Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Nov 2 Sunday We saw Sylvia who was off the bed and very cheerful. Her great desire is comic books (funny ones) of which we have gotten her about 20 this week. Mom and pop, Molly & Sam and Lil also were over to see her. We all went to Moms from the hospital where Blume and Abe and Anne Mac and the kids also came over. We had delicatessen. Eugene who had gone on the annual Camporee at Alpine came over about 5 o'clock. He had cooked and eaten his round steak there and played football.

Nov 3 Sylvia was fine and rarin' to go home today. Chinese troops hurled back RoKs from Triangle Hill. French losses were great to the Viet Mihn in Indo China.

Nov 4 Election Day Mom and pop took us to Lebanon Hospital where we picked up Sylvia and took her home. She was in fine spirits and looked well. She got more comic books on the way home. Mom and pop stayed for lunch. Later Evelyn and Isabel came with many presents for us all. The kids played piano, monopoly and Eugene taught the two girls chess.
                                                  Presidential Election
Eisenhower Rep.  33,927,549      E.V. 442    States 39 (Final)
Stevenson   Dem. 27,311,316                89               10 (Incompl)

In one of the greatest sweeps in our history Eisenhower became the first Republican president in 20 years. "Ike" carried       states. Republicans took control of "House" and Senate by a narrow margin. The A.L.P.. dropped to its lowest level.

Dad left a space to fill in Eisenhower's total states carried, but apparently forgot to fill it in, although he did write it in the "table" above. He also wrote only the headings in red, but this blog interface insists on making the whole thing red. . 

Nov 5 Sylvia must take Vipenta drops for 25 days to make up for her hospital stay. She helped Lillian make cup cakes today. She drew "Rufus M" E. Estes "Seatmates" M.K. Reely, "Fairy Tales" C. Perrault, "All About Marjory" M. Cumming. Adolph Sabath is dead at 86.

Nov 6 Eugene got a 40% in a Literature test and we got a note from his teacher saying "What Happened".

I don't know

Nov 7 Lil Altschuler came over for a visit this evening.

Nov 8 Mom and pop over for a while. Then we went to the Valentine to see Alec Guinness in "The Man in the White Suit" where he invents a "permanent textile" and "Yankee Buccaneer" with Jeff Chandler.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Oct 26 Sunday Dr Holzman called up saying that Sylvia had had an xray ... He advised us to wait another day to see if there was any improvement. Mom and pop took Sam & Molly & us over to the hospital for the visiting hours 2-3. ...

Oct 27 We went to Lebanon this morning and waited until Drs. Holzman and Sherwin came down after seeing Sylvia. ...

Oct 28 Sylvia was better today. She is getting liquids by mouth now but no solid food yet. Lewis sent his miners back to work pending a decision on the salary rise. 15,000 attend a "Garden" rally for presidential candidate of the Progressive Party Vince Halliman. The speakers were V.P. candidate, Mrs Charlotta Bass, Corliss Lamont, Dr DuBois, State Sen. Bianchi, Robeson, Marcantonio, etc. Eugene went to Dr Fleishner and got a new prescription for eye glasses. 

Oct 29 Sylvia is much improved. She is now in a room with about 5 beds. She had some soft foods and ice cream. Stevenson had his wind-up rally at the "Garden". Hundreds Tens of thousands turned out to mill around the adjoining blocks. Speakers included Farley, Impellitteri, Lehman, Powell, Tobin, Cashmore, Potofsky. Entertainers included Bogart, Sandburg, Calhern, Jessel, Bankhead. 

Oct 30 Sylvia is doing well. McCarthy's speech attacking Stevenson was attacked as scurrilous by all those liberals. Russia proposed an intern'l Commission to end the Korean war. 

Oct 31 Sylvia had a slight rise in temp. but we expect her home Sunday or Monday. Eisenhower ended his N.Y. campaign with a "Garden" rally Eugene had glassed made by Dr Attinson with Dr Fleishher's prescription - $11. 

Nov 1 Sylvia Lillian took Eugene to Dr Holzman for his check-up. He has gained only 1/2 pound and grew a little. Dr Holzman stressed a diet for Eugene - bread, starches. He also advised two Zymacaps instead of one a day. We saw Sylvia and she was cheerful and anxious to get home. Eugene drew "The Whiz Kids" - H Paxton - "The Jim Thorpe Story" G. Schoor, "Best Detective Stories - 1950" D. C. Cooke, "The Best of Science Fiction" - G. Conklin and "Holman on Basketball". Trygve Lie fired three of the nine UN aides he had suspended.