Jan 9 Sunday Charles Wertenbaker is dead at 54 and Mrs Earl Browder at 58. Sylvia made butterscotch toast for herself and Eugene this morning. She had learned this in school. We both read "We Barrymores" L Barrymore.
Jan 10 ...
Jan 11 Chinese Communist planes raided Formosa. The Supreme court refused to reverse the conviction of thirteen high Communists under the Smith Act. Lillian read "Bread from Heaven" H. Buckmaster and "East of Eden" J Steinbeck.
Jan 12 Sylvia played "Edelweiss Glide" at Assembly for the Seventh grade. It was voluntary. Eugene drew "The Washington Senators" Shirley Povich, "The Cumberland Rifles" N.B. Gerson, "The Big Stretch" D. Decker, "Foundation" I. Asimov, "Star Rangers" A. Norton. A rebel force attacked and occupied a Costa Rican town. It was attributed to Nicaragua. Marshal Graziani is dead at 72.
Jan 13 Had 1000 mile check-up on car. Grease and oil $4.55. Sylvia went over to her schoolmate Susan Grunfield to do some homework. Lil Eugene & I drove to Fordham where we went to the library, got a briefcase for Eugene, a lunch bag for me, two plaid shirts for me, typewriter ribbon bolts for Eugene and brought home chow mein. Lil shopped for a jacket for Eugene. UN Secy Genl Dag Hammarskjold completed a series of talks with Chou En-Lai in China on the release of eleven American Airmen imprisoned there. Chou voiced fears of an American backed invasion. Togliatti is now being opposed by Italian C.P. leaders for his "soft" policy.
Jan 14 Lil and I went to the Kingsbridge this afternoon to see "Sabrina" with Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and Billy Holden. We left a note for the dishes to be dried but were disappointed when we got home. We gave the kids 'hell' for this. In the evening we all and the Gallins' family attended the Motorboat Show at the Kingsbridge Armory. The kids had a good time.
Jan 15 We drove up to mom's picking up Molly on the way. We chatted for several hours, the kids getting into good natured squabbles. At home we stepped into the Marks' apt. to give our good wishes on Geoffrey's bar mitzvah. Previously we stopped on Tremont Ave where Lil & Sylvia got shoes and Lil got some sheets and towels.