Monday, June 13, 2011


8/4 Sunday We went downtown to a "movie" this afternoon taking along a bag full of sweets for the kids. After about 15 minutes of the show Sylvia suddenly asked "Are we going to sit here all day without eating anything". For the entire show she kept "noshing", asking "now can I have another piece". Eugene ate a little also. He was very enthusiastic at first but petered out near the end. Both kids laughed heartily at some humorous parts. We saw "Star Spangled Rhythm" with Crosby and Hope and "Johnny in the Clouds" and [sic] English picture with Michael Redgrave. $30,000,000 has been appropriated for special cars for amputees. Lillian took the kids over to Mom's yesterday.

Sylvia and I were almost four, and six and a half years old, respectively. Pretty good if we could get through a double feature!

8/5 We took the Hudson River Day Line boat to Indian Point with Evelyn and Isabel. It was a hot humid day and a crowded boat. Sylvia got a miniature baby carriage and doll of plastic for a present and was delighted with it to the extent of playing with it the entire trip back and forth. At Athens Tenn where GIs took over the town, the sheriff resigned. Strong earthquakes shook the Caribbean and Chile. Gerald Winrod failed to show up a a Bronx meeting but was picketed in absentia. The greatest paid attendance ever - 74,529 saw the Yanks beat the Indians at the latters home grounds 2-0. Feller was injured in the seventh with the score 0-0.
Eugene's poem in honor of the boat ride: "We are going to the boat ride, Aunt Evelyn and Isabel with us. We took a picnic lunch to have lunch and supper there. We'll have a good time, all of us together". Sylvia's poem: "We are going to the boat ride, everyone with us. We are having lunch and supper. We had a good time. We found a picnic table".

Dad did start a new paragraph for our "poems"; I guess we were into blank verse. 

8/6 It is disclosed that Gov. Elect Talmadge visited planter Hester, involved in the lynch incident, on the eve of the lynching. Huysmans has formed a Belgian cabinet. Lillian read Hersey's "A Bell for Adano".

8/7 Sylvia was needling Lillian about ice cream. Finally she said "You know you'll be selfish if you don't get me any". Molotov and Byrnes are attacking each other on procedure at the Paris parley. Byrnes wants majority rule and Molotov, two-thirds. The Klan is menacing Southern union leaders. The lynch scene has been secretly revisited and bullets extracted from trees.

8/8 Penn. LRB has ordered a collective bargaining election among the Pitts. Pirates to decide whether they wish to be represented by the American Baseball Guild. Recently delegates from all Major League teams conferred on grievances. Lillian and Susan over here in the afternoon. Susan is very cute.

8/9 Played some tennis with Phyllis Genandes [?]. Molotov has reopened the question of the majority vs. two thirds rule after the Rules Comm. had proposed simple majority recommendations. LaGuardia has recommended the dissolution of UNRAA after taking some cracks at Soviet actions in occupied countries. Polic Comm. Wallander has denied police brutality against the Negro people. Tony Lazzeri is dead at 42.

8/10 Britain is out to stop all illegal immigration into Palestine and is establishing prison camps for captives. The peace parley retained majority rule over Molotov's opposition 15-6. Arkansas vets are emulating those of Tennessee against a local machine involving a miscount in an election. Sylvia wanted some "greevy" (gravy) at lunch.

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