's 14-3. I played both games.

Aug 7 Returned to the city. We launched our biggest attack of the Korean war. Freedom House asked for outlawing of the C.P. Judge Harris cancelled Harry Bridges' bail and sent him to jail as a menace to the security of the country. He is under sentence for a perjury conviction. At a congressional hearing Georgia Senator Lanham called C.R.C. rep. William L Patterson a "black son of a bitch" and advanced toward him threateningly when the lie was passed between them.

The last phrase is worded strangely; the actual situation was that each called the other a liar.

Aug 8 G.I.'s gained 10 miles on their first offensive toward Chinju. On other fronts NoKoreans continued to gain. Trygve Lie have his backing to a world armament race at a time such as this.

Aug 9 Thousands of NoKoreans crossed the Naktong River. Malik flayed U.S. bombings of NoKorean villages at the UN. The US and its allies are seeking ways to halt Malik's "filibuster". Truman asked more rigid spy and alien laws but cautioned against hysterical measures. Henry Wallace & Corliss Lamont left the Progressive Party on the Korean issue. Peace delegations visited Washington.

Aug 10 In our best say of the war, we smashed at Chinju victoriously. The Senate passed provisions bills providing for 30 years to death for peace time spying, exclusion of any aliens, and authority to summarily fire any employees in sensitive agencies.

Aug 11 NoKoreans smashed into the the [sic] vital base of Pohang. G.I.s drove steadily toward Chinju and trapped a thousand NoKoreans there. After a futile pre-session meeting on Malik's 'filibuster' at the UN the West has decided to fight him with victory. Two auto workers who had been beaten while gathering signatures for peace petitions have been charged with criminal syndication and held in $50,000 bail after they had placed assault charges against their assailants. The latter have been released on $1000 bail. Sugar Ray Robinson defended his welterweight title on Wednesday by defeating Charlie Fusari decisively in 15 rounds.

Aug 12 Left for Meyeroff's with mom & pop in their new Ford. We took along Lou Aronoff and dropped him off in Phillipsport. Mom & pop had lunch with us then went on to Ann's at White Lake. They will then go to Niagara Falls and return to a hotel in the mountains. At night we went to Ben-Ann's for coffee and cake. We also saw some entertainment in the casino. G.I.'s continued to attack the North Koreans at Pohang. Western and Soviet speakers denounced each other at the UN on the Korean issue. Lee Pressman resigned from the A.L.P. as too 'Red'!

Dad pasted in a box score here (below), without comment, but the reason is obvious.

Friday, February 19, 2016


July 30 Sunday Played Eugene a couple of chess games at the creek. At night Lil & I walked to the Sugar Bowl for franks and soda. We picked up Joyce and Gail on the way. Joyce had some of the same - her greatest treat.

July 31 Tens of thousands of No Koreans are attacking to win a quick decision and drive the Americans into the sea before we get stronger. Several were killed in Belgium in Anti-Leopold demonstrations. A left wing peace rally was refused a police permit. Two new suspects were arrested on suspicion of being linked to a Soviet spy ring. Played Anagrams with Madeline. Then Lil & Joyce joined us in ghost.

Aug 1 Two games with Eugene at the creek. tried to stem the tide. Malik assumed the Chairmanship of the Security Council and placed on the agenda the seating of Red China and peaceful settlement of the Korean war. Left wingers were beaten at the G.M. Linden plant. Played Madeline Anagrams then Lil joined us in Canasta.

Aug 2 Played chess with Eugene. Americans counter-attacked to save Pusan. The U.S. reversed its stand on Spain as Senate [sic] voted 65-15 to give Franco a hundred million dollar loan. The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the Smith Act under which law the 11 Communist leaders were convicted. At the U.N. a vote to seat Red China failed 7-3. India Yugo. & Russia voted aye. 5 young people who had painted Peace - No H Bombs on B'klyn pillars received six month and 1 year jail sentences. We played Bingo at night and lost $1.50.

Aug 3 Lost a chess game to Eugene. Left wing peace demonstrators defied a police ban to rally at several points in N.Y. There were a dozen arrests and several severe beatings by police.

Aug 4 U.S. delegate Austin asked for discussions on peace in Korea at the U.N. to receive priority over the Chinese question. First U..S. Marines reached Korea. Lost 4 out of 5 chess games to Eugene as he hit his stride. Eugene got into a wrestling match with Stewart and refused to shake hands with him when it was over, claiming Stewart had been unfair (he had grabbed him around the neck). Eugene was sobbing from frustration & humiliation.

Aug 5 Won two from Eugene. So Koreans captured Yongdok. Big battles shaped up for Taejon & Pusan. Malik's proposals for a vote on Red China's admission and settlement of the Korean war were defeated. O'Dwyer praised the 'splendid' work of the police at the peace rally They had half crippled at least one participant - Bill McCarthy.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


July 23 Sunday Played Canasta at night at Bertie's. Eugene had a deep cut in the sole of the foot which was discovered in the evening.

July 24 Returned to N.Y. in Jesse's car this morning. Yanks halted a tank thrust aimed at Pusan. Chinese Reds shelled Quemoy an outpost of Formosa. Michigan banned "subversive" papers. Left wingers were beaten at a Chrysler plant in L.A.

July 25 Lunch at Mom's where I saw the new Ford Pop had bought Saturday. No. Koreans entered the city of Yongdong. The N.L.R.B. voided the West Coast hiring hall, as giving preferences to union members - a violation of the T.H. law. Unions and operators agreed to ban Communists on ships.

July 26 No Koreans swept toward Pusan. Truman asked for tax rises starting Oct 1. About 20% of draftees have failed to report for their tests. In an unprecedented hearing in the Mississippi State Legislature six reps of the C.R.C. pleaded with Gov. Wright to stay the execution of Willie McGee, thrice convicted rapist. Truman refused to see other petitioners on the McGee and Grayson cases. The A.F.L. & C.I.O. formed a unity committee to work together in many fields. 17 Anti-Communist orgs urged the Senate to reject the Mundt Bil. Peace petitioners are being hampered and arrested. A Detroit newstand which persisted in selling left wing periodicals banned recently was itself banned as a nuisance by the City Council.

July 27 Americans resisted strongly No Korean attacks along a 200 mile front, recapturing several towns. Willie McGee was saved by a last minute stay of execution ordered by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Burton. Several of the delegation of the C.R.C. which had pleaded for a stay were beaten by mobs in Jackson. Victims included several lawyers and a Compass reporter. Had lunch at mom's.

July 28 Lunch at mom's. Stayed home today and took a leave of absence for a week on account of my knee. Russia ended its boycott of the Security Council as Malik took over the presidency which it was his turn to assume for August. Americans launched the biggest counter attack of the war. The Army boosted its draft quota from 20000 to 100000 men.

July 29 Left for Meyeroff's on sick leave. We lost a soft-ball game to Ben Ann's Bungalows which I sat out. ... In the evening many of us danced and played games in the casino having a lot of fun. Later a bunch of us went to Ben Ann's for Sundaes and franks. We saw the entertainment in their casino.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


July 16 Sunday Returned home in the evening via Normie's car with Jerry, Jack & Herman.

July 17 No Koreans imperiled So Korea's provisional capital Taejon. Stalin answered Nehru that the seating of Red China was a minimum requirement for peace in Korea. Henry Wallace supported the UN & U.S. actions in Korea with criticism of the So Korean regime. The Progressive Party called for a fight for peace. A City College Alumni committee after two years of investigation could not decide whether or not Prof. Knickerbocker was guilty of Anti-semitism.

July 18 No Koreans captured Taejon. Applicants for the Armed forces are being quizzed on their application with "subversive organizations". A Senate inquiry Committee charged McCarthy's accusations were a fraud & a hoax. The "House" passed the Hobbs Concentration Camp bill 326-15. Went over to mama's for lunch seeing Lil and the kids. Susan scrawled make believe notes to Eugene & Sylvia. Visited Dr Spiegel about my knee. He said I had a torn ligament. He took xrays which showed nothing further. He put an ace bandage on my knee and charged me $12. Gen. Evangeline Booth is dead at 84 and Carl Van Doren at 64. 

July 19 Americans made their first amphibious landing in Korea today and moved inland 7 miles. No Koreans rested at Taejon. 30 wounded G.I's were reported slain by their captors. Julius Rosenberg was arrested and place under $100000 bail as an atom spy suspect. Birmingham Ala. banned the Communist party.  

July 20 Stayed home today from work on account of my knee. Had lunch at Mom's then went up to Lil's where Peggy was celebrating her second birthday with a half dozen children. She sang "Happy Birthday to you" over and over "Humpty Dumpty" - ditto and "Home on the Range" which was quite recognizable. Truman made a radio speech in which he authorized the calling up of all reservists and the draft for other needed men. He asked for ten billion dollars for military funds. Authorized a priority and allocation system for materials. He asked for heavier taxes as needed and increased aid to our No. Atlantic partners. Newly landed U.S. troops in Korea continued to land inland but Taejon fell to No Korean troops. The State Dep't. refused to back Red China's seating as a condition for Korean peace. Cominform leaders met at East Germany's Socialist Unity (C.P.) convention. 

July 21 GIs fell back 4 miles from Taejon. Probes of food price rises are beginning. The Senate, on purely party lines accepted a Committee report which condemned McCarthy's charges as a "fraud & hoax". Harry Gold pleaded guilty as an atomic spy. 

July 22 Left by bus to Meyeroff's. Lost a chess game to Eugene. In the evening we went to the Sugar Bowl with Jerry & Madeline having hot dogs and sodas. Negro troops won the first U.S. victory over the North Koreans.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


July 9 Sun. We went swimming then played handball during which I injured my knee. Eugene won his first ping-pong games. He also won in handball doubles.

July 10 The knee incapacitated me all day. Won two out of three chess games with Eugene. Lost another anagram game to Madeline. The younger children formed a fun club. Isabel is president, Norma is 'treasury' Sylvia is 'sepretary'. Joan R & Daryl G are other members. At night we participated in the Bingo game. Madeline Lil & I paid $1 apiece and managed to win back $2. Martial law was declared in So Korea.

July 11 Played chess with Eugene as we listened to the N.L. All stars beat the A.L. 4-3 in 14 innings. Norma's eating is hardly better than last year. At night we played word games then rummy with Gertie T. Korean troops pushed to within 20 miles of the Americans at Taejon. Pravda called the "Security Council" half wrecked. A Colombian earthquake killed hundreds and made 40000 homeless. A draft for 20000 men was ordered.

I remember listening to that game, and Schoendienst's home run that won it. 

July 12 Knee slightly better. Went berry picking with Eugene. Then swimming with the kids. Sylvia and Eugene are now at home in the water with the tube. Played Eugene chess at the creek. No Korean troops broke the U.S. lines. Gen Bradley called the situation grave. Gromyko discussed the war with the British while Malik cancelled a passage home. Played Canasta at Bertie's. Lil has her pain in the cheek again.

July 13 Played several chess games with Eugene. Then Canasta at Bertie's with her two year old Lee at the table till midnight. Americans were outnumbered and crushed in Korea. The Senate killed the F.E.P.C. bill this session. Rene Plevin formed a French Cabinet. Mich. Gov. Williams refused to extradite "Scottsboro Boy" Haywood Patterson.

July 14 Berry picking. Split chess games with him. Then played anagrams with Sylvia & Eugene. Sylvia had a 2 letter minimum, Eugene - 3 and I - 4. Eugene won. No Koreans advanced. Both sides agreed to abide by the Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners. Nehru sent a message to Stalin and Truman asking mediation. Heywood Patterson was granted his full freedom.

July 15 Ping pong and anagrams. No Koreans crossed the Kum River. Trygve Lie asked 52 nations for troops against the North Koreans. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016


July 2 We played soft ball. Went swimming. Sylvia was timid even with her tube. The So Korean army collapsed. Truman decided to use U.S. infantry. India tried to mediate in vain.

I guess because we were "up in the country", Dad forgot to note "Sunday".

July 3 Soft ball against the Granite Orchard hotel to whom we lost. Then swimming in the hotel pool. Later we swam at our own creek and I held Eugene flat in water. No. Koreans crossed the Han River outflanking Suewon. U.S. aircraft continued air attacks on No Koreans. Queuille formed a right wing cabinet in France. At night we had a party in the casino at $2. per couple It was not a success as the two groups kept to each other. The other group is a religious card playing set. 

July 4 It rained most of the day. A car started rolling down hill without its driver causing a near accident. Played some chess. No. Koreans planes did some strafing. A Marine division was ordered to Korea. At night we played anagrams. 

July 5 We played some ball then swimming. Both kids used tubes. Lost a chess game to Eugene. A heavy rain wind driven flooded our beloved screened-in porch where we eat our meals. Korean Reds were encircling So. Koreans. Lost an chess anagram game to Madeline. Queuille's gov't fell. A mystery sniper killed a fan in the Polo Grounds. At night we learned Canasta in Jack & Bertie R.'s bungalow.

July 6 Took an exploration trip with Eugene. We saw giant mushrooms, climbed a steep hill, found some wild roses etc. No. Korean tank troops overran US positions. England and France are bogged down in Malaya & Indo China respectively. At night Canasta again at Jack's.

July 7 First berry picking. Swimming with Jack failing to get Eugene to leave his feet in the water. Ping-pong. Norma bounces her ball all day singing "Alice lost her ribbon ... hat ... fifty cents, What do you think of that?" Joyce had steady company in Bobby T. Russia advised she would do nothing to stop the fighting calling Security Council's resolution illegal (Red China not seated and Russia not voting). U.S. trooops retreated. Four big railroads had to call off their strikes. One line remained out.
Wimbledon Winners. Budge Patty over Frank Sedgman 6-1,8-10,6-2,6-3. Louise Brough over Margaret O. Dupont 6-1,3-6,6-1. Brough-Sturgess over Geoff Brown and Pat Todd 11-9,1-6,6-4. Bromwich & Quist over Sidwell & G. Brown 7-5,3-6,6-3,3-6,6-2. Brough & Dupont over Hart & Fry 6-4,5-7,6-1.

July 8 We went swimming. Split chess games with Eugene. Handball. At night we saw Fanny Rose & Co put on some Jewish skits. It is the declining years of the Jewish acting profession and a sorry spectacle. We ended up as usual at Jack and Bertie's having her excellent coffee. Truman ordered a draft in the 19-25 class. The UN put the U.S. in charge of the Korean War.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


June 25 Sunday The temp. hits its highest point of the year 91.8° as we picnicked in Woodlawn. The courts were wet. However, Sylvia Eugene and I played some softball. Pop came over and played Eugene and me some chess. The Yanks and Tigers had a home run total of eleven in Friday's game - a new record. There is rising protest over the lively ball. Saturday the Giants got seven home runs - tying the N.L. record. Wes Westrum got three homers and a triple.

June 26 Eugene is becoming a baseball bug. He even went off by himself a couple of times yesterday to watch the baseball game yesterday at Woodlawn. Fighting started in Korea early Sunday with North Korean (communist) troops penetrating to a few miles from Seoul in South Korea. It is generally considered a North Korean invasion but leftists charged South Korea had attacked first at three points. An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council called for a cease fire and return of North Korean troops to their border. The resolution was passed 9-0. Russia continued its boycott because of the Chinese situation. Yugoslavia abstained. Bidault's gov't fell in France in an adverse vote. The N.A.A.C.P. Convention voted a red purge. 

There were always sandlot baseball games at Woodlawn. 

June 27 Lost to Goldberg. North Korean troops entered Seoul. Aid from the US. was called too little and too late.  

June 28 Eugene got a record                                               from his teacher. The worst commercial air disaster resulted in all 58 persons killed on a plane which crashed in Lake Michigan. Truman ordered planes and warships into combat against North Korean troops. He also asked Chiang besieged on Formosa - the last fortress of the Chinese Nationalists to stop attacks on the Chinese mainland as a contribution to peace. Our Ambassador in Moscow, Alan G. Kirk, asked Russia to use its influence to withdraw No. Korean troops and end the war. The UN Security Council voted military sanctions against N. Korea. India & Egypt abstained because of lack of instructions and Yugoslavia opposed. The resolution amounted to an endorsement of U.S. intervention. The one year extension of the draft was passed in the "House" with four opposing. 

Dad left a large blank space after "record", presumably for something to be added. I don't know what, nor do I know what "record" I got. 

June 29 Eugene drew for vacation "Hari The Jungle Lad" D.G. Mukerji, "More English Fairy Tales" - J Jacobs, "Indian Fairy Tales" - J Jacobs, "The Separated Island" - I. Friedrich, "Freddy the Pied Piper", W R Brooks and "Tales from Silverlands" - C. J. Finger. Sylvia drew "School and Play" - Daw & MacDonald, "Red Mittens" - Laura Bannon, "Something Different" - E.K. Evans, "The Park Book" - C. Zolotow, "The New Round About" - M. O'Donnell, and "B is for Betsy" - C. Haywood. After the library, Lillian took Sylvia to the beauty parlor for a haircut while Eugene came home alone by bus. Eugene got "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" from his teacher for general excellence - 2ND prize. North Korean troops captured Seoul and slashed onward as US jet fighters and light bombers pounded their positions. Russia declared the UN resolution supporting So. Korea illegal since Nationalist China had cast the seventh vote. 15,000 attended a '''Garden" Civil Rights Congress meeting attacking the U.S. intervention in Asia. Robeson, Marcantonio, Gus Hall, Ring Lardner,Jr. Earl Conrad and Gale Sondergaard were among the speakers. Heywood Patterson Scottsboro Boy fugitive was picked up by the F.B.I. His recent book in collaboration with Earl Conrad has been a sensation. Mercy killer Dr H. Sanders has been re-instated by the N.H. State board of medicine.

June 30 American B-29s blasted the No. Koreans from the Kimpo airport they had captured. India is seeking mediation in the conflict. Russia rejected a U.S. request to use its influence to end the war holding events were provoked by a South Korean attack. Truman called U.S. undertakings a police action rather than a war. The Red Sox beat the Athletics 22-14 setting a new A.L. record for total runs.

July 1 We left with the Gallins' by Russeks' truck together with our belongings to the Meyeroff's Granite Manor, Kerhonkson, N.Y.