Saturday, May 10, 2014

Index (Book III)

4/25 Hundreds of Thousands protest Anti-labor drive
4/27 We explode bomb and eat out
4/29 I stay home due to my vaccinations; Palestine issue discussions start in G.A.
5/1 Mexican President Aleman gets great reception here
5/2 A.F.L. & C.I.O. meet in unity session
5/4 Eugene wins two chess games from Pop
5/5 C.P. ministers ousted from French Cabinet
5/6 Supreme Court upholds search without warrant; Chinese Communists win big victory; Basques strike
5/7 Eugene gets new lenses; we get a singer rebuilt portable
5/8 Brazil outlaws the C.P.
5/10 "House" approves the Greek Aid bill 287-107
5/13 Mass lynch trial starts in S.C.
5/14 Taft slave labor bill passed by Senate 68-24
5/22 28 lynchers acquitted in S. Car.
5/27 The Soviet Union abolishes capital punishment
5/31 Over 100 killed in 'round the world plane crashes. Purge of Anti-Democrats begins in Hungary.
6/11 Greatest labor demonstration ever in N.Y. held by 100,000 C.I.O. men
6/13 We buy bed for Eugene as 23 Agrarian Deputies are expelled in Bulgaria
6/17 Marshall initiates plan to reconstruct European economies as 10,000 hear Wallace in Wash D.C. Truman vetoes Tax Bill, Nat'l Seamen strike
6/21 Truman vetoes Taft Hartley bill. House overrides it
6/24 Senate over rides Truman veto.
6/25 We see Bronx Park Rose Gardens after Sylvia cuts her hair.
6/28 Many Anti-fascists convicted in court cases.
7/1 Fascist plot uncovered in France
7/3 Russia refuses to go along with the Marshall Plan.
7/5 Kramer is Wimbledon champ
7/9 Hotel rent frozen here; A.L. beats N.L.; Miners win big victory.
7/10 2000 Greek Anti-fascists arrested in Athens.
7/13 Marshall Plan parley opens.
7/14 Georgia prison massacre.
7/16 We decide to double Germany's industrial capacity
7/21 Dutch reopen warfare against Indonesia
7/30 3 Irgunists executed followed by Irgun retaliation then pogroms in Palestine & England; Russia vetoes Balkan Comm.
8/4 Indonesian war halted by UN request.
8/11 Odom sets round the world solo flight record 73 hrs-5mi-11sec
8/16 Free, partitioned India takes control
8/18 Gov't loyalty purge begins
8/19 Greek guerrillas set up free gov't
8/24 Sylvia develops red throat
8/25 Revolt in Ecuador. Greek gov't dissolves; Legion Commander Griffith calls for Amer. troops in Greece
8/30 Internecine slaughter in India; We agree to let Germany produce 11 million tons of steel.
9/1 We win Davis Cup over Australia
9/2 Hungarian C.P. leads gov't coalition to victory in elections.
9/5 19 American nations sign mutual defense pact as P.R. is again attacked.
9/8 Exodus Jews clubbed off the vessel
9/10 High prices probes start
9/20 LaGuardia dies at 64.
9/24 "Freedom Train" exhibited; Bulgarian Petkov hanged.
9/28 Eugene picks up chess game in 42 st parlor
10/5 Eugene starts Sunday School
10/6 Communists of nine European countries start Information Bureau
10/7 Yanks win World Series; Truman asks big food conservation program
10/11 Chile & Yugoslavia break relations as Arab army masses at Palestine
10/16 Cuban Fed of Labor outlawed
10/17 Eugene gets first filling
10/20 DeGaulle wins big election victory
10/21 Hollywood red probe opens
10/22 Brazil & Chile break with Russia
10/25 Forest fires sweeping Maine
10/29 Board of Ed refuses to ban left wing meetings
10/30 President's Civil Rights Comm.asks end of discrimination.
11/5 P.R. beaten in New York amid red-baiting
11/11 Dr. Holzman diagnoses virus infection of chest for Eugene
11/13 DeGaulle asks new Axis as Communists battle enemies in France & Italy
11/18 Friendship Train makes nationwide collection of food for abroad
11/23 Eugene has all-day belly-ache as Schuman forms French gov't.
11/24 Schuman forms French gov't as Chinese vote in first gen'l election
11/26 "Big 4" Ministers met as movie moguls decided to fire anti-fascists
11/30 Palestine partitioned by the U.N. 33-13
12/3 Battles rage in Greece, China, Palestine, France
12/5 Justice Dept. issues list of "subversive" Anti-fascist groups on our anniversary
12/6 Louis wins unpopular decision over Walcott
12/10 College ban on anti-fascists starts
12/13 Lewis Coal Miners leave A.F.L.
12/15 Russia revalues its currency
12/17 P.C.A. asks Wallace to run on a third ticket
12/25 Free Greek gov't announced
12/27 N.Y.'s greatest snowstorm falls
12/30 Wallace announced his candidacy

1/3/48 We have "shower" for Shirley
1/8 A.C.W. quits A.L.P. on "Third Party" issue
1/14 Find I have low blood pressure at Dr. Holzman's
1/23 C.I.O. votes against a 3rd Party 33-11
1/25 Get drunk at Milton's wedding
1/30 Gandhi assasinated
2/3 Eugene gets well nigh perfect report card, as Truman promulgates his civil rights program
2/8 Pop's banquet at the Crestmore.
2/12 C.I.O. indicted for political activity as Soviet composers criticized.
2/13 Greek guerrillas run gauntlet
2/18 Leo Isaacson wins sensational election
2/19 Started dentistry work
2/26 Czech gov't reorganized with Communist domination
2/28 Lillian gets cold with her neck, eye, nose affected
3/2 Political prisoners start successful hunger strike
3/7 Molly and Sam's 25th Anniversary party
3/11 Masaryk's suicide.
3/15 Western bloc of E.R.P. nations formed.
3/18 Truman asks U.M.T. and the draft
3/20 U.S. reverses self on the Palestine partition
3/21 Talbert wins Nat'l Indoors
3/28 Quill resigns from City C.I.O.
4/7 Sylvia has an infected ear
4/10 A revolt caused great damage in Columbia; Lillian's facial neuralgia starts
4/13 Miners win $100 monthly pensions
4/21 O'Dwyer raised the subway fare to 10¢ as the Popular [remainder of this entry, and perhaps one more, is mostly torn off and cannot be read]
5/1 Eugene contracts inflammation of a gland in the neck
5/4 We go to the circus
5/5 154 Greek patriots were executed in Greece
5/10 Botvinnik wins World's chess Championship
5/15 Israel established
5/18 Stalin hails Wallace's plan for peace discussions
5/20 The "House" passes the Mundt Bill
5/22 Sylvia has inflamed ear
5/26 G.M. workers signed a contract containing an Escalation clause to go up and down with the cost of living.
5/27 Sylvia sees a headless boy and we hear Eugene sing at Assembly
6/3 Thousands demonstrate against the Mundt Bill
6/5 Dr. Holzman says Eugene has a cold on top of his allergy
6/11 Senate passes the draft
6/13 Eugene stays at Evelyn's
6/20 We make our first visit to Coney Island
6/22 Sylvia gets German Measles
6/26 Joe Louis knocks out Joe Walcott in 11.
6/29 Cominform denounces "Tito"
7/1 10¢ fare starts
7/3 Sylvia's 'measles' start
7/4 Bob Falkenburg wins Wimbledon
7/8 Congressional inquisition against left wing dep[cut off] leaders starts. Sokols demonstrate for Benes in Czech. Satchell Paige signed by Cleveland.
7/9 Truce ends in Palestine
7/10 Sylvia has complication (congested lungs) and [cut off]
7/11 Sylvia guesses 'nut' riddle
7/13 Sylvia gets another complication - inflamed ear
7/14 A.L. All stars win 5-2
7/15 Togliatti was wounded by an assassin; Truman was nominated on the first ballot
7/16 A new truce will take place in Palestine
7/19 Left wingers lost in the N.M.U. election
7/20 We leave for the Feiner Farm in Ferndale; Peggy Thaw born at 6 P.M.
7/21 Twelve C.P. leaders indicted for conspiring to overthrow the Gov't
7/23 The Progressive Party opened its convention at Shibe Park
7/24 Pat Seerey hit four hime runs for the White Sox
7/25 Eugene has emotional upset
7/26 Eugene and I get lost in the woods


  1. "We explode bomb and eat out"
    "We buy bed for Eugene as 23 Agrarian Deputies are expelled in Bulgaria"

    And many more such index entries. I think this is a sardonic, ironic side to Dad that we didn't know since we were kids, and when we grew up he was probably over it. Or it only came out on paper. Especially weird in the first, above, in which "we" refers to two very different entities!

    1. I have wondered whether he was thinking irony, or just humor in passing, as he was trying to make the index succinct. Also, I think you may have made an assumption about the "bomb"; the "we" was the same, as it was Mom and an aerosol bomb.
