May 29 Sylvia and friends went to the Paradise to see "The Glass Slipper" with Leslie Caron and Michael Wilding. Also Alec Guinness in "The Detective".
May 30 Lil and the kids went to the Lido where they saw Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Also "New York Confidential". A dock strike in London and other ports in England as a national railroad strike was called.
May 31 Met Lillian at the Subway and we drove to Cross County where we shopped at the First Nat'l food market. I also got a pair of summer shoes at Beck's $4.
June 1 Met Lillian and we shopped at Deitch's then Alexander's where I got a sport jacket $7 and we bought denims for Eugene $2.19. Eugene drew "Danny" W.&S. Cunningham, "The Pleasures of Chess" Assiac, "The Atom Spies" (non-fiction) O. Pilat, "Adventure Calls" ES Smith, "Basic Astronomy" P van de Kamp, and "Costigan's Needle" J. Sohl. China freed four American fliers after a long campaign to free them and others. The Supremes followed its last years ruling that public school segregation was unconstitutional with a direction that desegregation must be effectuated within a reasonable time. The regional Federal Courts are to oversee this program.
June 2 Eugene went to "Science" Field Day today. He watched a student track meet, then played soft ball. Russia and Yugoslavia issued a joint declaration after the Tito-Kruschchev talks advocating prohibition of atomic weapons, admission of Red China to the U.N.
June 3 Eugene, Red, Jerry and Marty played handball and were challenged by a 'kid' who beat them all.
I remember that well; he was much smaller, and surely younger, than we were, but much more skilled.
June 4 We drove to Palisade [sic] Amusement Park where Sylvia went on rides, Eugene played games, we had drinks and ice cream and hot dogs and Eugene won a prize for knocking six milk bottles off a table with three balls. We were sent home by showers. Lil & I visited Mrs. Thau at the Grand Ave Nursing Home.