11/16 Sunday Down with the kids for a while. We threw polly seeds to the pigeons. Eugene found a berry like a horse chestnut in the park which he wanted to kick all the way home. We also discovered blue-berries growing on the Armory walls. Molly and Sam came over for dinner. Molly came home yesterday feeling much better. Sylvia Cooke dropped in for a while. We all seem to have colds.
11/17 Eugene returned to school. He now wishes to be like daddy - even the same job. Sylvia has a stuffed nose. Senator Taylor has finished a Paul Revere act to warn of reaction. Another C.P. meeting was attacked. 500 Jews evaded the Palestine blockade.
11/18 Sylvia was discovered to have 101°. She burst into tears when she had to go to bed, agreeing happily however when promised a doll cut-out book. Later she transferred to our bed only when threatened with the loss of the book. She submitted to an argyrol pack peacefully. Truman's nationwide broadcast to open the special session of Congress asked for approval of the Marshall Plan and freezing wages and some prices. The Chinese Red Army is winning victories in North China. Clothing workers get 12 1/2 raise. Wolchuk was cleared of charges of corruption 19-5. Communists walked out of the Paris City Council when DeGaulle's brother was elected president over a C.P. candidate 51-25. The Friendship Train has been touring the country collecting food for France and Italy.
11/19 Came home last night with chills and fever. We had one of our worst evenings. Sylvia in our bed wouldn't let us sleep with her coughing, sniffing and crying. Lillian rotated from her bed to sofa and finally day bed but slept but a few hours. In the morning I had 101° and stayed in bed all day. Took two aspirins, tea and juices. In the afternoon Sylvia, normal returned to her bed while I also normal took to my own. Eugene has a self control card where he enters all charges and credits and is signed weekly by the parent. Two N.M.U. ship crews in Marseilles supported the French dock workers there in their strike. Strikes and clashes with the police are growing in both France & Italy. We will now send our officers as advisers and liaison men into the Greek Army. Laski and Rabbi Silvar [Silver?] have denounced the Marshall Plan. A feeble resolution on Franco Spain was passed at Lake Success due to U.S. opposition to last year's resolution. Legionnaires raided an L.A. Dem. club meeting.
11/20 Stayed home from work today, still coughing. Sylvia stayed in bed although normal. She wrote on her sheet, bed and wall, getting a spanking from me. Lillian went to the movies seeing that fine picture on Anti-semitism "Crossfire". Played Eugene some chess. Steel and Radio of the "Big 3" in the C.I.O. will not file "non-communist" affidavits. 'Auto' will. Remadier resigned his premiership. The "Board of Ed" refused to ban "subversive" student orgs 10-6. However it passed a resolution against the A.Y.D. and communism 14-2. Lillian read "The Thibaults" by du Gard.
11/21 Sylvia out in the street today. Right after lunch she came running with her first tooth dislodged. Eugene listens to "Hop Harrigan" now every day in addition to "Superman". Blum has been named new Premier of France. Princess Elizabeth of England and Lt. Phil Mountbatten were married amid great ceremony. Victor Serge and Dr. Kingsley Roberts, 53 are dead.
I think this is the first mention of public figures who are still around today.
11/22 Drew for the kids "The Princess and the Goblin" by G. MacDonald "Made-To-Order Stories" by D. Can. Fisher and Animal Hide & Seek by D. Ipcar. The kids made American flags of brown paper this morning. In the afternoon Gloria S played with Eugene and Norma G with Sylvia. Blum failed to form a gov't by a nine vote margin. Puddler Jim Davis is dead.
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