Sunday, August 30, 2015


Dec. 25 Christmas Sunday Sylvia vomited twice in the early morning. She stayed in bed and had 101° all day but felt all right. ... her temp dropped to 100.5. Eugene and I had to go to Lils for dinner without Lil & Sylvia. We had a delicious turkey dinner. Mom and pop, Mrs. Thaw, Taubee & her husband, Phil and his son Sammy were there. 

Dec. 26 Sylvia seemed all right and was up and around today. Sadie & Bernard came over for dinner with their three kids - Fredi, Arline & Robert. With five children there was a minor riot. Lil made roast beef and chicken and everything was delicious. 

Dec. 27 Mom came over bringing a game for Eugene, a cut out book for Sylvia and a wall can-opener for us. Russia said that Japanese during the war had used American prisoners as guinea pigs in biological warfare experiments. 

Dec. 28 Eugene is constructing giant draw bridges and merry-go-rounds. Sylvia plays make believe school with many pupils. The Indonesian Republic was born after 347 years of Dutch rule. The U.S. has recognized it. Hungary released A.J.D.C. official Israel Jacobson after two weeks restraint. Vogeler is still held. Landlords now have to paint every two years as in pre war times. Heat records are being broken. 62° was recorded yesterday. A full day of cross examination failed to shake Hess' story. Einstein announced a great new theory designed to explain the working of all forms of energy whether in the form of gravity or of electro magnetic radiation. 

Dec. 29 The City Council is out to cancel the relief cuts announced by Hilliard. In a cancer research discovery fungi were found in every type of cancer examined. 

Dec. 30 Lillian didn't feel well today and went to bed with a stomach complaint and 100.5°. After Eugene ... she felt better. Trygve Lie urged an end to the 'Cold war' in 1950. The Sharkey Rent Freeze Law was killed by the State Court of Appeals. Hungary seized foreign firms in a nationalization move. 

Dec. 31 Lil is better but feels all washed out. The kids did shopping for her this morning. O'Dwyer will ask for State legislative action to retain the city rent controls. Dr. Herman Sander admitted the 'mercy killing' of a woman patient with an incurable cancer. He was defended by his friends and relatives of the deceased. Premier Bidault won two votes of confidence. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Dec. 18 I am taking piano lessons.

I like it very much. 

I play the easy songs.  like See Saw and home at last.

8 hours. All O.T. 
Dad did not identify the writer of this entry, scanned in below. But Silvia and I agree that it is probably her.

Dec. 19 Eugene was spokesman for his row in a history quiz. He got all questions right. A Georgia Jury trying ten white men for assisting in the flogging of Negroes split 7-5 freeing the defendants. It was reported that Russia is building 1000 Subs. Bulgarian [sic] elected a new Fatherland Front parliament with no opposition. The A.L.P. supported Israel rule of Jerusalem. 4 hours O.T. 

Dec. 20 Former Field Marshall Von Mannstein [sic] was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for atrocities by his troops. Nazis however are back in power in Germany. Hiss took the stand and charged Chambers lied. Anti Bridges witness Paul Crouch admitted he is living on gov't money. Eugene drew "To & Again" by WR Brooks, "Young Patriots [Continentals] at Lexington" by JT McIntyre, "The Violet Fairy Book" & Kipling's "Just So Stories". Sylvia drew "It Looks Like This" by J.E. Webber, "School Friends" by LG Nemec, "Let's Take Turns" - LG Nemec & "Fun at the Playground" Frissell & Friebele. 4 hours O.T. 

Dec. 21 Several Organizations protested the recent relief cuts at a City Council hearing. U.S. barred Americans from entering Hungary because of the forcible detention of I.T.& T. Co. official Robert Vogeler. Widower Mayor O'Dwyer 59 and beautiful divorcee & fashion model Sloan Simpson 38 were married in Stuart Fla. Clark Gable 49 and Lady Ashley 39 were married each for the fourth time. Millions of dollars worth of gifts are coming to Stalin from all over the world on his 70th birthday today. New Jersey Judge Perskie joined the defense of the 'Trenton six'. 

Dec. 22 Eugene stayed home from school with a stuffed nose. Sylvia had argyrol drops in her nose and eye last night. A large stick of dynamite planted in the UAW headquarters failed to go off. The F.B.I. is investigating. Communist reps. from all over the world toasted Stalin at a great birthday celebration in Moscow. Steel raised its price $4. a ton blaming rising costs. An F.B.I. wire tapping probe was ordered in the Judy Coplon case. 4 hours O.T. 

Dec. 23 Eugene stayed home agian and in bed, but no temp. The St. Louis Board of Ed. banned segregation in its public schools. Gov. Dewey conferred with City officials on a long range plan to solve the water shortage. 

Dec. 24 Bought Lillian a compact. She gave me a shirt and socks. The kids learn from Williams and Taylor's first piano book. Molly came over for the day. She is not well but is going to the hospital for a complete check-up. The Pope called on all to join the Catholic church and fight against militant atheism. Russia indicted 12 Japanese as mainsprings [sic] in a "germ war" plot.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Dec. 11 Sunday Brought ties to Max Weinbrown. Mom and pop, Abe & Blume and Rochel stopped here after visiting Tante Rose and had supper. Pop won a chess game from Eugene. The Australian Lavor Gov't was ousted following New Zealand's similar defeat. A 500 man police force was voted by the UN to enforce its rule of Jerusalem. An anti-Communist labor body was formed to rival the W.F.T.U.

Dec. 12 Two E.C.A. aides were freed by Korean leftists after 81 [days] as prisoners. The West German press accused the Allies of war crimes! N.Y.U. vetoed the fraternity bias Law voted by the students. The kids took their first piano lessons from Lillian Nadler. She gives them 3/4 hour each for $4.50.  

Dec. 13 U.S. accused Bulgaria of false charges and restrictions against our embassy officials. The Supreme Court upheld the validity of the 1949 Federal Rent Control Act. Ex State Dept. officials testified in favor of Hiss' loyalty at his trial. At the Judith Coplon trial the Judge barred evidence gained by wiretapping.  

Dec. 14 Lil went with Mama to Fordham where Mom bought us artificial flowers for out Anniversary and an umbrella for Sylvia and gun for Eugene for Chanukah. Israel transferred its capital to Jerusalem in protest against its internationalization. 

Dec. 15 The kids practise [sic] a half hour each day. Kostov was sentenced to hang. 10 Co-defendants were sentenced to prison terms. A second judge within six weeks declared the Feinberg ("anti Subversion") Law unconstitutional. Stool pigeon Manning Johnson identified Bridges as a Communist. Big League trades saw a major deal where Willard Marshall, Kerr, Sid Gordon and Webb go from the Giants to the Braves in exchange for Eddy Stanky & Alvin Dark. In the evening we went to Max Guzman's 60th birthday Lotka party bringing a muffler. Mom came but Pop could not make it. Lil & Harry, the Bardes', Horowitz family and daughter Anita & her husband Joe also came. Sandra & Edeen made lotkas. Ida is improved. Two more couples were present including one from Israel. 

Dec. 16 The City had its first voluntary water holiday today. People were requested not to bathe or shave and use only essential water. Hitler banker Abs is here with State Dept. approval. 27 Peekskill riot victims sued for $2000,000 against 16 veterans org. and county and state officials. 3 hours O.T. 

Dec. 17 Eugene went bowling with his Cub Scout Pack at the Kingsbridge Alleys downstairs. Judge Hutchinson presiding at the re-trial of the "Trenton Six" barred Rogge, Patterson and Block from representing the unfortunate Negroes on the grounds they were N.Y. lawyers. The lawyers appeal to the Supreme Court had saved three of the victims after Hutchinson had sentenced them to the "chair" in the first time [sic]. Kostov died on the gallows. Holes were ripped in Chambers' story of his relationship with Hiss at the trial. Mao Tse-Tung arrived in Moscow for the first time as a Chinese gov't leader and received a great reception. Friday's water holiday was called a success. Miss Quinn got off again with a slight reprimand after her Anti Negro remarks. 8 hours. All O.T. Lil took the kids to the Windsor to see three pictures including a Western also a cartoon.                        

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Dec. 4 Sunday This afternoon we went over to the Music Arcade on Morris Park. Ave. to see about a piano. Lil has been looking around for several days with Madeline G. We bought a rebuilt Chickering having a beautiful tone for $250. He had asked $295. for it. Sylvia asked us later whether it was $2.95 or $2.50. From the piano place we went to a Chinese restaurant on Southern Blvd. where we had Chow Mein, roast pork and egg roll and the kids had pot roast. At home I lost a chess game to Eugene. 

Dec. 5 The piano was our anniversary present to each other. Lillian took Eugene to the Columbia Optometry Lab where he got a new prescription. Czech Catholic Bishops warned the gov't they would fight against destruction of religious freedom. 

Dec. 6 Wallace emphatically denied he has insisted that atomic material be sent to Russia. The UN voted an arms census but not Russia's proposal for a count of atomic stockpiles also. William Rosen accused of being an underground Communist in the Hiss Chambers trial refused to testify on grounds it might incriminate him. Left wing U.E. leaders refused to answer questions at an "UnAmerican Comm. hearing. 10,000 at the Garden heard Polish delegate to the UN Katz Suchy, Benson and others speak at an American Soviet friendship meeting. The piano came as Mom and Molly were here but was brought in through the window.  

Dec. 7 Eugene got all A's and S's again with a 95, 96 & 99 and I in penmanship. Sylvia wanted to know whether a nickel which was a little different was a "Jewish nickel". Lillian got a book of piano music songs and is playing with the kids singing. Former Major Jordan who brought out the latest "sensation" of sending atomic and radar material to Russia during the war was transferred from his job in 1944. Leadbelly is dead at 60. Maria Ouspenskaya died of burns at 73. Rex Beach committed suicide at 72. 

Dec. 8 Mike dropped in yesterday morning with a beautiful blanket for our anniversary. The UN voted an UN internationalized UN regime in Jerusalem with England, U.S. and Israel opposing. The vote was 35-13. Gen Groves cleared Wallace and Hopkins of any misconduct in giving any atomic secrets or material to Russia. Gene Connolly resigned from the City Council in protest against Davis' ouster. There were only two abstinences [sic] and no nay votes in the ouster. The A.C.L.U. probers in the Peekskill riot case found the police guilty of allowing the attackers free rein. They found the riot fostered by anti-semitism with no evidence of Communist provocation. In the Bulgarian trials Kostov repudiated much of his pre trial confession. He admitted to ideological mistakes but no spying. The City Council finance Comm. OK'd the City pay raise 6-3. O'Dwyer will go from $25000 to $40000. 

Dec. 9 The UN voted $8,000,000 to run Jerusalem. Kostov's co-defendants pleaded guilty and implicated Kostov. Nationalist China set up its fifth gov't in a year in Formosa. 

Dec. 10 Sylvia went on a tour sponsored by the school to the         television studio. The children sang in the bus. The UN General Assembly voted 38-14 to internationalize Jerusalem. Israel Jews charge the UN will.never be able to implement the decision. Eisler's ex-wife "identified Hiss as a communist. It is charged she boasted she would convict Hiss. Yugoslavia sentenced the White Russians to prison on charges of working for Nazi Germany during the war and spying for Russia afterwards. 

Dad never filled in which TV studio it was; he just left it blank. It's not clear where the "close quote" was supposed to be.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Nov. 27 We went to Mom & Pop's seeing Lil & Peggy. Harry wasn't well and Susan stayed to help him. She recently made orange juice and washed and dried dishes. Peggy was very cute. She knew everyone there. Eugene won a game of chess from pop. We had the first snowfall of the season and the kids had gone sleighing in the morning.

Dad neglected to label Sunday again, again requiring me to carefully count to seven. 

Nov. 28 Lil took Molly to the doctor this morning. He said she had arthritis and must lose weight. Vice Consul Stokes was freed by the Chinese Communists following Consul Ward's release. Laureano Gomez became Colombia's president. Liberals boycotted the election. The Young Progressives of America concluded their four day second Nat'l Convention in Cleveland with a call for outlawing atomic warfare.

Nov. 29 Sylvia has a sniffle. A half million people jammed Harlem streets to mourn Bill Robinson at his funeral. The Atomic Energy Commission announced a plan to 'breed' scarce atomic materials. Chambers caused a sensation when he testified he was not sure whether a certain paper had been given him by Hiss or the late H.D. White. The City Council ousted Ben Davis and barred debate. Corporation Council [sic] McGrath had held that Davis' conviction barred him from public office. State Supreme Court Justice Harry E. Schirick declared the Feinberg Law barring left wing teachers unconstitutional. He termed it a witch hunting law. Murray spoke at the first convention of the new Int'l Union of Electrical Workers which claims to represent half the old U.E. membership already.

Nov. 30 Sylvia stayed home today with a stuffed nose. The Cominform asked for an all-out struggle from within and without to overthrow Tito. 28 out of 46 perished in another plane crash. N.Y.U. agreed to restore the "One World" mural it had removed, after protests.

Dec. 1 Rep Parnell Thomas sensationally dropped his fight against gov't charges that he had padded the gov't payroll with relatives and drew kickbacks from them. He threw himself on the mercy of the court. The N.Z. Labor gov't was ousted after 17 years of rule. 400,000 soft coal miners will walk out again with the expiration of the truce. Bulgaria indicted former deputy Premier Kostov and 10 others for treason espionage and sabotage in favor of Yugoslavia. 4 Ben Davis supporters arrested at a rally celebrating his release on bail received 60 day sentences. Chiang took over operations against the Communists again as Chunking fell. Carey's new Electrical Union heard several cabinet members attack Communism and praise him.

Dec. 2 When Sylvia complained about helping Eugene do the dishes and then made a commotion while doing them, she was sent to bed before 7 o'clock. At lunch supper time today both refused to eat their stewed prunes. The UN adopted the Western peace plan rather than the Soviet. Against the wishes of the Jewish people, the UN voted 7-6 for the internationalization of Jerusalem. The miners returned to work on a 3-day basis, eleven hours after starting their latest strike. Negotiations will continue. Curran packed a meeting with out of town seamen to win a verdict of guilty against Drummond  and the patrolmen. They will be removed from office. A large part of the membership did not vote. Yugoslavia placed ten Russians on trial for espionage and claimed another had committed suicide in jail. Italy's labor staged a 24-hour protest strike against the killing of several peasants.

Dec. 3 Eugene went to his first Cub Scout meeting with about eight boys in a Webb Ave apartment and had a good time playing games. The Water emergency is getting more critical and summonses are being handed offenders. It was announced that the F.H.A. will give no aid in the future to any housing having restrictive covenants. An ex U.S. officer told Fulton Lewis that Harry Hopkins gave Russia many confidential secrets during the war. Included was a-bomb material.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Nov. 20 Sunday We all went over to the Eames PL. Jewish Center where the Cub Scouts were having a meeting and party. We managed to register Eugene. He will meet every Friday between 4 and 530 PM at his den mothers house in [sic] Webb Ave. Later we went to the Paradise where we saw the great picture of a light colored Negro couple who try to pass. "Lost Boundaries" with Beatrice Pearson & Mel Ferrer. Also "The Dude Goes West" with Eddy [sic] Albert & Gale Storm. Eugene seemed interested in the problem of discrimination. At home we had frankfurters and beans. Sylvia had a salad and potato salad.

Nov. 21 Lillian bought Sylvia a pretty red coat at Alexanders' $15. Also a hat. She was delighted with the outfit. She said she was glad she couldn't wear it to school as several children have exactly the same coats. Eugene got a hat. Acting President Li of China flew to Hong Kong although he claimed it was due only to a stomach aliment. Panama police chief Remon and his men ousted President Chanis. 18 survivors of 20 occupants of a B-29 which crashed three days ago off Bermuda told of their severe sea ordeal. City relief was cut several dollars a month. 

Nov. 22 The U.S. asked 30 nations to put pressure on the Chinese Communists to free Consul General Angus Ward. At the 2ND Hiss trial, Chambers made new charges that Soviet underground head Peters O.K.'d Hiss for a State Dept job. Libya became an independent state and Somaliland went under a 10 year trusteeship to Italy but Russia was frozen out of the Trusteeship Committee. 1000 NMU members formed a caucus to back Drummond and his patrolmen. A rival to the Pilot will also be published. Furniture leader Morris Pizer deserted the leftist majority to announce loyalty to the C.I.O.

Nov. 23 Sylvia consented to wear her pants today. Britain defied the UN on several trusteeship resolutions. After a two day search the wreck of a plane which had crashed Sunday with 28 Jewish children and seven adults was found. The sole survivior was 11 year old Isaac Allai. The crash occurred in Oslo. Hungary arrested New Yorker Robert Vogeler and two other I.T.&T representatives on espionage charges and claimed they had confessed. Judge Harris sentenced Bridges' lawyer Vincent Hallman to six months jail for criminal contempt but allowed him to continue to represent Bridges in the trial before serving sentence after pleas by Bridges and Hallman's Associate. 

Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Day We went to Morty & Ray Steindler for a turkey dinner. Also present were Mrs. Feingold, Charlie F. Lou F & his wife Ray & Son Arnie. Also Wally S. Sylvia started to cry right after we got there but ended up singing to Ray F's piano playing. Mortee took us home. Lil got sick in the car breaking out into perspiration. It seems she had an attack of indigestion. She took bicarbonate of soda and tea. Angus Ward was convicted by a Chinese People's Court along with four other consulate employees, on the charge of beating a Chinese employee. The five however have been freed but ordered to leave China. Indictments against Amtorg officials have been dropped now that they have complied with registration laws. Lilienthal quit as A.E.C. chief with a blast at his enemies. Ben Feldman, Brooklyn druggist was acquitted in his third trial of poisoning his wife in order to get her estate. His first two trials ended in conviction reversed by the Court of Appeals. Chambers admitted many inconsistencies in his story. 

Nov. 25 Sylvia was punhished this morning for her babyish actions - crying, moaning, groaning, making faces, etc. Arnulfo Arias was returned to the Presidency of Panama from which he had been ousted eight years ago. Police chief Remon who helped overthrow him in 1941 supported him this time. The Western Allies concluded many agreements with Germany. The ban on dismantling was removed from 18 big factories. Germany may rebuild a merchant fleet. Germany pledged to eradicate Nazism and oppose cartels. An N.Y.U. mural painted by graduate student Harold Collins which had been attacked for its Communist propagand [sic] was finally removed. A 24 hour general strike hit France. All labor unions demonstrated for bonuses and an end to the wage freeze. France and Poland are making retaliatory arrests of each others nationals for espionage. Ted Williams won the A.L. Most Valuable Player Award, setting off great protests from the Yanks and fans in favor of Rizzuto and Page.  

Nov. 26 We all played puzzle games Sylvia knowing enough to really join us for the first time. She was very excited and interested and made a creditable showing. Russia will boycott the UN debate on China's charge that Moscow aided the Chinese Communists. Curran supporters grabbed the N.M.U. hall and many opponents were beaten and union books taken away. May Quinn, teacher punished for Anti-semitism is now being investigated for Anti-Negro remarks. Bojangles Bill Robinson is dead at 71.