Dec. 18 I am taking piano lessons.
I like it very much.
I play the easy songs. like See Saw and home at last.
8 hours. All O.T.
Dad did not identify the writer of this entry, scanned in below. But Silvia and I agree that it is probably her.
Dec. 19 Eugene was spokesman for his row in a history quiz. He got all questions right. A Georgia Jury trying ten white men for assisting in the flogging of Negroes split 7-5 freeing the defendants. It was reported that Russia is building 1000 Subs. Bulgarian [sic] elected a new Fatherland Front parliament with no opposition. The A.L.P. supported Israel rule of Jerusalem. 4 hours O.T.
Dec. 20 Former Field Marshall Von Mannstein [sic] was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for atrocities by his troops. Nazis however are back in power in Germany. Hiss took the stand and charged Chambers lied. Anti Bridges witness Paul Crouch admitted he is living on gov't money. Eugene drew "To & Again" by WR Brooks, "Young Patriots [Continentals] at Lexington" by JT McIntyre, "The Violet Fairy Book" & Kipling's "Just So Stories". Sylvia drew "It Looks Like This" by J.E. Webber, "School Friends" by LG Nemec, "Let's Take Turns" - LG Nemec & "Fun at the Playground" Frissell & Friebele. 4 hours O.T.
Dec. 21 Several Organizations protested the recent relief cuts at a City Council hearing. U.S. barred Americans from entering Hungary because of the forcible detention of I.T.& T. Co. official Robert Vogeler. Widower Mayor O'Dwyer 59 and beautiful divorcee & fashion model Sloan Simpson 38 were married in Stuart Fla. Clark Gable 49 and Lady Ashley 39 were married each for the fourth time. Millions of dollars worth of gifts are coming to Stalin from all over the world on his 70th birthday today. New Jersey Judge Perskie joined the defense of the 'Trenton six'.
Dec. 22 Eugene stayed home from school with a stuffed nose. Sylvia had argyrol drops in her nose and eye last night. A large stick of dynamite planted in the UAW headquarters failed to go off. The F.B.I. is investigating. Communist reps. from all over the world toasted Stalin at a great birthday celebration in Moscow. Steel raised its price $4. a ton blaming rising costs. An F.B.I. wire tapping probe was ordered in the Judy Coplon case. 4 hours O.T.
Dec. 23 Eugene stayed home agian and in bed, but no temp. The St. Louis Board of Ed. banned segregation in its public schools. Gov. Dewey conferred with City officials on a long range plan to solve the water shortage.
Dec. 24 Bought Lillian a compact. She gave me a shirt and socks. The kids learn from Williams and Taylor's first piano book. Molly came over for the day. She is not well but is going to the hospital for a complete check-up. The Pope called on all to join the Catholic church and fight against militant atheism. Russia indicted 12 Japanese as mainsprings [sic] in a "germ war" plot.
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