4/21 Sunday At lunch today Eugene pulled a "honey".We were eating potted chicken. Eugene left a little. What's the atter with it. "It's too good, I can't eat it". He's absolutely irresponsible these days, flouncing around, falling all over himself, not a word penetrating his brain. Went to the "Botanical Gardens" today. We took some nice 'snaps' today. In a greenhouse, a "Home News" photographer took some pictures of visitors looking at the plants just as we were passing that spot. We got into the pictures. The walking tired Sylvia very much. At night played Eugene a little chess. Lillian read Edna His Wife by Margaret Ayer Barnes, a story of a woman whose husband achieves success but who is a misfit herself unequal to her position.
The Bronx Home News was a local paper. I don't remember the picture, but the previous sentences imply that I wasn't likely to. I actually checked with the Bronx Historical Society, which has all the Bronx Home News records, and the librarian looked, but could not find the story and picture.
4/22 Eugene has made a booklet shown in his book "Things to Make and Do". He is writing the story of Cinderella in it and copying Pierottis. Chinese Communists have captured Changchun. German Socialists and Communists in the Soviet zone have merged into a million odd United Socialist Party. Lord Keynes died yesterday. A 25% cut in flour will go into effect here.
4/23 Chief Justice Stone died yesterday, at 73 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Beat Levy in first tennis of season. Azerbaijan Iran has won autonomy. 2500 Italian prisoners after overpowering their guards have finally surrendered after a pitched battle causing many casualties. Several thousand German prisoners were poisoned by arsenic in their food. No deaths have resulted. May [sic] Busch and Lionel Atwill are dead. Eugene took haircut.
4/24 At the "Council" meeting, the Iran issue was retained 8-3 France Poland and Russia voting against. Gromyko announce he will not participate in further discussions on the matter. Ed Head pitched a no-hit game for the Dodgers against the Braves 3-0 walking three men. His opponent was Mort Cooper. The C.I.O. U.F.W. and SCMWA have voted to merge. Took haircut.
4/25 Beat Aronson. I met Ernie Koslan in the park. He came home to lunch with us. He is in a depressed state. Lillian went to the live chicken market in Herb Pachman's car and got a chicken. A big drive is on to break the black market in meat in the city. Roxas is leading in the Philippine elections held Tuesday. 5000 attended a C.P. Union Square rally to support the O.P.A.
4/26 At the "Council", Gromyko warned against any compromise with Franco fascism. At Paris the "Big 4" Foreign Ministers conference started with Bedault of France presiding. Molotov, Bevin and Byrnes attended. France was given permission to participate in peace treaties with the former Axis satellites. At the T.W.U. convention Philip Murray made a progressive speech following Emil Rieve's Anti-Soviet and red baiting speech. 40-60 persons were killed in a Burlington R.R. crash. Sylvia and Eugene are scrapping more often in their play.
4/27 Played some chess with Eugene. Hafez Afifi Pasha has replaced Mahmoud Hassan as Egyptian rep. on the "Council" which is preparing to compromise on Franco. A. Flaxer heads the new United Public Workers of America with Eleanor Nelson Sec'y Treas. When a store clerk asked Sylvia for her name recently she said it was Auntie Lillian. A few days ago she told me she had two names: Auntie Lillian and Mrs. Edelstein - mother, but not Sylvia Louise Edelstein. She decided she had three names though quickly enough when we said we had a piece of candy for Sylvia.
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