Feb 15 Frank Selvy Furman basketball phenom broke the major college one game scoring record by making 100 points as Furman defeated Newberry 149-95. Frederich Lewis Allen is dead. Sylvia is recovered and returned to school. Eugene lately has been fine all day then getting up soon after retiring with complaints of nausea, etc.
Feb 16 Sylvia so aggravated Lillian when she argued about her piano practicing that Lil called Mrs Nadler to tell her Friday would be Sylvia's last lesson. Eugene's marks were 65%, 75, 85, 90 & 95. His lowest was in Science and highest in math. Coffee has risen to $1.00 and more a pound causing a congressional investigation.
Feb 17 The jobless roll is slowly but steadily mounting having reached 3000,000 now. The temp broke a record for the date with 68.4°. Lillian got a new hose for the Electrolux - $10. with bushing.
Feb 18 Sylvia had a scavenger hunt at her Girl Scout meeting.
Feb 19 The new Italian Premier Mario Scelba was heckled by the extreme right and left. Sylvia got street shoes $3.
Feb 20 Eugene left at 8:3 7:45 to camp at Alpine. He will return Monday. Mom and pop and the rest of us drove to Lil's. Susan and Sylvia played while Peggy languished as usual because of their neglect. She did recite a few safety songs. Sylvia in the morning had drawn "Melindy's Medal" Faulkner & Becker, "Hurry Back" L. Beim, "The Family From One End Street" Eve Garnett, "Elder Brother" E.S. Lampman, "Binnie Latches On" Marie McSwigan.