Saturday, February 26, 2011


4/21 Sunday At lunch today Eugene pulled a "honey".We were eating potted chicken. Eugene left a little. What's the atter with it. "It's too good, I can't eat it". He's absolutely irresponsible these days, flouncing around, falling all over himself, not a word penetrating his brain. Went to the "Botanical Gardens" today. We took some nice 'snaps' today. In a greenhouse, a "Home News" photographer took some pictures of visitors looking at the plants just as we were passing that spot. We got into the pictures. The walking tired Sylvia very much. At night played Eugene a little chess. Lillian read Edna His Wife by Margaret Ayer Barnes, a story of a woman whose husband achieves success but who is a misfit herself unequal to her position.

The Bronx Home News was a local paper. I don't remember the picture, but the previous sentences imply that I wasn't likely to. I actually checked with the Bronx Historical Society, which has all the Bronx Home News records, and the librarian looked, but could not find the story and picture.   

4/22 Eugene has made a booklet shown in his book "Things to Make and Do". He is writing the story of Cinderella in it and copying Pierottis. Chinese Communists have captured Changchun. German Socialists and Communists in the Soviet zone have merged into a million odd United Socialist Party. Lord Keynes died yesterday. A 25% cut in flour will go into effect here.

4/23 Chief Justice Stone died yesterday, at 73 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Beat Levy in first tennis of season. Azerbaijan Iran has won autonomy. 2500 Italian prisoners after overpowering their guards have finally surrendered after a pitched battle causing many casualties. Several thousand German prisoners were poisoned by arsenic in their food. No deaths have resulted. May [sic] Busch and Lionel Atwill are dead. Eugene took haircut.

4/24 At the "Council" meeting, the Iran issue was retained 8-3 France Poland and Russia voting against. Gromyko announce he will not participate in further discussions on the matter. Ed Head pitched a no-hit game for the Dodgers against the Braves 3-0 walking three men. His opponent was Mort Cooper. The C.I.O. U.F.W. and SCMWA have voted to merge. Took haircut.

4/25 Beat Aronson. I met Ernie Koslan in the park. He came home to lunch with us. He is in a depressed state. Lillian went to the live chicken market in Herb Pachman's car and got a chicken. A big drive is on to break the black market in meat in the city. Roxas is leading in the Philippine elections held Tuesday. 5000 attended a C.P. Union Square rally to support the O.P.A.

4/26 At the "Council", Gromyko warned against  any compromise with Franco fascism. At Paris the "Big 4" Foreign Ministers conference started with Bedault of France presiding. Molotov, Bevin and Byrnes attended. France was given permission to participate in peace treaties with the former Axis satellites. At the T.W.U. convention Philip Murray made a  progressive speech following Emil Rieve's Anti-Soviet and red baiting speech. 40-60 persons were killed in a Burlington R.R. crash. Sylvia and Eugene are scrapping more often in their play. 

4/27 Played some chess with Eugene. Hafez Afifi Pasha has replaced Mahmoud Hassan as Egyptian rep. on the "Council" which is preparing to compromise on Franco. A. Flaxer heads the new United Public Workers of America with Eleanor Nelson Sec'y Treas. When a store clerk asked Sylvia for her name recently she said it was Auntie Lillian. A few days ago she told me she had two names: Auntie Lillian and Mrs. Edelstein - mother, but not Sylvia Louise Edelstein. She decided she had three names though quickly enough when we said we had a piece of candy for Sylvia.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


4/14 Sunday Lillian has gained ten pounds in a year weighing 132 lbs. The bodies of twelve Chinese Communists including General Yeh Ting were found after their plane crashed. 5000 rallied in Mad Square Park against Franco.

4/15 Jews in Palestine are on a hunger strike in support of 1100 Jews stranded in Italy. The latter threaten to blow up the ship on which they wish to sail to Palestine, if barred. Nazis are said to be working on the atom bomb in Spain. Chou En Lai warns of large scale resumption of Civil war. Kuomintang refuses to accept the Communists recognition in Manchuria and is attacking them in force. Japanese elections gave the Progressives 91 seats, Liberals 139 (both old conservative parties) S.D. 92, C.P. 5.

4/16 A 1A song: "The band starts to play far away down the street, and I hear the tune keeping time with my feet. I stand by the curb and I cheer when they come. I do like the sound of the big bass drum." With the majority of the "Council" lined up against dropping the Iranian question despite Iran's willingness to do so, Gromyko has implied that England and US are not interested in a peaceful solution. At Nuernberg, Rudolf Hoess, head of the Oswiecim Concentration Camp admitted 2 1/2 million were killed there. The I.L.O. in session has expelled the Argentine delegate. Troops have been called out in the spreading strike in Palestine. Berlin S.D.'s and CP's have merged.

4/17 Gen'l Sec'y Lie of the "Council" has declared retention of the Iranian case to be illegal. The Army's clearing of the slain Charles Ferguson of any misconduct will hasten the re-opening of the case. The "House" has cited 16 "Board" members of the JAFRC for contempt. We went to mother's for dinner. Sylvia got a doll and Eugene a book on things to make and do. Lil and Susan were there, also Rachel and family. Lillian went to the movies and saw "Frontier Gal" a real "Western" and "Danger Signal" with a psychiatric theme. Susan walks by herself

4/18 Eugene's eyes still itch him. Today they are bloodshot. OPA is being crippled with amendments, ending food subsidies by the end of the year. Polish delegate Lange spoke for 50 minutes on the danger to peace of Franco's regime. Eugene has planted in his toy pots, tin can and a flower pot.

4/19 Sylvia's habit of gagging and spitting up food she doesn't like often causes a disruption of lunch. England, Netherlands, Brazil and Egypt have lined up against the Polish resolution to act against Franco. Mexico, France & Russia are behind it with the others straddling. Negroes voted in a Georgia primary defeating Jim-Crow candidates. Jackie Robinson, first Negro to play in organized baseball opened his season with Montreal in sensational fashion getting a homer and three singles, starring in the field and on the bases.

4/20 We went to Al & Edith's today, seeing Daniel for the first time. He is very cute and lively. Al's nephew Danny and wife were there. Lost a chess game to Al. The black market is getting more threatening. Soviet newsman Galaktionov, Ehrenberg and Simonov, here for an Editor's meeting expressed their hatred of fascism. The Addes, Thomas Leonard program for U.A.W. policy was adopted by the I.L.B. 15-5 with Reuther not consulted. The N.M.U. has won a $10,000 suit out of court from Hearst and Winchell in a slander case. New French Constitution has been adopted.

Monday, February 7, 2011


4/7 Sunday German Social Democrats voted against merger with the C.P. but for closer cooperation with them. Keitel at the Neurnberg trial admitted giving orders for murder of Russian, German, British and American prisoners. At the Win the Peace parley, Rep. Sabath asked that we remain true to FDR's dream. Other speakers were Reps. DeLacy and Savage, Russ Nixon JT Bernard and EAM leader Cavounis. Pres. Truman in an Army Day speech called for a big peace time army to enforce the peace. Eugene was pretty good today. We went to Susan's birthday party. Present were mom and pop, Anne, Blume and families, Harry's sister Diane and her family. Eugene's eyes began to bother him again at night. He was been getting cold compresses and argyrol packs. He played me one of Marshall's chess games. Anne called up to say she found Barbara had 103º fever right after we left so they hurried home also. Susan teetered around at the party like a drunk.

4/8 Yugoslavia has denied an American request to present favorable evidence in Mikhailovitch's trial. Another 1A song - "Here is the bee-hive, where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees. Look and you'll see them come out of the hive. One-Two-Three-Four-Five.
I LIKE TO LOOK AT THE ATLAS - EUGENE [see scanned-in page]
 The Soviet's pact with Iran gives Russia 51% of the shares of the established Russian-Iranian Oil Co. for the first 25 years and 50% each for the next 25 years. Russia will supply the machinery and technicians and Iran the oil soil and troops. At the Win the Peace parley Sen Pepper attacked Truman's big stick policy. Other speakers were Clark Foreman, Yergan and Florence Eldridge March. Detroit's transit strike ended with 15¢ per hour increase. Judge Rifkind's report on the displaced persons situation in Europe said Anti-Semitism still flourishes there. Russia has demanded removal of the Iranian question from the "Council" program. Eugene stayed home today from school. We had a make believe birthday party for one of the dolls, Susan. We had candy recited and played a game of hiding something with the rest trying to find it. Played chess again with Eugene he showing some improvement. Lillian went over to see Sadie in the evening.

4/9 We took care of Eugene's friend Gloria Singer after school. We all tried to get into the "Hunter" grounds where the 'UN' session wa going on but no go. Took pictures. Upstairs Eugene played records for Gloria. Later played chess with Eugene. Rep J Parnell Thomas of the Rankin Committee was picketed as he invaded N.Y. to quiz several on the "Times" ad. advocating dissolution of the "comm". United Negro and Allied Veterans has been formed with Joe Louis as honorary chairman to fight for Negro rights. The "left" won a victory in Milan. GLK Smith has a 60 day term for contempt of court. We have recognized a military group which seized power in Haiti on Jan 11. The Klan has been revived here to combat the movement to win justice for the Fergusons.

4/10 Lillian read Dreiser's "The Bulwark". The Quaker Solon Barnes has his religious faith as his bulwark but it is inadequate for the preservation of his children of the new generation. The N.Y.C. Council has condemned Rankin. Extreme inflation in Hungary has resulted in a rate of 22 million pengoes to the dollar. An Anti-Pac [?] party is being formed by Socialists, S.D.'s and Toots. [?] Iranian ambassador Ala has insisted that the case remain on the "Council" agenda. The six month American Tobacco strike has been settled at from 12 to 15¢ per hr. increase. French C.P. wants internationalization of the Ruhr.

Not sure who the new party was "anti" (or where it was) or who the last named entity was. 

4/11 Poland has asked UN action against Franco. Iran has repudiated its Amabssador Ala's bid to the Council to retain the case on the agenda. Furriers have won 21¢ per hr. increase after a 12 week strike. N.V. Novikov has replaced Gromyko as U.S. [sic] Ambassador. 

Obviously, "U.S.S.R" was intended.

4/12   Lillian read "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" by Carson McCullers and "Genesee Fever" by Carl Carmer. There is much discord in Manchuria with fighting between the two factions. Today is memorable as the anniversary of FDR's death.

Apparently, she didn't really read it; he crossed that part out. 

4/13 Eugene drew "Snippy and Snappy" by Wanda Gag, Picture Folk - Tales by V. Carrick and No-Sitch: The Hound by Phil Stong. Eugene did better in chess today. Sylvia has a perpetual sore on her nose which she scratches while abed. Moscow has asked for action on Spain. Allied observers have certified the Greek elections where 50% did not vote. Sylvia came running to us, crying. It turned out that Eugene, sensible as we thought him had 'made believe' he was cutting Sylvia with a scissors holding it close to her. He got a severe scolding and some physical punishment.

No, I don't remember either the incident or the punishment.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


3/31 Sunday Bob Kurland of the Oklahoma Aggies has been named the Nation's outstanding basketball player for the second year in a row. He is 7 ft. tall. Rocky Graziano with an eight lb. advantage K.O.'d Welter-weight champ in the 2nd round of a non-title bout. This afternoon we went downtown by 5th Ave. bus. We stopped at Rockerfeller [sic] Center to see the ice skaters. Then to the "News Bldg" to see the giant globe rotating on its axis, a real treat for Eugene. Incidentally he got two more state automobile licenses down town, W. Va. and Wis. to make a total of 31. Iranian Premier Ghavam has charged Ambassador Ala with exaggeration and following that declared full confidence in him. In Stuttgart German police in a black market raid killed a Jew and wounded several when resistance was offered to their provocative actions. At Nuremberg, Russians objected to revelations of a secret pact in 1940 to divide Poland and the Baltic states between Russia and Germany as irrelevant and provocative. Leon Kobrin died today.

I remember always enjoying that globe, and still found it fascinating as an adult. I think this is the first full mention of my "collecting" state license plates; I remember that I did that, but didn't know I saw that many, and I don't know who kept count! 

4/1 This [see the scanned-in page] is one of the drawings by Pierotti that I copy for Eugene from time to time. They appear in P.M. We went to the library where Eugene drew "Peter and Polly in Summer" by Rose Lucia, "A First Reader" by Baker and Thorndike and "straight up" by H B Lent about helicopters. Played some chess with Eugene. Undressing for bed he told me the story of the two giraffes in the bears cage which he makes up. Sylvia goes through the night now without going to the toilet. Lillian read Satan's Sergeants by Josephine Herbst - not very impressive. I read Gitlow's "I Confess". We both read "Babbitt" where Lewis portrays a "solid citizen" of a thriving city where money and position is the touchstone of success, who has his fling at sex and politics but subsides to orthodoxy with little difficulty. 400,000 miners walked out at midnight. Two of the Ferguson brothers have been cleared of charges of disorderly conduct. The Soviet Union is the first to pay its full contribution to the UNO - $1.723,000. Westinghouse is out to smash the union which is in the eleventh week of a strike. 31 Columbia Tenn. negroes have been indicted on charges ranging up to attempted murder with a few whites included for window dressing. Premier Georgieff has formed an exclusively "Fatherland Front" cabinet in Bulgaria. Greek elections brought violence and death with about 50% abstaining in answer to E.A.M. boycott. Allied observers, excluding Russia, will rule on the "freeness" of the election. Van Acker has formed a Belgian cabinet.

Clearly, I did not inherit his artistic talent. The drawing on the left was cut out from the newspaper and pasted in (P.M. was a well-known leftist newspaper that we read), and the right is his drawn copy, drawn directly in the diary.  

4/2 A tidal wave is sweeping the Pacific, set off by an under water earthquake. Hundreds of victims have been reported. Bulgaria has approved a bill for agrarian reform and confiscation of illegally acquired property. A half-dozen major leaguers have already "jumped" to the Mexican League for much higher salaries. The Populist (Monarchist) Party in Greece has gained about 35% of the vote, a majority insufficient to nullify the boycott of the leftist parties, it is believed. O'Dwyer has asked for the largest budget in the city's history - $857,131,849. 1000 Nazis were rounded up in a drive to smash a threatened revival of the Nazi party.

4/3 Gen Homma has been executed. 5000 transit workers are on strike in Detroit. England has arranged the independence of Trans Jordan with the right to keep troops there. Another tidal wave hit the Pacific Rip [sic]. B.C. Reece is the new G.O.P. head. Gen Gort is dead. Noah Beery has died.

He clearly wrote "Rip", but I assume "Rim" was intended.

4/4 Eugene was out of school and in bed today with a slight cold. The "House" committee voted to continue O.P.A until June 30, 1947 when it must end. At the UNO Council meeting Iran was willing to drop its dispute with Russia if the latter completed its evacuation by May 6 with the matter remaining on the agenda for possible consideration at any time. The Soviet Union, with Gromyko still absent stated that an understanding with Iran has solved the problem and that the question of oil concessions is not connected with the presence of troops as the question was raised first in 1944. The K.K.K. is openly recruiting in Florida where it has been legally incorporated.

4/5 Eugene came home from school in the morning complaining of an earache. He went to bed. Lillian took his temperature - just over 100º and put drops in his ear. The earache didn't seem to be of any consequence. Sadie and the kids came over in the afternoon followed by Mollie and Milton. Played a chess game with Milton, my first in years and managed to eke out a victory. Mollie brought Sylvia the sleeping doll. Two German Communists in the American zone have received surprisingly harsh sentences of 5 years imprisonment for usurping authority to the "party". The Soviet Union denounced Igor Gouzenko, clerk in the Soviet Embassy in Canada who turned against his country, as a thief. Sen. Pepper attacked British imperialism violently and defended Russia against the "Hate Russia" crowd in a turbulent Senate session. The "Council" voted to defer further action on the Iranian case until May 6. Russian troops are evacuating Iran exclusive of any deals with Iran. Azerbaijan Iran will be dealt with by the Iran gov't exclusively. A Persian-Soviet oil company will be formed.

4/6 The Win the Peace Conference opened in Wash D.C. with Sen Taylor, Rep Coffee, Dr C H Brown and R J Thomas among the early speakers. The Conference supported by a list of progressive organizations and congressmen is aimed especially at stopping the gang up against the Soviet Union. Sen. Meyers has attacked Britain's duplicity in granting the independence of Trans Jordan in contravention of several treaties as the territory is part of mandated Palestine. The Dodgers have signed two more Negroes for their Nashua farm team of the N.E. League. These are Roy Campanella and Donald Newcombe. The Yale and Towne strike has been settled after 5 months. The increase is 12 1/2¢ per hour. The Central Trades has threatened any A.F.L. unions participating in the May Day parade. Played Eugene some chess today. He seemed all right all day in bed but at night complained his eyes itched and rubbed them violently. His temperature was normal. We were almost persuaded not to go to Herbert Zlotchew's Bar Mitzvah but finally decided to go. Sadie had generously offered to stay. The affair was at Kaplan's 76 - 2 Ave. Eugene awoke during the night a few times.

Don't know who the Zlotchew's were, but we also went to Clark Zotchew's Bar Mitzvah last October, at the same place.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


3/24 Sunday We went to Mollie's for dinner today. Afterward we went up to see mom and pop. Sylvia says she is a mother these days. We must call her Mrs. Edelstein. Her dolly, Susan is her baby. Gen Anders army is being disbanded. The Red Army is evacuating Manchuria. Two were killed in an EAM strike in Crete. Eugene knows the capitals of British Malaya, Paraguay and Bhutan and Galapagos Islands, not to speak of the familiar countries like Argentina, Yugoslavia and Canada.

3/25 After great provocations against the Soviet Union on the question of Iran it now appears the former had started the evacuation of Iran on schedule March 2. During the last few weeks there have been wild reports of a Red Army march on Iran, Irak [sic] and Turkey. Sylvia reads a letter or book by reciting things that happened recently in a sing song fashion. Today she drew a Bean [?] Mountain, a bear and a goat standing on its head on the blackboard. The U.N.O. Security Council opens its second session, this time at Hunter College a stone's throw from out threshold, at 230PM today. Represented are the five permanent members - U.S. USSR Great Britain France and China and six members elected for a term of one or two years - Brazil, Mexico, Holland, Egypt Poland Australia. UNRAA is debating the problem of the million displaced persons in the occupied zones of Germany many of whom are fascists.

Apparently "Irak" is an older spelling of "Iraq". Although it looks like "Bean" Mountain, it might be "Bear" Mountain, in the Catskills. Hunter College was only a few blocks from our apartment.  

3/26 The first session of the U.N.O. was composed of pure formalities and adjourned till today. Sec'y Gen'l of the Council is Trygve Lie of Norway, Chairman Dr. Quo Tai-chi. Representing U.S. is Stettinius, England - Sir A. Cadogan, USSR - A A Gromyko Brazil - P L Velloso Australia -W R Hodgson, Egypt - Mahmoud Hassan Pasha, France - H. Bonnet, Mexico - F. C. Najera, Netherlands - Van Kleffens, Poland - Dr. O. Lange. Sylvia puts on a deep guttural voice these days once in a while. She has a habit of punching Lillian or me lately. Yesterday she threatened to shoot and "kill" Lillian. When admonished that Mommy couldn't buy her any ice cream in that case, she said she would take all the shoots and bombs out of her to remedy that. Today she gagged on her green peas again disrupting her lunch. It is said Mikhailovitch has been captured March 13 guarded by just a few followers. We still recognize the Baltic Embassies. Prestes has assailed the ban on strikes in Brazil. Peron's election in Argentina has been conceded. The result is inexplicable under apparently free election. The Assembly has killed the Brees Bill to bar coalition candidates in the state. The Spanish Gov't in exile has been broadened to include a Communist and other representatives. Vincent Youmans is dead.

I usually check the spelling of names by searching, so I searched "Vincent Youmans", and sources say he actually died April 5; premature report someplace, or precognition?

3/27 Alekhine and Tai Li, Chinese secret police head died, the latter in a plane crash. At the Council session, Gromyko stated that since the U.S.S.R. and Iran had negotiated according to a "Council" resolution and come to an evacuation agreement, there was no need for taking up the Iranian question. He said he would not take part in any discussions until April 10 when more information will be available. A committee of three will break the deadlock on three motions before the body 1. postponement to April 10  2. Iranian Ambassador Hussein Ala present his case immediately  3. Iranian Premier Ghavam submit his government's views. U.A.W. dues will be raised from $1. to $1.50. We are still shielding collaborators and inciting violence against peasants in the Philippines. Britain has reestablished the Ruhr Steel trusts in Germany, with Hugenberg a spiritual mentor. At the UNRAA sessions the USSR's requisitioning of Austrian land for its occupation army is under heavy fire.

3/28 Oklahoma Aggies defeated No. Carolina 43-40 to win the Nat'l basketball championships. Took haircut. Gromyko walked out of the UNO session when the delegates voted to hear Iranian Ambassador Ala. Poland was the only Soviet supporter. Lillian has knitted Sylvia a beautiful pink and blue sweater which everyone is praising so much. Walter Reuther has defeated R J Thomas for the UAW presidency 4540-4290. Lt. W G Redin Soviet Naval officer has been arrested here on espionage charges. The entire staff of "stars and stripes" has resigned over censorship. Mama came over for lunch after visiting her doctor. Afterwards Lillian went over to Sadie's for supper with the kids. 15000 attended the Hope vs. Hate rally at the Garden where the Black Book of Terror prepared by Jews all over the world was read. Rabbi Wise, A E Kahn, Magistrate Kross and Saul Mills spoke. O'Dwyer spoke briefly and Einstein sent a message.

I remember the sweater, because we have a great picture of her in it; I'll have to find it.  

3/29 Eugene is very sensitive about his failings. He refuses to admit matters where he was at fault and is ready to burst into tears when we bring something of the sort up. The taxpayers suit against Quill for negligence of duty was thrown out of court for lack of jurisdiction. R J Thomas has been elected V.P. in the UAW over Mel Bishop 4472-3916. Addes is again Sec'y Treas. by unanimity. Int'l Atom control has been recommended by the State Dep't with our retention of the secret. We are suppressing Korean trade unionism and labor. The army is probing its caste system. The "House" has voted to cite for contempt of the Rankin Comm; Dr Barsky of the J.A.F.R.C.

3/30 THIS IS EUGENE VICTOR EDELSTEIN. I AM SIX YEARS OLD AND IN 1A. This is a song Eugene learned in 1A. "Where is Thumbkin, Where is Thumbkin? Here I am, Here I am. How are you this morning, How are you this morning? Very well I thank you, Very well I thank you. Run away, run away. (Done with motions). Mike was over last night. He's out of a job. Also had some difficulty with the Union which was none of his fault. Leonard has defeated Livingston for the 2nd V.P. 4309-4267 in the UAW giving another setback to Reuther. The Council has set April 3 as the deadline for information from the USSR and Iran on their dispute. Gromyko was absent. Gov.Tuck of Va. has drafted 3500 AFL workers into the state militia to prevent a power strike. Lillan and the kids went to Isabel's birthday party.

See the scanned-in page; this was my first writing in the diary. As I typed the song, I was singing it.