10/19 Sunday At Sunday School, Eugene got "The Children's History of Israel". Then we went to Evelyn's. Sylvia and Isabel played together all day. Eugene read comic books and played a few games with me. Lillian had stopped off at the funeral parlor where Sophie Harkavy's husband lay. Mike came home about 5:30 but Sam never showed up and Isabel was rather ill-behaved and fresh to Evelyn. She got a toy toaster set and plastic bubbles. The kids got a tommy-gun and some books. At home Eugene complained of a sore throat and Lillian swabbed his throat. No temp.
10/20 Eugene home from school with a slight cold. Lillian swabbed his throat all morning and gave him juices. No temp. Sylvia asked "Where a devil are we going" this morning when I took her to the park. DeGaulle's Union of the French People led in early returns in the French municipal elections gaining votes from Bidault's M.R.P. The C.P. was second. 5000,000 Anti-Communist comic books will flood the country. Police terror against Negros continues. Bread goes to 16¢ today.
I don't know what justified his using red ink.
10/21 Eugene back to school. He got two charges in school this morning for talking which is unprecedented. Sylvia will have no ice cream or anything else all day because of her dawdling at cereal in the morning. The Unamerican's Comm. probe of Hollywood opened in Wash. D.C. Producers Warner & Mayer promised to produce Anti-Soviet movies. Pictures made during the war with Soviet themes were denounced. Many Hollywood progressives were singled out as Un-American. A dozen transport workers testified in Santo's behalf.
10/22 Beat Sheib. After lunch drew for Eugene "Golden Tales from Faraway" by C J Finger "Something Always Happens" by M. G. Bonner and "The Biggest Bear on Earth" by H. McCracken and Sylvia chose "9 Cry-Baby Dolls" by J B Bernhard. Then we met Lillian and Eugene at the Windsor. We went in for 12¢ each and saw "Leave Her to Heaven" with Cornel Wilde and Gene Tierney and "Greenwich Village" with William Bendix. Old pictures of course. Eugene enjoyed the show but Sylvia still fidgets in the movies. Eugene made a comic book swap with Paul Monka following one with Vivian S. Pepper advised movie stars to refuse to testify before the "UnAmerican Comm." He and Senator Taylor characterized it as fascistic. Havana unionists are on a hunger strike in jail. Brazil & Chile broke with the Soviet Union. Bartley Crum, Robert Kenney & Charles Katz are defending the Hollywood victims of the inquisition. The latter was ejected at a hearing for asking to cross examine a witness. Menjou testified as to the Communist peril in Hollywood. A Communist is one who would attend a Paul Robeson meeting, he said. The kids got hot honey butter and lemon juice for their loose coughs. Also the inhalator at night. Lillian read "Kingsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis. A little fantastic she thought. Also a book of short stories by V. S. Pritchett. The Paris transport strike ended with concessions made to the workers
10/23 Beat Levy, Sylvia calling good hit from the sidelines. Paul McNutt, attorney for the Hollywood producers called the investigation an attempt to control the American screen. Robert Taylor gave his usual dose of red-baiting. Vishinsky again demanded a curb on war-mongers. Chilean Communists are now being jailed. It is charged that Greek UN delegate Tsaldaris spied for the Axis during the war. Stalin & Zhdanov declared Russia wishes to trade and co-operate with other countries.
10/24 Sylvia in bed with her cold getting argyrol packs. Truman called a special session of Congress to confer on foreign aid and domestic high prices. Austin opposed Vishinsky's demand to curb war-mongering as a ban on free speech. Chile took over the mine fields. Ronald Reagan, Robert Montgomery and Gary Cooper testified about subversives in Hollywood. Hearings opened on a proposed ban on left wing groups use of city public schools.
10/25 Both kids were listless today, Sylvia's cough being very bad. They napped after lunch! Iran's Parliament disavowed last year's oil treaty with Russia 101-2. Lela Rogers and Walt Disney stooged for the inquisitors. They recommended outlawing the C.P. All 52 occupants were killed in a L.A. to NY DC-6 airliner crash. Forest fires are sweeping New England. Bar Harbor has been virtually wiped out. Welfare Comm. Rhatigan has been replaced by A.L.P. license Comm. Fielding. Dudley Digges is dead at 68.
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