11/3 Sunday We went to Charlotte Langers and Hy Goodes afternoon wedding at the Concourse Plaza leaving the kids with Molly. Lillian shone with her new hair-do, hat, dress, shoes and gloves and bag. The Albanian firing on a British cruiser is called a hoax. The seven week United Parcel strike has been settled with a raise and cut in wages.
I have no explanation for the seemingly contradictory end of this item.
11/4 Sylvia asked for soap and washed her doll's clothing in the bathroom sink. Eugene attended a different class this morning and was worried about finding his way back there after lunch.
11/5 Lillian left the house at 8 A.M. with the kids and Bobby R. to see "Huckleberry Finn" and many cartoons at the Paradise. Later we voted for Mead and Lehman for Gov. and Sen. Transport workers get 20¢ per hr. raise. P.M. will take advertising with Ralph Ingersoll resigned. Big 4 Foreign Ministers opened their parley at the "Waldorf" to write the final peace treaties.
11/6 Republicans Dewey and Ives are N.Y. Gov. & Senator in a countrywide Republican landslide. Consolation is victory of Marcantonio and Powell. India's delegate at the UN Trusteeship Comm. attacked South Africa's projected annexation of S. W. Africa. Vets in Chicago and California are beginning to squat. W. A. Nickel, $60 a week Mergenthaler Linotype employee who embezzled nearly a million dollars was caught in one day but criminals who were implicated are still being discovered. Movie stars are also being mentioned. Isaac Wood[w]ard's blinder has been acquitted.
11/7 The Democrats debacle was due mostly to Truman's ineptness and P.A.C.'s closeness to the Dems. The A.L.P. showed strength polling 425,000 votes for Lehman. Ben Davis C.P. got 87,000 in the city alone, also impressive. The Liberal Party polled only 180,000 for Lehman. Lillian went with mother to see how her bedroom set was getting along while I took the kids to the park. They fed peanuts to the squirrels. Eugene wears a school-bag now. In the evening, Eugene wanted to be a farmer when he grows up. He will marry one of the girls in his class or Gloria. Gloria & Vivian played with the kids before supper. Each one made a house. Read "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard" by A. France. Story of the humanistic savant who receives a vicarious satisfaction in his protection of the daughter of his early beloved. We saw the Marx Brothers in "A Night in Casablanca" and Boys' Ranch with Skippy Homeier. Reformation of juveniles on a ranch.
11/8 Eugene boasted he was smart in school when we scolded him. Sylvia caught him up right away "Why aren't you smart at home, too." Later she came running in "Isn't this a terrible word - to have a baby and no line." We aim to retain sole trusteeship of our newly acquired Pacific Islands no matter what the UN does according to J.F. Dulles. Liberals beaten in the election included Mitchell, Savage, Coffee, DeLacy, Murdock, Biemiller, Guffey, Tunnell, Ouillard[?], Healy, Izac, Doyle, etc.
I should get "straight man" credit for Sylvia's first quoted remark. I don't understand her second. Not certain of all of the names of the liberals who lost, but, while researching it in the NY Times, saw that one winner in California was a guy named "Richard W. [sic] Nixon".
11/9 Evelyn & Isabel came over for lunch today. She brought a doll for Isabel [sic, clearly it was for Sylvia] with a full set of clothes made by Evelyn, also a pistol set for Eugene and home made cookies. We gave Isabel some book sets. Isabel is a real eating problem. At lunch she had a few spoonsfull of soup, no meat or veg. at all, some dessert and half a glass of milk. The transit board will not recognize any union for collective bargaining and is stalling on retroactive pay. The first bank strike ever saw big raises won after one day out at the Merchant's Bank. Gabriel Wells is dead at 85. Friday night Eugene listens to Burl Ives from 8 PM to 8:15 and Baby Snooks until 8:30. #41 for Eugene - New Mexico.
I wonder what they did about the "pistol set"; my mother did not allow me to have any guns, so I was always jealous of other boys' cap pistols.
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