10/26 Sunday Woodlawn where I lost to Levine. Then we took a hike through the woods. At home played "stealing bundles" with the kids then beat Eugene a chess game after being behind. Sam came over followed by Milton and Shirley. Beat Milton a tough chess game. Sylvia's cough is still bad.
10/27 Eugene complained of a slight belly-ache last night and this morning. Sylvia found a 3 yr old playmate in the park with whom she gathered leaves bringing home a bouquet. She put water in the tooth powder box this morning. Eugene lost his comic books for hitting Sylvia violently. 27 Hollywood notables are flying to Washington to protest the inquisition.They are led by Bogart and Bacall. They represent the Hollywood Comm. for the first Amendment. Many meetings of progressives are denouncing the UnAmerican Comm. Vishinsky made another hard hitting speech promising retaliation doubly for every slander in the American press. Milk and bread go up another penny. The first war dead from abroad arrived here with a quarter million mourners. The 500 Cuban workers were released from jail after a hunger strike and protests. Greeks are being executed daily for Communist activity and the C.P. press has been closed down. Communists and Gaullists clashed during run-off elections.
10/28 Eugene got his comic books back for being a good boy. Sylvia's cough persists. Mikolajczyk has fled Poland. The UnAmerican Comm. will charge J H Lawson with contempt when he refused to expound on his Communist affiliations. Eric Johnston for the producers asked the Comm. to allow Hollywood to do the dirty work itself. A Trenton mob barred an Eisler meeting, supported by a court injunction but he spoke elsewhere. An Anti-war propaganda resolution was passed unanimously by the Gen'l assembly. Duclos disclosed Cominform membership is open to any C.P. Fielding announced he will make sweeping changes in relief and bar all pressure groups. Lillian read "Earth and High Heaven" by G. Graham.
10/29 Sylvia had a bad day, her cold bothering her greatly. She put up a great resistance to an agyrol [sic] pack. Eugene drew "The Little History of the U.S." by Mabel Pyne "Grimm's Fairy Tales - Part I" and "Hoppity Bunny's Hop" by E. W. DeHuff. Sylvia chose "Many Moons" by James Thurber. I beat him in chess when he couldn't answer an offered pawn sacrifice. Attorney Kenny was threatened with jail and three more writers, Dalton Trumbo, Albert Maltz and Alvah Bessie were cited for contempt for refusing to appease the Gestapo. The Board of Ed rejected a ban on left-wing meetings 5-2. 15000 demonstrators against a de Gaulle meeting were dispersed by the police. The Democratic League was banned in China for collaboration with the Communists.
10/30 Stayed home from work due to a sore throat. Sylvia made a paper basket from the book of things to make and do. Beat Eugene a chess game also studied from the chess book. Sam over and Milton followed. Lost a tough chess game to Milton. Sam phoned Molly at Hot Springs. The Presidential Civil Rights Comm. headed by G.E.'s Charles Wilson and including Dr. Graham, Tobias, Carey, FDR Jr. Ernst and Bishop Haas recommended strengthening 1. The Machinery for Civil Rights 2. The right to safety and security of the person 3. The right to citizenship and its privileges 4. The right to freedom of conscience and expression 5. The right to equality of opportunity 6. Rally the people to support and strengthen Civil rights. Four more screen notables were cited for contempt. Sam Ornitz, H J Biberman, Adrian Scott and Ed Dmytryk.
10/31 SYLVIA [see scanned-in page] Sylvia can print and spell her name now. Lester Cole & Ring Lardner Jr were cited for contempt. Berthold Brecht not wishing to enter into court proceedings as a guest in this country denied he was a C.P. member. F.B.I. witness Russell told of an alleged plot to steal atom bomb secrets.The hearings were abruptly adjourned by Thomas. Ramadier won his smallest vote of confidence. The UN voted a Korean Comm. Russia will boycott it. Colston Warne refused to fill out Govt "Loyalty" forms. Many investment banks were cited as trusts. Maniu and 18 other Nat'l Peasant Party leaders are being tried for plotting with the U.S. to overthrow the Romanian gov't. Eugene went to Richard Monka's birthday party. Also Hallow-een party. Eugene did not dress up but was given a dunce cap and acted a school-boy. He went at 7 PM and Lillian called for him at 9:15.
11/1 Eugene sets the alarm for 5:15 to remind him to put on Superman on the radio. Sylvia is very interested in coloring pictures lately. Lil and the kids went to Bathgate Ave. in Harry's car. She got some material for a house dress. Murray demanded aboliton of the "Unamerican Comm." Hanscom's settled its 5 month old strike with 15¢ per hr. raise.
I remember being criticized by my friend and upstairs neighbor Gloria because I insisted on going home to listen to Superman, instead of continuing at whatever we were playing.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
10/19 Sunday At Sunday School, Eugene got "The Children's History of Israel". Then we went to Evelyn's. Sylvia and Isabel played together all day. Eugene read comic books and played a few games with me. Lillian had stopped off at the funeral parlor where Sophie Harkavy's husband lay. Mike came home about 5:30 but Sam never showed up and Isabel was rather ill-behaved and fresh to Evelyn. She got a toy toaster set and plastic bubbles. The kids got a tommy-gun and some books. At home Eugene complained of a sore throat and Lillian swabbed his throat. No temp.
10/20 Eugene home from school with a slight cold. Lillian swabbed his throat all morning and gave him juices. No temp. Sylvia asked "Where a devil are we going" this morning when I took her to the park. DeGaulle's Union of the French People led in early returns in the French municipal elections gaining votes from Bidault's M.R.P. The C.P. was second. 5000,000 Anti-Communist comic books will flood the country. Police terror against Negros continues. Bread goes to 16¢ today.
I don't know what justified his using red ink.
10/21 Eugene back to school. He got two charges in school this morning for talking which is unprecedented. Sylvia will have no ice cream or anything else all day because of her dawdling at cereal in the morning. The Unamerican's Comm. probe of Hollywood opened in Wash. D.C. Producers Warner & Mayer promised to produce Anti-Soviet movies. Pictures made during the war with Soviet themes were denounced. Many Hollywood progressives were singled out as Un-American. A dozen transport workers testified in Santo's behalf.
10/22 Beat Sheib. After lunch drew for Eugene "Golden Tales from Faraway" by C J Finger "Something Always Happens" by M. G. Bonner and "The Biggest Bear on Earth" by H. McCracken and Sylvia chose "9 Cry-Baby Dolls" by J B Bernhard. Then we met Lillian and Eugene at the Windsor. We went in for 12¢ each and saw "Leave Her to Heaven" with Cornel Wilde and Gene Tierney and "Greenwich Village" with William Bendix. Old pictures of course. Eugene enjoyed the show but Sylvia still fidgets in the movies. Eugene made a comic book swap with Paul Monka following one with Vivian S. Pepper advised movie stars to refuse to testify before the "UnAmerican Comm." He and Senator Taylor characterized it as fascistic. Havana unionists are on a hunger strike in jail. Brazil & Chile broke with the Soviet Union. Bartley Crum, Robert Kenney & Charles Katz are defending the Hollywood victims of the inquisition. The latter was ejected at a hearing for asking to cross examine a witness. Menjou testified as to the Communist peril in Hollywood. A Communist is one who would attend a Paul Robeson meeting, he said. The kids got hot honey butter and lemon juice for their loose coughs. Also the inhalator at night. Lillian read "Kingsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis. A little fantastic she thought. Also a book of short stories by V. S. Pritchett. The Paris transport strike ended with concessions made to the workers
10/23 Beat Levy, Sylvia calling good hit from the sidelines. Paul McNutt, attorney for the Hollywood producers called the investigation an attempt to control the American screen. Robert Taylor gave his usual dose of red-baiting. Vishinsky again demanded a curb on war-mongers. Chilean Communists are now being jailed. It is charged that Greek UN delegate Tsaldaris spied for the Axis during the war. Stalin & Zhdanov declared Russia wishes to trade and co-operate with other countries.
10/24 Sylvia in bed with her cold getting argyrol packs. Truman called a special session of Congress to confer on foreign aid and domestic high prices. Austin opposed Vishinsky's demand to curb war-mongering as a ban on free speech. Chile took over the mine fields. Ronald Reagan, Robert Montgomery and Gary Cooper testified about subversives in Hollywood. Hearings opened on a proposed ban on left wing groups use of city public schools.
10/25 Both kids were listless today, Sylvia's cough being very bad. They napped after lunch! Iran's Parliament disavowed last year's oil treaty with Russia 101-2. Lela Rogers and Walt Disney stooged for the inquisitors. They recommended outlawing the C.P. All 52 occupants were killed in a L.A. to NY DC-6 airliner crash. Forest fires are sweeping New England. Bar Harbor has been virtually wiped out. Welfare Comm. Rhatigan has been replaced by A.L.P. license Comm. Fielding. Dudley Digges is dead at 68.
10/20 Eugene home from school with a slight cold. Lillian swabbed his throat all morning and gave him juices. No temp. Sylvia asked "Where a devil are we going" this morning when I took her to the park. DeGaulle's Union of the French People led in early returns in the French municipal elections gaining votes from Bidault's M.R.P. The C.P. was second. 5000,000 Anti-Communist comic books will flood the country. Police terror against Negros continues. Bread goes to 16¢ today.
I don't know what justified his using red ink.
10/21 Eugene back to school. He got two charges in school this morning for talking which is unprecedented. Sylvia will have no ice cream or anything else all day because of her dawdling at cereal in the morning. The Unamerican's Comm. probe of Hollywood opened in Wash. D.C. Producers Warner & Mayer promised to produce Anti-Soviet movies. Pictures made during the war with Soviet themes were denounced. Many Hollywood progressives were singled out as Un-American. A dozen transport workers testified in Santo's behalf.
10/22 Beat Sheib. After lunch drew for Eugene "Golden Tales from Faraway" by C J Finger "Something Always Happens" by M. G. Bonner and "The Biggest Bear on Earth" by H. McCracken and Sylvia chose "9 Cry-Baby Dolls" by J B Bernhard. Then we met Lillian and Eugene at the Windsor. We went in for 12¢ each and saw "Leave Her to Heaven" with Cornel Wilde and Gene Tierney and "Greenwich Village" with William Bendix. Old pictures of course. Eugene enjoyed the show but Sylvia still fidgets in the movies. Eugene made a comic book swap with Paul Monka following one with Vivian S. Pepper advised movie stars to refuse to testify before the "UnAmerican Comm." He and Senator Taylor characterized it as fascistic. Havana unionists are on a hunger strike in jail. Brazil & Chile broke with the Soviet Union. Bartley Crum, Robert Kenney & Charles Katz are defending the Hollywood victims of the inquisition. The latter was ejected at a hearing for asking to cross examine a witness. Menjou testified as to the Communist peril in Hollywood. A Communist is one who would attend a Paul Robeson meeting, he said. The kids got hot honey butter and lemon juice for their loose coughs. Also the inhalator at night. Lillian read "Kingsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis. A little fantastic she thought. Also a book of short stories by V. S. Pritchett. The Paris transport strike ended with concessions made to the workers
10/23 Beat Levy, Sylvia calling good hit from the sidelines. Paul McNutt, attorney for the Hollywood producers called the investigation an attempt to control the American screen. Robert Taylor gave his usual dose of red-baiting. Vishinsky again demanded a curb on war-mongers. Chilean Communists are now being jailed. It is charged that Greek UN delegate Tsaldaris spied for the Axis during the war. Stalin & Zhdanov declared Russia wishes to trade and co-operate with other countries.
10/24 Sylvia in bed with her cold getting argyrol packs. Truman called a special session of Congress to confer on foreign aid and domestic high prices. Austin opposed Vishinsky's demand to curb war-mongering as a ban on free speech. Chile took over the mine fields. Ronald Reagan, Robert Montgomery and Gary Cooper testified about subversives in Hollywood. Hearings opened on a proposed ban on left wing groups use of city public schools.
10/25 Both kids were listless today, Sylvia's cough being very bad. They napped after lunch! Iran's Parliament disavowed last year's oil treaty with Russia 101-2. Lela Rogers and Walt Disney stooged for the inquisitors. They recommended outlawing the C.P. All 52 occupants were killed in a L.A. to NY DC-6 airliner crash. Forest fires are sweeping New England. Bar Harbor has been virtually wiped out. Welfare Comm. Rhatigan has been replaced by A.L.P. license Comm. Fielding. Dudley Digges is dead at 68.
Monday, February 4, 2013
10/12 Sunday Beat Levine. Evelyn and Isabel over for lunch. Then we spent the afternoon at Woodlawn where Sam joined us. Home where we all had supper. Sylvia got a Mama doll and Eugene a spinning toy and horn. Isabel eats better but is still fresh. She is very cute and full of life. She couldn't be torn away from play at night and almost had to be dragged out crying. Did some chess exercises with Eugene from Lasker's "Chess for Fun". We endorsed the partition plan for Palestine at Lake Success. Read The Merchant of Venice. Lillian read Glenway Westcott's [sic] "Apartment in Athens".
10/13 Split with Ed Wolfe. Eugene has made a giant merry-go-round of his tinker toy set. Pepper has asked that we contribute $50,000,000,000 for a 5 year world reconstruction and peace program. The Trusteeship Comm. voted to have colonial powers submit information on their colonies to the U.N. Childs workers won the 40 hour week.
10/14 Sylvia went on the swings with her new 'Mama' doll. Eugene is now learning multiplication and division. Russia endorsed the Palestine partition plan. The C.P.-S.P. bloc in Rome led the Christian Dem. by a slight margin in municipal elections. Arabs bombed the US Consulate in Palestine.
10/15 Sylvia has one doll in her swing, one in her doll walker, one in her carriage and two in her high-chair. In the playground today she took her doll with her on the small and large swings, sliding pond, seesaw and bars. Did some chess with Eugene tonight. Former Sec'y of State Byrnes urged ousting of the Red Army from Germany and build more atom bombs. The UN has done nothing about the Dutch refusal to cease fire in Indonesia. 69 on a flying boat downed in the Atlantic were rescued after a sensational battle with life rafts and boats by a Coast Guard Cutter. Walter Winchell warned that Russia will create 50 Pearl Harbors on us soon. He charged she is preparing for bacteriological warfare, having started the cholera plague in Egypt. Sidney Webb is dead at 88.
10/16 Beat Levy. Eugene was messenger for Ass't. Principal Mrs. Chaffee. Sylvia prints her name now and is very proud of the 'S' she makes. The C.I.O. passed a resolution supporting post-war rehabilitation but barring political coercion in sending help. Thousands were trapped in subway trains in an I.R.T. tunnel for an hour with a score injured. Sit-in strikers at Industrial Container were served with subpoenas. The Cuban Federation of Labor was outlawed precipitating a general strike. Leon Josephson received a 1 year sentence and $1000. fine for contempt of the Rankin Comm.
10/17 Eugene went to the dentist for school - Dr. Klein 2021 Grand Concourse. We used the P.O. Medical Plan. Eugene has a fine set of teeth but had a small cavity. Charge $3. Sylvia's teeth were O.K. Dr. Klein was vehement and decisive against the use of any candy whatsoever for the children. Truman called rationing, price control and rent control police state methods. The C.I.O. endorsed the fight to save Santo. J L Lewis shunned re-election to the AFL Exec. Council over the non-communist affidavits.
10/18 Eugene saw some movies in the Monka's house last night. Sylvia enjoyed the "pischetti" for lunch today. Eugene used to call it that also. The N.A.A.C.P. presented a petition to the UN. for redress against persecution and discrimination against the Negro in the U.S. Jamaica race-track is on strike. Curran closing the N.M.U. convention claimed the C.P. is on the way out in the Union. Murray closing the C.I.O. convention criticized the administration for its inadequate leadership.
10/13 Split with Ed Wolfe. Eugene has made a giant merry-go-round of his tinker toy set. Pepper has asked that we contribute $50,000,000,000 for a 5 year world reconstruction and peace program. The Trusteeship Comm. voted to have colonial powers submit information on their colonies to the U.N. Childs workers won the 40 hour week.
10/14 Sylvia went on the swings with her new 'Mama' doll. Eugene is now learning multiplication and division. Russia endorsed the Palestine partition plan. The C.P.-S.P. bloc in Rome led the Christian Dem. by a slight margin in municipal elections. Arabs bombed the US Consulate in Palestine.
10/15 Sylvia has one doll in her swing, one in her doll walker, one in her carriage and two in her high-chair. In the playground today she took her doll with her on the small and large swings, sliding pond, seesaw and bars. Did some chess with Eugene tonight. Former Sec'y of State Byrnes urged ousting of the Red Army from Germany and build more atom bombs. The UN has done nothing about the Dutch refusal to cease fire in Indonesia. 69 on a flying boat downed in the Atlantic were rescued after a sensational battle with life rafts and boats by a Coast Guard Cutter. Walter Winchell warned that Russia will create 50 Pearl Harbors on us soon. He charged she is preparing for bacteriological warfare, having started the cholera plague in Egypt. Sidney Webb is dead at 88.
10/16 Beat Levy. Eugene was messenger for Ass't. Principal Mrs. Chaffee. Sylvia prints her name now and is very proud of the 'S' she makes. The C.I.O. passed a resolution supporting post-war rehabilitation but barring political coercion in sending help. Thousands were trapped in subway trains in an I.R.T. tunnel for an hour with a score injured. Sit-in strikers at Industrial Container were served with subpoenas. The Cuban Federation of Labor was outlawed precipitating a general strike. Leon Josephson received a 1 year sentence and $1000. fine for contempt of the Rankin Comm.
10/17 Eugene went to the dentist for school - Dr. Klein 2021 Grand Concourse. We used the P.O. Medical Plan. Eugene has a fine set of teeth but had a small cavity. Charge $3. Sylvia's teeth were O.K. Dr. Klein was vehement and decisive against the use of any candy whatsoever for the children. Truman called rationing, price control and rent control police state methods. The C.I.O. endorsed the fight to save Santo. J L Lewis shunned re-election to the AFL Exec. Council over the non-communist affidavits.
10/18 Eugene saw some movies in the Monka's house last night. Sylvia enjoyed the "pischetti" for lunch today. Eugene used to call it that also. The N.A.A.C.P. presented a petition to the UN. for redress against persecution and discrimination against the Negro in the U.S. Jamaica race-track is on strike. Curran closing the N.M.U. convention claimed the C.P. is on the way out in the Union. Murray closing the C.I.O. convention criticized the administration for its inadequate leadership.
Friday, February 1, 2013
10/5 Sunday Beat Kolker. Eugene went to the first session of Sunday school. 1 1/2 hours every Sunday $1. a month. Sam over for dinner as Molly is away. We have offered to drop charges against the Balkan countries re Greece if they will agree to a border Commission. Split chess games with Eugene as he sprung a surprise mate after I won his queen. Lillian read Budd Schulberg's "The Harder They Fall" expose of the boxing racket. Also "Independent People" by Haldor Laxness. She is doing the cuffs and sleeves on my new suit.
10/6 Eugene drew "Big Music" - 20 tales for children chosen by M. N. Bleecker Stevenson's "A Childs Garden of Verses" with colored illustrations "Their Weight in Wildcats" Tales of the Frontier and Sylvia took a book of nursery rhymes. Eugene gave Sylvia a swollen lip this morning and was punished in return. Communists of Yugo. Hungary, Italy, France, Romania, USSR, Czechs., Bulgaria and Poland formed a bureau to oppose American-British imperialism.
The following Worlds Series box score (game played on 10/3) was pasted in on this page, with the handwritten info below it in red. I believe this was the first occurrence of red ink, which Dad continued to use for notable events.
Sensational game where Cookie Lavagetto pinch hitter with two out in the last half of the ninth gets first Dodger hit to win ball game
10/7 Discovered in park from a class mate's mother that Eugene has been known as the smartest boy in his class every term. The army is propagandizing for an early attack on Russia before it gets stronger. The N.M.U. rejected a proposal to hold a secret referendum to decide what groups are interfering in the union. The Yanks won a sensational World Series from the "Dodgers" four games to three. Truman and his advisers made a nation-wide radio talk asking for meatless Tuesdays and egg and poultry-less Thursdays to feed starving Europe Nothing has been done to curb high prices and excessive profits however.
My guess is that Dad just continued with the red ink after the "World Series" without really meaning to give that info such importance.
10/8 Sylvia would like a present if it's 'cheap'. Eugene made Arnold P's nose bleed causing quite a rumpus. The State Dep't has announced a new "thought control" program. The NLRB voted 4-1 to quash the provisions of the Taft Hartley bill requiring the top officials of the CIO & A.F.L. to sign non-communist affidavits. This latter had been the interpretation of the Board's chief counsel Robert Denham.
10/9 Sylvia's fifth birthday. Her outstanding characteristics are lovableness and stubbornness and shyness. She is very fast in repartee. Mama and Lil & Susan came over for lunch. They brought slips, blouse, socks and Sylvia got a basket weaving set from Arline D. and box of candy from Mrs. Kreisler. We had a nice Cushman birthday cake. Sylvia recited "The Lilac Tree". Eugene sang Burl Ives songs and Susan recited 'Jack and Jill'. Eugene came home with a pen from the Junior Audubon Society in which he had enrolled. The UN rode rough shod over the Slavic bloc voting a Balkan Commission overwhelmingly. The State Dep't charged the new C.P. bureau aims to prevent European recovery. AFL Counsel Padway died of a stroke at 56. Lillian read Ed McSorley's "Our Own Kind" and saw "The Macomber Affair" with Gregory Peck & Joan Bennett. Also "The Corpse Came C.O.D."
10/10 Sylvia had a party for her dolls today. Split with Al Levitt. Eugene hits all the kids around here. Rent Director Creedon approved a 5% increase for Louisville Ky, Truman concurring. The Soviet bloc will boycott the new border commission. Gen'l Mark Clark warned of war against Russia at the A.F.L. convention. Police brutality has at last shocked City Hall.
10/11 I am now in 3A. I belong to the Junior Audubon Society. Eugene played some chess with little Freddy in the park. Chile expelled two Yugoslav diplomats on charges of subversive Communist activities causing a break in relations. An Arab Army is mobilizing on Palestine borders "to protect it from Zionism".
That was my printing in red, scanned in below.
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