8/1 Big spy probe hits headlines.
8/5 State A.F.L. bars "reds" but not "klan".
8/14 Mrs. Kosenkina jumps.
8/17 We won Olympics; Babe Ruth dead.
8/30 Heat wave hist 100.8; Russia severs Consular relationships.
8/31 Wallace egged on Southern tour, Peters replaces Eisler as #1 Red.
9/2 Schacht freed; Teamsters strike; NLRB rules scabs, not strikers, can vote.
9/4 Benes died; Steiner won U.S. chess title.
9/6 Parker & Schroeder beat Australia for Davis Cup.
9/13 Sylvia started school.
9/18 Ilse Koch sentence commuted; Count Bernadotte assassinated.
9/20 Pancho Gonzales wins Nat'l Singles.
9/21 Sylvia catches 'cold'.
9/23 Bob Thompson stabbed; Cerdan wins Middleweight title.
9/27 Eugene gets 'cold'.
9/29 Left wing Dep't Store Unions seceded from the C.I.O.
10/12 The Indians' won the World Series over the Braves 4-2.
10/15 Lillian became Sylvia's class mother.
10/16 Both kids' teeth were found good.
10/19 Lillian got some treatment for her leg pain.
10/31 Sandy Saddler Ko'd Willy Pep to win featherweight title.
11/2 Truman was re-elected President over Tom Dewey in a great upset, exposing all the poll takers and opinion makers.
11/6 Lillian got a lovely mouton coat.
11/7 Eugene gets 50¢ weekly allowance.
11/12 Tojo is to be hanged for war crimes.
11/19 Israel refused UN's demand to give up the Negev.
11/22 Chinese Communists have won their greatest victories of the war. The N.Y.C. C.I.O. Council lost its charter.
11/25 A military coup ousted Gallego in Venezuela.
12/1 Communists set up own Berlin regime as England concedes Negev to Israel.
12/3 O.P.A. order brings painter to our house after three years.
12/4 Chambers' microfilm documents found in pumpkin.
12/7 Left-wing ousted in T.W.U.
12/19 Eugene breaks two of Bobby R's teeth.
12/23 Tojo was hung.
1/4/49 Sylvia gets tonsilitis.
1/13 Lillian has tumor.
1/17 The trial of the '12' started today.
1/8 [sic] The President's pay was raised to $100,000 annually.
1/27 The first election in Israel was won by the Socialist (Mapai Party.
2/2 Eugene got all A's and S's on his report card.
2/5 Eugene made a trip to a television studio through school.
2/9 Mindszenty was sentenced to life imprisonment after his confession.
2/10 MacArthur named Agnes Smedley and Guenther Stern former members of Soviet spy ring in Japan.
2/12 Eugene has an acute sinusitis.
2/15 A. L. Strong expelled as a spy from Moscow!
2/20 I start a 2-day stay in bed.
2/21 Seth Ian Modelson born.
2/26 C.P. leaders all over the world start making statements pledging support to Russia in a possible war.
3/1 Dr. Holzman diagnosed a red throat for Sylvia; Joe Louis retired as undefeated heavyweight champ.
3/2 Stalin ordered 10-30% price reductions.
3/5 Vishinsky replaces Molotov as Foreign Minister.
3/6 Lillian in bed with a cold and back ache; Security Council accepts Israel's application; Russian UN Aide and Bkly'n girl arrested for spying.
3/8 The trial of the '12' started.
3/12 A fight to weaken the filibuster failed in Congress.
3/13 I have a "strep" throat.
3/15 Fascist traitor Ezra Pound received our highest poetry award.
3/16 A 15 month rent control extension was passed.
3/18 Comic books are banned definitely at home.
3/26 The Intern'l Cultural and Scientific Peace Parley started with vehement picketing by praying matrons and a counter meeting by the Americans for Intellectual Freedom with Sidney Hook the ringleader. Dr. Harlow Shapley chaired the "Peace Parley".
3/30 Eugene has a virus infection and conjunctivitis Banker Crowe absconded with $690,000.
4/5 12 nations signed the Atlantic Pact aimed at Russia and her allies.
4/8 The taxi strike was lost; undercover agents who had been members of the C.P. started testimony at the trial of the '12'.
4/11 Kathy Fiscus who fell into an abandoned well held the nation's interest for three days until she was brought up dead.
4/12 City College students started their strike against two biased instructors.
4/14 An earthquake in the Pacific Northwest killed eight.
4/15 Lil has a "strep" throat.
4/18 A possible cancer virus has been isolated.
4/20 Rabbi Wise is dead.
4/21 World Peace Congress sessions opened in Paris & Prague; British ships were shelled on the Yangtze.
4/29 Sylvia has a sinusitis attack.
4/30 Eugene went to bed with a headache.
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