5/25 Sunday Sylvia has a strong will and cannot be deterred from anything she sets her mind on by anything short of violence. Today my will and hers clashed several times she ending up in the back bedroom each time. To bring the sun out and end the rain the kids called on Hercules, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Jack of the Giant killer and beanstalk variety. Later we had a circus both kids and myself performing. Played Eugene "Cargo" and Lillian read Sylvia from the "Tall Mother Goose".
5/26 Both kids are building with the Erector set. Eugene helps Sylvia. When Sylvia finishes her meals she is so bloated she has to lie down often. Eugene loves to make mock savage swings or thrusts at people preferably with something in his hand. Giant shortstop Buddy Kerr made his first error in 69 games and 385 chances to make a new record. Laura Hobson's novel on anti-semitism has become the best seller. Dickens' Great Expectations filmed in England has won the highest praise.
5/27 Played some tennis with Gloria . The kids went to Bobby R's sixth birthday party. Jeffrey M., Cookie K., Betty Ann L. Arline D. also there. They saw movies. Sylvia must have overeaten. At bed time she had a belly ache and was exhausted. [...] Also played some rapid transit with Eugene. General Mark Clark arriving from Austria denounced Russia's actions there as non cooperative and claimed they were depleting his resources. Godwin Bush seized by a mob from a N. Car. jail escaped and surrendered to the F.B.I. Russia has abolished capital punishment.
He left space after "Gloria", as if he was going to later fill in a last name.
5/28 Put Sylvia in school and stayed around but she still was unhappy so I had to take her out of the circle. 49 Nazis were hung for atrocities at a concentration camp. Dictator Somoza has seized Nicaragua again after ten years of rule ended on May 1. Transport workers are in a slowdown on protest against unsatisfactory employer relations. Marine General Carlson is dead at 51.
5/29 Eugene missed school this morning when Lillian overslept. He loves to snarl and claw like a wild beast. Eugene got shoes at Alexanders yesterday Size 2 1/2 EE. $6.42. Seven men arrested on the charge of kidnapping and intended lynching of Buddy Bush were released on $2500 bail. The British Labor Party in session, intends to make a large trade agreement with Russia rather than a loan from the U.S. Beat Levy.
5/30 Saw the end of the parade with the kids. Sam & Molly and Mike Evelyn and Isabel over for dinner. Then to the aqueduct for the afternoon. The girls got along very nicely. Eugene got a boat and Sylvia a play pen with two dolls in it. Played some chess with Sam. Evelyn and Isabel stayed over, Sylvia and Eugene sleeping in Eugene's day bed and Isabel sleeping in Sylvia's junior bed. Bevin won a vote of confidence at the Labor Party Conference. The Senate approved a 15% rent increase. Newsmen left the N. Car. lynch town after their lives were threatened. An airliner crashed at LaGuardia Field with 38 killed.
5/31 In the morning to the playground where Isabel climbed to the top of the monkey bars. All the kids went on the adult swings. Isabel is light as a feather, lively and saucy and cute. She eats a little better. Evelyn went home after supper. Hungarian Premier Nagy resigned while vacationing in Switzerland. He is accused of an anti-gov't plot. De Gasperi has formed a new Italian gov't, without the left bowing to U.S. pressure and bribery. Aviation's blackest day saw crashes in Japan, Iceland, Holland and Alaska and 58 killed in a Maryland plane catastrophe.
I do remember the aqueduct and never knew then what the word meant, the monkey bars and the sleep-over. Always loved the monkey bars. I do remember sleeping in Sylvia's bed and thinking it was so cozy because of the short side rails from the head down. Am I remembering right? And I remember riding your chain-wheel-drive trike. Man!! how I wanted one but never got one.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that we knew what an aqueduct was, then, and certainly not why that park was so called!
ReplyDeleteI remember you on the monkey bars because I rarely climbed to the top.
Dad referred to "Sylvia's junior bed", so I'm sure your memory is correct. And I just KNEW you'd say something about the trike!