Dec 12 Sunday Mom and pop came over for supper. The kids played piano, quarrelled [sic] a little bit but spent the evening with us.
Dec 13 Hugh Gibson is dead at 71. Dock workers voted against their union's agreement with the shipping companies. It is believe the no-strike agreement was the stumbling block.
Dec 14 China has rebuffed all efforts to even discuss the imprisonment of the eleven U.S. fliers.
Dec 15 Sylvia's class gave their play today for the seventh grade in the auditorium. It was a success. Two Brooklyn youths of seventeen Jack Koslow and Melvin Mittman, part of a gang of four who had committed two murders and many tortures and beatings were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Willard Mentor. Arthur Garfield Hays is dead at 73. Detailed to B.E.S. on 6 PM tour. 4 Hrs. O.T.
Dec 16 We dropped the kids off near the lumber yard and drove down to Canal St. for my badge then to work. I was 15 minutes late.The kids brought home plywood for Eugene. Abbe Ernest Dimnet is dead at 88. 4 hrs O.T.
Apparently dad was sent to a different post office to work; he normally worked at the Canal St. P.O.
Dec 17 I felt ill today with an upset stomach and worked only two hours. 2 hrs O.T.
Dec 18 Eugene played at Bobby's downstairs. Sylvia played at Norma's 12 hrs O.T.