Saturday, June 1, 2013


11/30 Sunday The General Assembly passed the historic resolution to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state by a vote of 33-13 barely reaching the required 2/3 vote. It is operative as of Oct. 1,1948. Mom and Pop over for dinner. Mom has high blood pressure and must go on a diet to lose 20 lbs. Pop has been troubled much by his palpitation. Frieda K. came over later. Eugene beat Pop and I beat both of them. Ring Lardner has been fired by 20th Century - Fox - #3. 

12/1 Lillian went to Alexanders for the regular Monday Sale and got me two sanforized shirts at $2. apiece - a real bargain. Eugene is quite enthusiastic about King Arthur and his knights. I drew for Eugene Pyle's "Story of Sir Launcelot and his Companions" "The Snow Baby" by J. D. Peary "Shadow Castle" by M. Cockrell and Sylvia chose "The Little Fisherman" by M. W. Brown because it had such "lovely pictures". Attempts were made to sieze [sic] special editions of "L'Humanité" & "Ce Soir" in France. Amid great celebrations in Palestine Arabs attacked and killed a dozen Jews. William Edlen is dead at 69 and Ernst Lubitsch at 55. Gen'l LeClarc was killed at 45. 

12/2 Eugene wants nickels in his bank as well as pennies so he asked Lillian for a nickel each time he dries the dishes. His request for another nickel for putting the dishes away was turned down however. Sylvia cut her hair slightly again. Gov't troops fought strike pickets on French coal mines fields. Communists sat down in the Chamber against Schuman's drastic anti-labor measures. All other parties supported the gov't. The Senate passed the interim aid bill for Europe 83-6. The UnAmerican Committee again whitewashed American Fascism. 

12/3 Sylvia is saving for a tin doll's house and Eugene for an erector set. He wants the $25 set! The C.I.O. will seek a third round of raises to meet the H.C.L. More Jews were killed and a million dollars worth of damages done in Jerusalem by Arab rioters. Police and Mobile guards acted as strike-breakers throughout France. The World Socialist Conference voted to accept the German S.D. party but will not re-form the Socialist Intern'l.

12/4 Sylvia wanders around downstairs now with little Joycie. Eugene has been playing with Gloria in her house. J F Dulles will go to France to speak with DeGaulle. Palestine fighting between Arabs and Jews caused many deaths and injuries. Schuman's strike-breaking program was passed in France only the C.P. dissenting. Nos. 4 and 5 Dalton Trumbo and Lester Cole were fired by M.G.M. The other five cited by Congress are not under contract. 

He wrote "Joycie", but Joyce, our downstairs neighbor, was (is) older than I am. He probably meant to write her sister, Norma, who was younger than Silvia. 

12/5 Our tenth anniversary. We had the first snow of the season which turned to an all day rain. Sylvia is playing with Norma and Eugene with Gloria. Molly called up to say that Milton would marry Shirley next month. Strikers were killed by French troops. There are rumors of a panic in Russia. Howard Fast was barred from speaking at Columbia. Russia at the UN fought for consideration of the NAACP petition to redress grievances against the Negro people but was defeated 11-1. The Justice Dept. issued its list of 78 "subversive" organizations including the C.P., I.W.O., left wing organizations and schools. Of the rightist orgs. named the only active ones are the Klan and Columbians. Eugene and Gloria made swords and guns out of the tinkertoys, duelling [sic] with the swords then hiding behind fallen chairs to shoot at each other with their guns. Played Eugene some chess. At night we hit broadway skipping "Gentlemen's Agreement" because of its price $2.40, seeing "Body and Soul" at $1.80 with John Garfield, Lilli Palmer and Canada Lee. It was a fine film showing the sordidness of the fight game. Lee was portrayed as a Negro boxer who is thrown on the ash heap as soon as his usefulness is over. 

12/6 We had lunch at a 59st. Automat - Beef stews, dessert, milk, coffee, pie at $2.15. Then to the St. Nick. Arena for the Amer. Jewish Labor Council bazaar. We saw Bujeno's [?] puppets do "The Three Bears". Bought a game for the kids. Also a fox fur collar for Lillian at $12. At home played some chess while Sylvia painted with the new paints she got. Then a beautiful garbage pail and some cups and saucers came which Mother had sent. Heavyweight champ Joe Louis an 8-1 favorite won a split decision over Joe Walcott after being knocked down twice. The crowd booed the decision in the surprise bout. O'Dwyer broadcast his appeal for an 8¢ fare which he wants to put over without a referendum. Strikers fought police and troops in seven French cities. The W.F.T.U. failed to approve American delegate Carey's appeal to support the Marshall Plan. Lillian read "Give Us Our Dream" by A. Goertz and Kyle Criston's [sic] "The Proud People" which she liked.                 

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