Apr 18 Sunday Moscow announced that the Vietminh is ready to discuss peace with the French.
Apr 19 Mom and pop picked up Lil and the kids - they already had Ida & Max and drove to Tante Blume's house. Pop also brought Anne & Lil and the kids over. In the evening Pop brought sister Lil and the kids home. Mac called for Anne and Sylvia who went along to stay for a few days. Ida & Max took Lil [and] Eugene home in a cab.
Apr 20 Lil Eugene and I want to the Lido to see Kirk Douglas and Lana Turner Walter Pidgeon and Dick Powell in "The Bad and the Beautiful" and Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward and in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro". A crisis in the City water supply has caused a ban on lawn sprinkling and street flushing. Russell Davenport is dead at 54.
Dad left a space to write in a third star of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro", presumably Ava Gardner.
Apr 21 Lillian took Eugene to Dr Fleischer in the Wagner Building. He prescribed new lenses. Dr. Attenson made the lenses and new frames. $11.
Apr 22 The much publicized McCarthy--Army hearings started with television. Sec'y of the Army Stevens called Mac a liar for charging he had asked Mac to investigate the Air Force or Navy and drop the Army. A Senate Sub-Committee hearing on "Comic Books" started also. Several Soviet Secret Police have gone over to the Allies recently. Eugene and Lil went downtown where Eugene got a sleeping bag at the Boy Scout Trading Post - $13. also a flashlight
Apr 23 Lillian went to Tante Blume's and picked up Sylvia as Anne had come over there with the kids. Eugene worked on his equatorial. Judge Samuel Dickstein is dead at 69.
Apr 24 Sylvia went bicycling again with Susan Kaufman. They took lunch again (Sylvia came home with accessories for her bike from Anne's). Eugene and Bobby went out. Russia broke relations with Australia because the latter would not return a Russian diplomat, Petroff who had asked asylum. Lillian read "Morning Star" JL Hodson, "Rivers of Glory" F VanWyck Mason, "The Journey of Simon McKeever" Albert Maltz and we both read "City Lawyer" A.G. Hays.