7/10 Sunday It rained half the day. Played anagrams with Madeline. We did the Times puzzle. Beat Julie Meltzer in a chess game. At night, shuffleboard, hitting the penny.
7/11 Got a hitch home at the Bloomingburgh traffic light. Rep. Velde of the Unamerican Comm. charged Judge Kaufman presiding at the Hiss perjury trial had shown his [bias? or "he's"?] in favor of Hiss. A U.S. aide in Shanghai was relieved after 66 hour detention at a police station. It was claimed he had been badly beaten. He was charged with interfering with a parade, beating policemen, insolence, etc.
Sylvia will go into Class 2-5 Room 310 - Miss Costigan Hours 8:35 to 11:50 - 12:45 to 3 PM Entr. North Gate. Eugene goes into 5-4 R. 403 Miss Deveraux. He got 99 in spelling 96 in Arith. All others A's and S's.
7/12 The Amer. Assoc'n of University Prof. upheld the right of teachers to be Communists as long as the party is legal. Ben Davis denied the party advocated a separate Negro nation in the South. Mindszenty's life sentence was upheld by the Hungarian court of Appeals. Tito will seal the Greek-Yugoslav border and cease aid to the guerillas. At the U.A.W. Convention, delegates refused to give wider powers to the officers but asked that charters of left wing unions be revoked. Australian Mine Union leaders were imprisoned for contempt of court. Miners are on strike. 14 were arrested in Alabama in a probe of the hooded floggings. Ray Robinson retained his welterweight championship by outpointing Kid Gavilan in 15 rounds.
7/13 Will have cleaning and double filling at dentist. Bill including xrays - $14. Two major air crashes wiped out over seventy persons. One was in India, the other in L.A. 13 Journalists were killed including Knickerbocker, S Burton Heath, Bertram D Hulen, William H Newton, George L Moorad. J.F. Dulles, new N.Y. Senator in place of Wagner supported the Atlantic Pact against Taft. The London dock strike spread now involving over 13,000 workers. Reuther's slate won by about 8-1 in U.A.W. elections. W G Grant opposed Reuther. The A.L. All stars defeated the N.L. 11-7.
7/14 Mayor O'Dwyer, champion mind changer will run for re-election! Murray has called a strike against those steel companies which will not accept Truman's 60 [day] truce. The Vatican announced it will excommunicate all Communists and fellow travellers [sic].
7/15 Beat Geller. The World Council of Churches called upon all Christians in totalitarian countries to resists anti religious teaching and acts. In India Nehru's tour against Communism is meeting with some jeers and violence.
7/16 Left for Soss. Tennis players Drobny & Cernik ordered to quit a Swiss tournament because of the presence of German & Spanish players, renounced Czechoslovakia and remained to play. Sam Sage & Tracy Doll, two of the remaining leftists in the U.A.W. were expelled by a close vote at the convention for making public a suppressed report of corruption in one of the locals. The Board of Regents held hearings on the Feinberg Anti Subversion Bill. It announced a plan to check every school employee annually. In the evening we went to the Bloomingburgh Auction where dozens of pieces of "furniture" went for 10¢ apiece. Lil bought a cake for 85¢.
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